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General Zambrano stopped. The grim look became a thunderous frown again.

‘The next thing you’re pregnant, and clearly shocked about it. Then you disappear—only to reappear a few days later married to the Prince.’

Stella stared at her father. That was the longest speech he’d given her in years. ‘What are you asking me?’

‘Did he hurt you? Did you try to fight him off and fail?’

Her father thought Eduardo had assaulted her in some way?

‘Oh, no. No. No. No.’ Stella stepped closer, so shocked her tears stopped. ‘Eduardo would never...’

Her father didn’t look relieved. ‘I wouldn’t let him serve in the army because of the risk to other soldiers. He would have been a target. He can serve the country better elsewhere and Prince Antonio agrees. But Eduardo was very angry.’

‘He still is.’ Stella managed half a smile. ‘He would have been a good soldier.’

‘Did he hurt you?’ her father asked again.

‘Not in the way you mean. Never.’ She looked down, embarrassed at discussing something so personal with her father. ‘What we’ve shared, I’ve wanted. The trouble is I want more than he’s able to give me.’


‘Meaning we had a very brief affair and I got pregnant and he’s done “the right thing”... More than that, he’s done everything he can to protect me and this baby. But that’s all it is.’

‘Is he supportive?’ Her father cleared his throat. ‘He’s ensuring you have the best doctors?’

‘Of course.’ Her heart seized. She still hadn’t told Eduardo. She couldn’t—certainly not now. But because of her position as his wife she’d have the best specialist care.

‘You were arguing. I heard raised voices from along the corridor. And you’re upset.’

‘Because I’ve been stupid.’ To her horror, her eyes filled with tears again.


She couldn’t stand such a quiet word from her father. From the General.

‘I can’t be with a man who doesn’t love me,’ she cried. ‘I won’t live like that any more. I deserve more.’ She covered her face with her hands, willing her father to leave.

But he didn’t move.

‘I’ve tried to protect you for so long,’ he said unevenly. ‘Misguidedly.’

She looked up at him. He thought he’d been protecting her? ‘You wouldn’t let them promote me.’

In his eyes she saw so much. Hopelessness. Helplessness. Vulnerability. Love.

Her heart broke all over again.

‘What can I do?’ he asked gruffly.

‘I need to get away from here,’ she said wretchedly. ‘I need time to think.’

He stood. ‘How quickly can you be ready?’

‘I’m a soldier. I’m ready now.’

‘Then I’ll arrange it.’

Wordless, she felt her eyes well up again. All she could do was nod and turn away.

He would never open up to her the way she’d like him to. Never give her a paternal hug. Never tell her he loved her. But finally it seemed he might try to show her.


EDUARDO STALKED ALONG the long corridor back to his apartment. Five hours had passed since their argument and his anger hadn’t lessened any.

She was scared about her pregnancy. That was why she’d called for Dr Russo. She hadn’t wanted to tell him—her husband. She didn’t trust him. Didn’t want to confide in him. Didn’t want to be with him. She’d said he was emotionally stunted.

He was feeling all the emotions now.

‘Stella?’ he called, as soon as he opened his apartment door. But his voice rang out unanswered in the empty atmosphere.

Adrenalin hit, bunching muscles, sharpening focus. Swiftly he sought out her belongings, but her duffel was missing, along with her old jeans and tee shirts and her trainers. She’d left her rings on the table beside the bed. Midnight’s Passion was beside them, the platinum chain coiled around it.

Shocked, he released the breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding.

She’d left him. She’d walked out through the front door. Of course she had. Because she was a damn good soldier, always a survivor, and she’d escaped.

From him.

His breathing quickened, lungs hurting. Heart hurting. He bent his head, screwing up his eyes so the sight of the sapphire wouldn’t mock him.
