Page 39 of CADE & ANNA

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He wrapped a hand around her arm and slid lower until he could entwine their fingers. He rubbed gentle circles on her inner wrist, calming and soothing her.

The next pain behaved differently, it swelled and then swept from front to back, growing in strength and length. Throughout it all he continued his slow massage on her inner wrist, lending her what little comfort he could.

If he weren’t already wrapped around her little finger, he certainly would be now. “I’ll be back in a minute, cher. I need to get the birthing kit and set it up in here.”

He had already lined the mattress with plastic and put fresh sheets over that, but he needed the other things he had gathered.

Suddenly, he remembered something the book said. Based on the change in contractions, she was in transition. It was the most difficult phase, but thankfully didn’t last long. The book mentioned this was when women generally wanted to do bodily harm to their husbands. Maybe he should search the area around the bed for weapons.

A couple of hours ago, they had started closing their eyes and trying to catch a minute or two of sleep between pains. When he came back into the room, dawn was breaking outside their window, and a faint light illuminated the room. Now if the storm would break, he would be a happy man.

Just as he lowered himself next to her, she had another contraction. After it passed, Anna took a cleansing breath and tried to scoot to the edge of the bed.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“I need to pee.” Her bladder was screaming for relief or at least that's what it felt like. Cade helped her to her feet and instantly a rush of warm wetness ran down her legs and pooled around their feet. They both froze, staring at the puddle as time stood still.

“Now you can begin to worry,” Anna said with a shaky voice.

“Is that what I think it is? Tell me you waited too long to go to the bathroom,” he pleaded.

She swatted him hard and scowled. “I would never pee on the floor! My water just broke.”

“I read about that,” Cade mumbled as he began to pace. “Okay, as soon as the storm clears, I'll hustle you to the hospital.”

“That would be nice, but unless this storm lets up really soon, we're screwed. I know from experience, once my water breaks, there's no going back and we don’t have a lot of time.”

Cade needed to see if his mother was close to getting home and out to the island.


I’m here Cade, how’s Anna?

We’re in real trouble, tell me you and Mom will be here soon.

We are still a good hour away and then need to get to the island.

I don’t know if she can hold out that long; her water just broke.


Cade was stunned speechless by his father’s use of foul language.

Hang on, son, I’m putting the pedal to the metal. Your mother is calling Debbie again to see if she can get to you.

Thanks, Dad. We will see you soon.

The contractions were five minutes apart. Cade was hanging in there, but barely. The pain had gotten fierce, but blessedly it ended quickly. Even though he was suffering more than he had ever imagined, he still held her through each pain, trying his hardest to help her relax and offer what comfort he could.

He groaned as they breathed through yet another pain, counting out loud: one-one thousand…two-one thousand…three-one thousand…and on…until it passed.

Sucking in a shaky breath, he slumped wearily. Then he pulled himself together and wrung out the cloth he kept in a bucket of water next to the bed. Gently, he wiped sweat from Anna’s brow first and then his own.

Thirty minutes later, Anna whispered as calmly as possible. “I think it's time. I'm feeling the need to push.”

Cade stared at her terrified, unable to move or speak. A knock at the door brought him back to his senses. THANK GODDESS! Help had arrived and just in the nick of time. Cade literally leapt from the bed and ran for the door.

Just as he reached the threshold of the bedroom, Anna’s lovely face twisted in agony. Sucking in what little breath he could, he forced his legs to move forward. As he jerked open the door, he came face to face with a middle-aged woman holding an old-fashioned doctor’s bag, waiting patiently.

He didn't even say hello or thank her for coming. “She said she needs to push. Hurry!”
