Page 40 of CADE & ANNA

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Nonplussed the woman stepped inside, set her bag on the dining room table, and opened it. “I'll join you shortly.”

Cade grabbed her bag startling the foolish woman. He stepped closer and got in her space. “You didn’t seem to hear me—I need you to help my wife NOW.”

This midwife his mother sent must have a death wish. Her brows rose and then she smiled, actually smiled at him.

“Let me guess, this is your first child?”

His fingers itched to snap her neck. Luckily, before he could do anything so stupid, pain doubled him over. Pain so excruciating, it sent him to his knees. “Goddess have mercy…” he whimpered, as sweat plastered his T-shirt to his.

“Try breathing, it helps with the pain,” the midwife suggested in the most unhelpful way.

Cade glared at her and used her bag to push himself up from the floor. “Do you know who and what I am?”

Calmly she answered. “Yes, I know who you are.”

“Then you know I could rip you to shreds in a moment. I suggest you leave your amusement at the door and do your job. NOW!”

The woman sucked in a shocked breath. “Yes, Mr. Le Beau.” Without another word, she hustled to the bedroom.

By the time Cade made it back to Anna’s side, another contraction was building. Her eyes widened, and she reached for his hand. As she had all night, she inhaled deeply, then slowly blew out the breath.

An identical pain slashed through him. Holding his stomach, he squirmed onto his side next to her.

Anna leaned back and closed her eyes. Her exhaustion beat at him. As he watched over his mate, the midwife snapped on rubber gloves and gave Anna an exam. “You’re right, she’s ready to push. I feel the baby crowning.”

He gaped at her audacity. Of course he was right. Did she think he had been joking?

Now that he had someone to help them through the delivery, he had time to think. In all of his years, he had never imagined he would be experiencing childbirth—literally! Suffering through every pain his mate did. How the hell did women do this? And why the hell would they ever choose to repeat the experience and have more than one child? Hadn’t anyone warned Anna about the pain? You couldn’t tell him women didn’t compare stories about what they went through. He sure as hell would be telling every male in earshot! Wait…she knew, she already had two children. Women are nuts.

When Anna opened her eyes again, the midwife smiled warmly at her. “I’m Debbie. I’ll be delivering your baby this morning, Mrs. Le Beau.”

“Hello, Debbie. Thank you for coming.”

Cade simply inclined his head; he still wasn’t keen on the woman.

“Would you like to watch as your baby is born, Mr. Le Beau?”

Cade moved to the end of the bed and took a look between Anna’s legs.

When he looked up at Anna, his expression must have made it look like it was the nastiest thing he had ever seen.

“What’s wrong?” panic edged her voice.

He scrubbed his fingers through his hair. “Nothing is wrong...I just wasn’t prepared for... that.”

Debbie didn’t even look up as she pulled things from her bag. “The swelling you see is completely normal. It will be pretty again before you know it.”

“I’m going to reposition you, Mrs. Le Beau. Can you manage to get on your hands and knees facing the wall? Try to brace yourself with your hands on the headboard. We don’t have a proper hospital bed, so I’m going to put you on your knees, gravity will help with the birth in this position. Many doctors and midwives know if you put a mother on her back, she has to work much harder to deliver the baby.” Anna grabbed hold, ready for the next contraction. Her fingers turned white with the vice grip she had as the pain hit, and she bore down.

Fixing her eyes on her mate, she fought down a scream as the next contraction hit.

“Shit! It feels like I'm being split in two,” Cade moaned.

Cade kept one hand on his mate at all times; skin contact was imperative. He did his best to witness his daughter’s birth as each contraction tore through him.

“You’re doing great, Mrs. Le Beau.”

In between pants she managed, “Call me, Anna. Aaahhh!” Anna cried through gritted teeth as another contraction held her in its grip.
