Page 22 of CADE & ANNA

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It was the top of the line, My Little Lamb Platinum Edition Cradle 'n Swing. “Holy cow! They sure have improved these since Thomas and John were babies. No way! It plugs in? I used to have to crank the old one.”

“Only the best for my favorite niece.” Simon grinned.

Anna struggled to stand and gave Simon a hug. “Thank you, so much.”

“You’re welcome, I guess I better go and give Cade his gift now.” He winked and left the room.

The rest of the gifts were the expected pretty dresses and frilly underpants.

In the game room, the men topped off their drinks and gathered around Cade to watch him open gifts.

He, too, was seated in a throne-like chair with a pile of gifts at his feet.

“Let’s see, this is from Stefan. Goddess help me.” The box contained a pink Hello Kitty tackle box and a tiny rod and reel. “Wow, that’s really cool. Thanks.”

“You don’t have to sound so surprised,” Stefan groused.

Several of the men had gone in together on a wooden playground set and the tools to build it. The first thing Simon did was read the directions to make sure it wasn’t going to be another nightmare. He leaned toward Cade and whispered, “We’re all good.”

The funniest gift was from his Uncle Charles, who gave him a twelve gauge Remington shotgun and a box of shells to chase away his daughter’s future boyfriends.

Simon gave him the most adorable pink life jacket for the boat and pink camouflage for hunting.

When the last gift was opened Isaac stood. “Cade, if you would follow me, your mother is meeting us with Anna in one of the guest rooms for our gift to you both.”

“All right.”

Cade followed his father with some of the curious men tagging along behind. Anna and his mother were already waiting outside the room. He went straight to his mate and wrapped an arm around her to whisper in her ear. “How are you doing? Are you getting tired?”

“No, I’m okay.”

“Close your eyes and we will lead you in,” Emma instructed excitedly.

They walked a few feet into the room before Isaac and Emma stopped them.

“Okay, you can look now!”

Anna pulled her hands from her eyes and gasped. The most beautiful, intricately carved crib stood before her.

Cade grabbed her hand as his eyes bounced from the crib to the matching dresser.

“These are so beautiful,” Anna breathed.

“This is the set we all used as babies, isn’t it?” Cade reverently brushed a hand across the dresser.

Isaac clapped his son on the shoulder. “Yes, it is. Sadly, we didn’t have changing tables some two hundred years ago, so I have been making one. It should be done in about a week.”

Anna stared in awe. “You made these?”

“Yes, I carved them too. Two hundred years ago there wasn’t a lot to do in the evening, but make furniture and babies,” Isaac chuckled.

Anna glanced at Emma. “These were the heirlooms you told me about, aren’t they?”

“Yes. There are a few other things but those won’t be of use until she is a little older.”

Cade looked from his father to his mother. “We can’t accept these as gifts, but we will gladly use them.”

“Why ever not?” Emma cried.

“Because each of my brothers and their mates should have the chance to use them, too.”

“Oh, okay,” Emma smiled with her hand over her heart. “I thought you were going to reject them completely.”

“Sharing makes sense,” Isaac agreed with a proud smile beaming on his face. “You always were the fair and thoughtful child in the bunch.”

“Hopefully, Simon or Stefan won’t be far behind you in the family department.” Emma hinted.

“You keep your fertility charms away from El,” Stefan warned his mother. “I haven’t even won her over yet.”

Emma raised her hands in defeat, “Fine, I’ll leave you be. For now.” Then she eyed Simon and Rose, intent shining in her eyes.

Chapter 6

Cade considered the pile of gifts he and Anna had received.

That’s a lot of stuff.

“Who would like to help haul these to my house?” Cade asked the men who were uncomfortably hanging on the fringes of the party.
