Page 9 of CADE & ANNA

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Cade backtracked to see what was holding the guys up. “You’re not starting the favorite uncle argument already, are you?”

Simon shook his head laughing at Cade’s annoyed expression. “Newsflash, brother. We started that argument the moment you announced you were pregnant.”

“I’m not pregnant, Anna is.”

Stefan raised an eyebrow and nodded toward Cade’s abdomen. “Tell that to your poochy gut.”

Cade quickly ran his hands across his flat belly, “What pooch?”

Thomas rolled his eyes and laughed. “He’s teasing you, geez.”

Cade bared his teeth in a silent snarl, then grabbed Stefan by the back of the neck and marched him down the aisle like a naughty six-year-old. Stefan laughed up a storm the entire way.

“You know, I just remembered, Rose mentioned this morning that she was organizing a couples shower. Well, actually more of a guys and gals shower for you and Anna,” Simon offered from the back of the group. “Stefan has a good idea, for once. We should pick up gifts while we’re here.”

Cade paled. “I have to be there, too?”

“I guess so,” Simon shrugged. “Rose said the women would buy Anna girly stuff, and we could buy you manly things like tools and sporting equipment.”

Color returned to his face. “I like tools and sports stuff.”

“There, see, all better,” Stefan teased patting Cade’s head.

Thomas shook his head at Stefan. “You really do have a death wish, don’t ya?”

The next aisle was all small equipment and supplies. Simon stopped to inspect a breast pump. “Hey, Cade. Is Anna breastfeeding the baby?”

A muscle twitched along Cade’s jaw. “Why are you asking?” he growled.

“Whoa, back that angry wolf down. I thought she might like a breast pump. Rose mentioned this name brand to me.”

“If she needs one, I’ll buy it. I don’t want any of you buying anything for my mate's breasts.”

“Okay, crabby pants. I’ll get her something else, sheesh.”

“Look at these cute little booties!” Stefan squealed like a little girl. “Are babies’ feet really this tiny?”

“Yeah, believe it or not.” A small smile played at the edges of Thomas’s lips. “I remember John coming home from the hospital. Man, he was small.”

Simon had moved a few feet further down the aisle to the diaper section. “Cade, are you going to help change diapers and stuff?”

“I don’t know, I hadn’t thought about it.” He frowned and turned pale again. “Shit, there’s a lot I haven’t thought about.”

Thomas clapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. New fathers never know shit.”

Simon looked at Cade holding disposable diapers in one hand and cloth in the other. “Disposable?” He raised the first one. “Or cloth?” he asked raising the other.

“I have no idea,” Cade groaned, feeling more and more unprepared.

“Never mind, I’ll get something else.” Then Simon’s eyes lit up. “I got it!” He snapped his fingers. “A swing chair.”

Simon took off on his own to locate the perfect swing chair, leaving the rest of them gaping after him.

“How the hell does he know all this stuff?” Stefan whispered in awe.

“It’s called talking to his mate.” Thomas laughed. “Maybe if you kept your clothes on for five minutes and had a conversation with El, you would learn a thing or two?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Stefan asked.

“I think we wasted enough time on all this stuff,” Cade said waving at the breast pumps. “We should locate the cribs.”

They turned down the next aisle and stopped short.

Stefan gaped at what looked like a sea of little jail cells. “Why are there so many?”

Simon cuffed him on the back of the head. “Women like choices, you idiot. How does El put up with you?”

Stefan scowled at Simon as he rubbed his head. “For your information, my mate is going to adore me. We’re still getting to know each other.”

“I had no idea they came in so many designs and colors,” Thomas said in awe.
