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“I figured as much. You’re a man who likes to get his way.” Carl took a seat opposite him.

Normally, he sat at the counter, but today, he’d opted for a booth.

“Macie’s a good woman, Wilson.”

“I know.”

“She is—”

“Carl, I’m going to take care of her, and I have no intention of hurting her.”

“I looked into you,” Carl said.

“You did?”

“Yes. I heard you telling Macie not too long ago that you were an ex-bodyguard. Not a lot can be found out, but I know you’re a man who has a lot of enemies.”

“I don’t have enemies. I helped my clients.”

“And you think those kinds of interactions don’t have consequences?”

Wilson didn’t like where this line of questioning was going. He was aware of how dangerous his past was. Some of the criminals were still behind bars, but others had been released. He kept an eye on everyone in case someone wanted to seek revenge.

“Carl, she will never know an ounce of pain in her life,” he said. “Macie is mine to protect.”

Carl put both of his hands flat on the counter. “But do you love her?”

“Yes.” He didn’t hesitate once.

The man opposite him glared.

“You’re a good cook, Carl, but that’s not why I stick around. Macie is mine. She will always be mine,” Wilson said.

He glanced up at the counter, seeing Macie biting her lip as she watched them. “Now, unless you want me to take your best damn waitress away, you better stop worrying.”

Carl sighed. “I have done all that I can.” He held his hands up in surrender and left.

Macie came to him seconds later with a smile. “What was that about?” she asked.

“He’s worried that I’m going to steal you away.” He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her against him.

Wilson had tried to avoid showing her too much attention at work. To any onlooker, they could have been mistaken for friends, but he needed to hold her. He put his hand on her stomach, curious as to whether or not she was pregnant.

He wanted her so badly. All his life, he’d gotten everything he ever wanted. A family hadn’t been high on his list, but now, he wanted her so damn badly. He wanted Macie all to himself, and children. Anything and everything to bind her to him.

“Kiss me,” he said.


“I don’t care who is watching. Let them all know that you belong to me.” He wrapped a curl of her hair around his finger and gave it a little tug.

She giggled but leaned down and kissed him. It was the lightest graze of lips, and that wasn’t going to do.

He wanted her kisses. To feel her passion.

Gripping the back of her head, he tugged her down and showed her exactly the kind of kiss he wanted. She released a moan but didn’t push him away.

He wanted everyone to know this woman was his.

Wilson broke the kiss first. Macie’s lips were red and plump. He couldn’t wait for them to be wrapped around his dick, sucking him hard. He’d teach her exactly how he liked it.

“I better get to work,” she said.

“You could quit. We’d be at my apartment, and you could be naked.”

She chuckled. “You’re a bad influence.” She pressed her palm to his cheek and stepped back.

He wanted her back, but he allowed her to go, watching the sway of her ass as she moved away. His cock was once again rock hard. Whenever he was around Macie, it was a sensation he had to get used to.

She constantly aroused him.

No other man that was inside the diner at the moment made a move on her. He’d noticed the keen eyes on her earlier, but now they all knew she was taken. They kept their hands to themselves, which was exactly where they should be.

Macie glanced back at him and smiled.

He was the only one who was going to get all of her smiles from now on. Her sweetness belonged to him.

Glancing at the clock, he saw she still had another three hours of her shift.

Wilson sat back in his booth and watched. He had no problem filling the three hours with staring.


Macie laughed as Wilson chased her around his penthouse. They were both naked, and he’d insisted on doing a spot of baking. She had no choice but to take over, and then one thing had led to another. Now he ran after her, brandishing a spatula covered in chocolate brownie mix.

She screamed as she spun to face him, seeing him so close. Only the sofa was between them. He had chocolate on his chest, and with one look at the mess she’d made, all she wanted to do was lick it right off.

“You’re not playing fair,” he said.

“And you think you do?”

He moved left, and she took to the right. Wilson swapped, and then all of a sudden, he jumped over the sofa, and she didn’t have enough time to get away as his arms wrapped around her waist. She dropped the spatula, laughter filling the room.
