Page 20 of CADE & ANNA

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Emma was ecstatic when Isaac decided to retake his rightful place as the shifter King. She had missed throwing parties and meetings of all sizes. There were so many responsibilities she had enjoyed as the Queen of the shifters and the assistance she had been able to give to her people had always been satisfying. She missed all those things.

Opening the front door, she welcomed the deliveryman and placed a heavy book on the floor to hold it open for him. Based on the order Rose had placed, it would take several trips to bring everything in. It was easier to prop the door open than stand there the entire time.

“Good morning, Mrs. Le Beau,” Fred, the deliveryman said as he tipped his hat. “It’s been much too long since I’ve seen your beautiful face.”

“Good morning, Fred. Please call me Emma. How is your grandmother doing these days?”

“I’m sorry to say she’s been feeling poorly of late. I’m told she did much better after she came to you years ago. And that the ointment you gave her was like a miracle. Of course, she used it up over the years. You wouldn’t happen to have another jar of it, would you? I’ll pay whatever it costs to ease her suffering.”

“Yes, I have some made up in the backroom. Let me get that for you while you bring in the food.”

Emma hurried to her alchemist room where she mixed and stored her herbs, ointments, oils, and other tools of healing. Looking at the last two jars, she tapped her chin and grinned to herself. She had been thinking about reinstating the healers’ circle in the community. She really missed meeting the local people and offering her services to those who needed help.

Many of the bayou residents preferred to use local healers instead of driving to town for modern doctors. She would talk with Isaac after the party and see if he thought it was safe enough for her and the ladies to begin taking requests from the humans or if she needed to wait until the unidentified threat to the family was removed.

By the time she returned to the dining room where Fred was setting up the platters, he had already brought in three gorgeous displays. Not only did this caterer make the most delicious food, but it was beautiful to look at as well.

Fred walked in with a fourth platter and smiled broadly when he saw the jars of ointment in her hands. “I can’t thank you enough for helping my grandmother. I love her dearly and it pains me to see her suffering. What do I owe you for those?”

“Not a penny. I adore your grandmother as well, and I’m sorry I didn’t know of her suffering sooner. I never would have allowed that to happen if I had known. Give her these and when she runs out come back for more.”

“I would love to say thank you and accept your generous offer, but she would box my ears. I need to give you something for them. If you won’t let me pay, may I at least bring you things from my garden? Or maybe I could bring you fresh crawfish and gator?”

“I’ll tell you what, I use many herbs and plants that are only found in the bayou. I’ll make a list and if you come across any of them, harvest what you can and I will take them in exchange.”

“I’d be honored to assist you in anyway. Thank you again for the medicine. Are you going to offer your healing services again? Is that why you need the herbs and plants? Please say you’ll be our local healer again. We need you and the other ladies very badly.”

“I’m thinking about it, but I have to speak to my husband first.”

“I hope he says yes; many of the people in the remote areas need the healers to return.” He glanced at the table and frowned–somehow while he had been getting the last of the delivery, Emma had rearranged the entire table. But he would never say a word about it to this amazing woman. She could organize her table anyway she pleased.

“Please, thank Beverly for this incredible spread. She has outdone herself again,” Emma said as she handed the jars to Fred and walked him to the door. “And please give your grandmother my regards as well.”

“I’ll tell Beverly you are pleased. Thank you again, Miss Emma, and I will say hello to my grandmother, too.”

Fred drove down the driveway as the bakery van pulled in. Behind the van was a fancy black sedan, which Emma was sure belonged to the pianist. Everything was arriving like clockwork, and once the cake was in place and she showed the pianist to the baby grand piano, she would change into her party dress.
