Page 14 of CADE & ANNA

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Cade wanted his family protected, but he also wanted his privacy; Thomas could respect that. “Hey, Cade. I could use some help now,” he yelled toward the nursery.

Chapter 4

Rose giggled and did a happy dance in her chair. “That’s the perfect color of red!” She turned her outstretch fingers this way and that, admiring the results of her manicure. “When I do my nails at home they never turn out this awesome. Simon is going to be putty in my hands when I rake these nails down his back.”

“Newsflash, Rose,” El stage whispered. “You just said that out loud, and your mother-in-law is sitting in the next chair over.”

Rose instantly turned such a bright shade of red, she almost matched her fingernail polish.

Emma laughed hardily. “Don’t mind me. I’m thrilled my sons are happily mated. And I’m sure every single one of you knows I adore all my daughters-in-law.”

“What is it about a man’s libido and long red fingernails? Cade’s the same way. I swear,” Anna shook her head, “it’s like bees to honey.”

“Not Stefan,” El chimed in. “He doesn’t require any fingernail polish to act like that.” She scowled. “He’s just a natural horn dog. He has a track record to prove it.”

“If you think that’s part of the honeymoon phase, think again.” Emma grinned. “A shifter male’s libido never decreases. Ever.”

“I can testify to that, and pregnancy actually revs them up even more, at least it does in Cade’s case,” Anna said, rolling her eyes and rubbing her belly. “It escapes me what he saw in my puffed up, water-retaining body with this monster belly.”

“All men, human or shifter, love their women pregnant,” Emma laughed. “A long time ago, when I was pregnant with Cade, I did a little research. I was bored out of my skull with everyone pampering and hovering, so I decided to ask every woman, human or other, how their man reacted to them when they were pregnant. I got the same response across the board. ‘He couldn’t keep his hands off me.’” She winked.

“Hey, Anna, maybe you should do your own version of the research and take a poll from the men,” Rose suggested. “You could ask them why their wife is so sexy when she’s as big as a house?”

“That would be interesting, but I don’t think I have enough time to take a poll before this little cherub greets the world.”

“Yeah, maybe not,” Rose agreed with a look of disappointment on her face. “Still, it would be interesting to know what makes them act the way they do.”

All the women nodded in agreement.

El frowned in thought. “Do any of your guys watch you eat and ask you repeatedly if you want more? Stefan does that to me constantly.”

“Oh my goodness! Cade hovers like a worried mother, analyzing my food intake. You can’t repeat this to anyone.” She looked each of the women in the eye until they agreed. “He actually keeps a journal of what I eat. It’s driving me crazy. When I went to my first doctor’s appointment, I told them I couldn’t take the prenatal vitamins, and they suggested I keep a food diary to make sure I was eating a well-rounded diet. I should have known better than to repeat that to him, Cade took it literally.” She groaned shaking her head.

“Simon tracks my meals in a journal, too. He must have gotten the idea from Cade. He’s determined to make sure I keep my ‘soft yummy curves,’ as he calls them. He’s terrified I’ll get skinny.” Rose rolled her eyes and busted out laughing. “My body doesn’t have a clue what skinny looks like. I keep telling him he has nothing to worry about, but when I lost a size or two during the conversion, he really freaked out. Now, he’s obsessed with my diet. I never thought I would see the day when I had more chocolate than I knew what to do with.”

Emma silently grinned as she listened to her daughters-in-law talking. They were all going through the same adjustments. Thankfully, they were enjoyable adjustments. She had experienced the same things with Isaac when they were first mated. The Le Beau men loved a woman’s curves and tended to be fanatical about them.

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