Page 41 of CADE & ANNA

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“The baby’s crowning, I can see the top of her head. With the next contraction, give me a good push.”

“Aaahhh!” Anna and Cade groaned as one. Securing a solid hold on the headboard she bore down and gave it all she had.

“You’re doing great, mon amour. You’re almost done,” he chanted, hardly knowing what he said.

“With this next contraction, I want you to push. Push hard. And when I get to ten, stop pushing. Ready? Push…push!”

“That's it, Anna. Push! Keep pushing... And let it go,” Debbie coached her.

Cade groaned as another contraction swamped them; he was exhausted. He couldn’t imagine how Anna kept going.

His wobbly knees barely holding him upright, he got up from the end of the bed and staggered the few feet to softly kiss her lips. He poured all his love into her through their bond. “You're amazing, mon amour. You take my breath away.”

Softly, she smiled at him and said, “You are too.”

“This is it, folks. One more push! Give me a hard one all the way through the pain.”

She scrunched up her face and pushed, bearing down with everything she had. One…two…three…four, Debbie’s voice sounded far away as she struggled to continue through her utter exhaustion.

Debbie finally called “ten,” and Anna leaned her head against the headboard, too tired to hold it up.

“Okay, the baby’s head is out. Just breathe for me, shallow breaths, and don’t push until I ask you to.”

Cade leaned in and whispered, “Breathe, mon amour. You're swaying and look like your going to pass out.”

Anna clenched her teeth and concentrated on not pushing. A moan of relief echoed between her and Cade as the contraction passed. But it was a short-lived break as another hit before she could take a breath.

“One more push and you should be done. Ready? PUSH!” Debbie commanded.

Anna gave it every last bit of energy she had. Suddenly, between one heartbeat and another, she felt the baby slide free. The pain and pressure ebbed away. When she turned to look at Cade to see his reaction, she found him passed out on the floor. Moaning as he slowly regained consciousness.

Blinking once… twice, he cleared his vision. That’s when he realized it was over. Covering her with kisses, he whispered words of love and adoration.

Debbie smiled at them. “You can help her onto her back now. You have a daughter, and she’s beautiful!”

Anna was woozy and tired, but alert, listening.

Nothing. Silence.

About to panic, she struggled to see her baby. Then a smack resounded in the room, followed by the most wonderful, incensed wail she had ever heard.

Cade glanced from his mate to his daughter; all he could see was a tiny pink fist waving angrily. Tears filled his eyes as emotions swamped him.

He’d read stories where women pushed for hours before their baby came out. Thankfully, Anna’s delivery hadn’t been like that. She only pushed a few times. Each was the ‘new’ worst pain he had ever experienced.

Their daughter had been impatient to meet her parents. He would be forever grateful to her for that. He wasn’t sure he would have lasted any longer.

Debbie laid their protesting daughter on Anna’s chest. Both she and Cade’s hands settled around their baby, laying claim to their daughter, as Debbie clamped and cut the cord. Emotions seized him and a lump formed in his throat.

Quietly they held their daughter together while Debbie finished the delivery.

Bright green newborn eyes met his, and the cries stopped instantly.

Father gazed at daughter, and time stood still.

Too soon, Debbie took her again to clean her up and weigh her.

“So what are we going to name her?” Cade asked. They hadn't been able to agree on a name, so they decided to wait until they saw her and saw what she looked like. Their theory was a name would come to them once they saw her.

She looked at her daughter and then up at him. “What do you think about Emma Abigail, after your mother? We can call her Abbi to avoid confusion.”

“I think it’s perfect.” He had his incredible mate and a beautiful, healthy daughter. His life couldn't be any more complete.

Thankfully Debbie had brought baby clothes and diapers, he hadn’t thought of those. He had focused on the birth, not what to do with the baby after.
