Page 13 of CADE & ANNA

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“The women seem to be having a good time, and I overheard the blonde from the front counter say they were getting the works. It sounds like they will be here until dinnertime,” Simon said between moans of his own.

Their twenty minutes passed way too quickly, and now the three of them were on the sidewalk outside the spa waiting for Thomas with goofy smiles on their faces.

“You guys want to do that again sometime?” Stefan whispered out of the corner of his mouth.

“Hell, yeah!” they both said enthusiastically.

Thomas noticeably slowed the SUV as he neared them and opened the passenger window a crack. “What the heck is wrong with all of you?” he asked suspiciously.

“Quit being such a baby and unlock the doors.” Cade laughed.

“You missed out on the best foot rub ever in the history of history,” Stefan grinned and glanced at Thomas’s pants. “Maybe next time you’ll have the balls to come with us.”

“I wouldn’t bet on it.” Thomas scowled. “Get your happy asses in the car. We have work to do.”

“I think grumpy boy could really use a massage, don’t you?” Simon whispered to Cade.

“You got that right.” Cade nodded.

“At least one man in this vehicle is still wearing pants,” Thomas boasted and floored the SUV onto the main street headed for home with all three men laughing hysterically.

In no time, they were home, and the instant Thomas put the SUV in park, Cade jumped out and pulled open the back doors to haul boxes into the house. “Come on, guys, we need to get these put together before Anna gets home.”

Simon, Stefan, and Thomas piled out behind him. After two quick trips, all the boxes were in the house and the cardboard packaging was tossed aside. The parts, hardware, and instructions for all three pieces of furniture lay in piles on the floor of the nursery waiting to be assembled.

“Hey, Thomas. While we work in here, could you start installing the security system?”

“Sure, Cade. I can get it laid out. However, after that, I’ll need a second pair of hands.”

Cade didn’t raise his head as he studied the gazillion tiny pieces of hardware for the crib. “Okay, shout when you’re ready, and one of us will help you.”

Stefan was across the room with the diaper-changing table, wearing the same confounded look on his face that Cade had.

Simon was in the center scratching his head. “Have either of you ever put one of these kits together before?”

Cade and Stefan looked at Simon and shook their heads, a frisson of fear skittering across their expressions.

“We are so screwed,” Stefan mumbled.

“Come on, we’re all extremely intelligent. If the saleslady can put these together, we sure as heck can, too.”

“I don’t know, Cade. Spreadsheets and investment graphs are a far cry from these instructions. Are they even in English?” Stefan squinted at the step-by-step directions for the changing table for the fourth time. He wasn’t even sure he had the paper turned the right way, but he wasn’t going to tell his brothers that.

“Don’t tell me, you’re quitting already?”

“No. But didn’t she say the store offered assembly? Maybe we should take them up on that?”

“Putting it together ourselves is part of the point. You know, hands on daddy and uncles. Or are you giving up the favorite uncle crown already?”

“Hell, no!”

“Then quit bellyaching and start putting it together,” Simon goaded. “No, wait. I’ll do yours and mine and claim that crown right now.”

“You wish, little brother. You’ll never wear the favorite uncle crown. It’s mine, all mine,” he growled and squinted harder at the ridiculous instructions.

While the brothers bickered in the nursery, Thomas drew a schematic for the security system. He learned the hard way, a long time ago, to plan out the installation and wiring before drilling a single hole. He still had nightmares of filling hundreds of poorly placed holes. Any electrician will tell you it only takes one major screw-up to learn the lesson of thorough preparation.

Thomas and Cade had decided on both a main security room for the bulk of the monitors in the house and a single portable monitor for watching the baby in the crib. The portable display would actually be a feed of the nursery camera displayed on either Cade’s or Anna’s tablets. The rest of the cameras would be monitored in the main security office, away from the house.
