Page 21 of CADE & ANNA

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“Do I really have to go to this?” Cade whined as he buttoned his dress shirt. “Aren’t baby showers a woman’s thing?”

“Stop being a baby. Your mother wanted a men and women’s party, so that’s what we’re having. Besides, you’re going to receive a lot of cool daddy stuff from the men, while I get the pretty baby outfits from the ladies.”

“What cool daddy stuff could they possibly give me?”

“I imagine you’ll get yard toys, and maybe some sporting items. Girls play sports, too, you know.”

“Huh, I hadn’t thought of that. This might not be so bad.”

Anna giggled and clapped him on the shoulder. “Atta boy, now you’re getting into the spirit.”

Cade was humming to himself when a terrifying, man-gelding thought struck. “Tell me I won’t have to play any stupid shower games.”

Anna held her stomach as she laughed at his pale, pained expression. “I promise, I won’t let your mother do that to you.”

Cade let out a huge breath and pulled Anna into his arms, “Thank, Goddess. Have I told you how incredible you are and how much I adore you?”

“Yes. As a matter of fact, you told me about an hour ago.”

“Well, I’m telling you again. I love you so damn much, cher.”

“I love you, too, babe.”

“I guess I can’t put this off any, longer,” Cade muttered. “We better get over there before mom sends a search party looking for us.”

“Let me slip my shoes on and I’ll be ready.”

It was only a short walk across the yard to reach Emma and Isaac’s house. They could already hear the party in full swing and there were a lot of cars in the driveway.

“Your mother told me this was family only.” Anna scowled at all the vehicles. “Why are all these people here?”

“I take it she failed to explain the term ‘family’ extends to ALL the shifters in the pack.”

Anna pulled him to a stop, horror etched on her face. “Tell me you’re pulling my leg.”

“I’m sorry, cher. I wish I was.” He pulled her closer and kissed her until she was breathless. “I’ll stay close if you want me to.”

“I’ll be fine. I just need a minute to wrap my head around a shower of this magnitude. Honestly, I should have known better than to let your mother plan a party. It’s my own fault that I have, what, over a hundred people waiting for me?”

“Take all the time you need. And remember, I’m here, too, if you need me to rescue you.”

Anna squared her shoulders. “Okay, let’s get this over with,” she said with a determined glint in her eye.

“They’re here!” Isaac cheered as they came through the door.

Cade gave his father a glower that would wilt a lesser man.

Isaac leaned in close. “Relax, this is going to be fun.”

Emma hustled from the dining room to greet them and pin goofy baby bootie nametags on their chests.

Cade growled as he pulled his off. “Hell, no, Mom. Every person here knows who I am. I don’t need a stupid nametag.”

“Fine, be a party pooper,” she pouted.

Anna graciously left hers where Emma had pinned it.

“The men are in the game room,” Isaac informed him as he led the way from the busy living room.

Emma played the perfect hostess and an hour later it was time to open gifts.

As Anna sat in a chair that suspiciously resembled a throne, Simon peeked into the room. “Mind if I crash for a minute?”

“Not at all,” Anna said grinning at her best friend’s mate and one of her favorite people.

“I know I was supposed to buy Cade a gift, and I did. But I also wanted to get something for you. This will make my niece more comfortable and give her momma a little peace and quiet.”

He disappeared for a second before he backed into the room carrying a large gift that was oddly shaped and creatively wrapped.

“Maybe you should open Simon’s first so he can go back to the men,” Rose suggested.

Anna scooted forward in her chair so she could reach it better to unwrap it. “Oh, Simon. Thank you! You’re an amazingly astute man. I’m going to use this a lot.”
