Page 8 of CADE & ANNA

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“I know how we can make the painting disaster up to Anna.”

The line was silent for a second. “I’m afraid to ask.”

“The nursery is empty. We need to furnish it from top to bottom. You know, get the crib, dresser, and that changing thingy. All the stuff women like in a baby’s room.”

“This sounds like a really bad idea, Cade. Women are kind of particular about that stuff.”

“How would you know?”

“Rose and I talk about kids, too. We just haven’t started a bun in the oven yet.”

“Are you telling me, you don’t think four grown, intelligent men can furnish one nursery?”

“Heck, no. I’m sure we could do it, but how many of us are going to die over it? Angry wives are scary, Cade, and Rose will have my balls if we screw up again.”

“Well, if you’re too chicken, I’ll have to see if Thomas and Stefan will fill in for you. I was going to call them anyway.”

“I’ll tell you what, if you can get Thomas to go, I’ll go, too.”

“You’re on. I’ll call you back in a few minutes.”

Cade quickly dialed Thomas’s number. This was going to be harder than he’d planned; he hadn’t expected Simon to be such a big baby.

“Good morning, Thomas speaking.”

“Thomas, how are you today?”

“Fine...what are you up to? And don’t tell me nothing.”

Cade chuckled. “I can never slip anything past you. Sometimes you take all the fun out of life. I want to make up the painting mess to your mother by furnishing the nursery. I could use some help shopping and stuff.”

“Did you hit your head?”

“What?” Cade frowned at the phone. “No, why?”

“You either are delirious or you have a death wish.”

“What is so wrong with buying a crib and stuff?”

“Cade, my man, you have no idea how many ways that could go wrong.”

“So are you saying you won’t go with me today? I was really counting on your help. Tell you what, you come with me, and I’ll get your mother to stop grilling you about your ‘dates’ for the next month. Deal?”

“Make it two months and you’re on.”

“Deal. Come to my place A.S.A.P. I need to call Stefan.”

Cade quickly dialed Stefan’s number, a little happier now that he had Thomas onboard, even if he had to bribe the little shit.

“Yeah?” Stefan yawned into the phone.

“Are you still in bed? Get up, you lazy ass.”

“I had a very – active – night and went back to bed after I left El’s house. There is a difference. Why are you bothering me?”

Cade explained the situation to Stefan and waited.

“All right, I’ll go with you guys.”

“Why are you being so helpful? I expected you to refuse.”

“I can’t wait for it to backfire and I want to be there when it does.”

“Whatever. It’s not going to backfire; it’ll be great.”

“You keep telling yourself that. I’ll be the one laughing my ass off when Anna neuters you.”

“Just get your butt over here. I need to call Simon back. We leave in twenty minutes.”

He got ahold of Simon and now all the guilty parties from yesterday were in place to make the nursery epic. There was a children’s specialty store about thirty minutes away. He figured they would find everything they needed there.

Forty-five minutes later, as they filed through the store's entrance, it became painfully obvious; they were the only men in the store. Every woman stopped what she was doing to stare as they walked past.

Stefan abruptly stopped in front of a rack of the tiniest dresses and jumpsuits he’d ever seen.

“What the heck?” Thomas snapped as he ran into Stefan’s back.

Stefan ignored him; he was totally focused on the lacy, pink newborn sundress with frilly underpants he was holding. “I have to buy this,” he grinned.

“Oh, for Pete’s sake. Get a grip,” Simon growled. “We’re here for furniture, not baby clothes.”

Stefan waggled his eyebrows at his little brother. “That doesn’t mean I can’t give my niece a pretty dress from her favorite uncle.”
