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He reached for her chin, turned her so that she had no choice but to face him. So that he could see the subtle changes in those deeper-than-midnight eyes. ‘Based on what you do know, Kate.’

‘You already told me you don’t stay in one place for long. So my guess is you don’t stick at something and see it through.’

Something deeper flickered in her eyes, prompting him to say, ‘Go on.’

‘You take your pleasure where you find it.’

Ah. Pleasure. An immediate image of Kate flared in his mind. ‘You mean women? I thought you only wanted to concentrate on business?’

She shrugged, her eyes darting away. ‘I’m interested in whatever impacts on the business.’ Then she seemed to find some inner strength and gave him the full measure of her gaze. ‘You tire of something and move on. Am I right?’

His grip on her chin loosened and it was his turn to look away as he fought the darkness that had plagued him for too many years. ‘Some might make that assumption.’

‘Why will it be different this time?’

‘This is my uncle’s business. Now my business.’ He looked back at her. ‘You don’t want me here, do you?’

Her lack of response was the only answer he needed. Not that he expected one. It wasn’t so much a question as a statement of fact. And yet they’d had sex. Wild, out-of-control, satisfying sex. The best sex he’d ever had.

And she knew it. She just didn’t know he did. Time to fess up.

Damon ran a hand inside the neck of his shirt to rid himself of the sensation that he was strangling. There was too much intensity in this damn car. The conversation had gone way beyond what he’d expected. His own fault. He pushed open the car door. ‘Let’s take a walk.’

‘But it’s raining,’ she said, chewing on her lip.

He looked away from the perfection of her mouth and its lush temptation. ‘It’s soft rain, barely there. Live a little.’

The playground was empty, the trees weeping moisture, diamonds winking in the weak sunlight. Damon swept the wetness away from a swing with his hand and lowered himself, its worn wooden seat barely big enough, and set it in motion.

Kate stood on the grass, her suit jacket neatly buttoned, her hair perfectly swept up into a clasp. Tiny beads of moisture glistened amongst the dark strands. He could read her expression and it screamed disapproval. She looked so out of place he couldn’t help but grin. ‘Come on, Ms Fielding, there’re two swings.’

She glanced at her watch. ‘We’re wasting time.’

‘Is it a waste of time if you’re doing something you enjoy?’

‘You might be enjoying this childish behaviour.’ She waved a hand. ‘I, on the other hand, am not.’

‘Because you’re not allowing yourself to.’

She looked down at her business attire, then the swing and shook her head. ‘The seat’s wet.’

‘Easily remedied.’ He stood, shrugged out of his leather jacket and laid it on the swing seat. When she still didn’t move, he jogged over to her. ‘Be childish for a few moments.’ He grabbed her hand, felt its cool smoothness as he met her eyes. ‘You know you want to.’

She hesitated before acquiescing and letting him tug her towards the swings. She sat down on his jacket, a tiny smile kicking up at the corner of her mouth as she pushed off. ‘I haven’t done this since I was twelve.’

He sat beside her and matched his swing to hers. For a few moments they moved in harmony with the memories of childhood; the creak of the swing and the shift of air against their faces, the squeal of excited kids as a couple strolled through the far gate with their young family in tow.

‘You’re worried about your job,’ he said. ‘Don’t be.’

‘Easy for you to say. Your income isn’t on the line. If what you say is true, we’re in a whole lot of trouble. And it’s not just me. There are six of us depending on work.’

So he’d dig them out; it was what he did best. Before he moved on to another challenge. But he didn’t want staff knowing he’d have to invest a sizeable amount more of his own capital just to keep their heads above water. ‘I’ll do everything I can to keep you all in work.’

She nodded. ‘Fair enough. All you can do is try.’ Checking her watch, she said, ‘Speaking of work, I have a lot of it to do before I go home this evening.’ The pleasure that had crept into her eyes and pinkened her cheeks dimmed.

It deflated his own mood. He’d enjoyed watching that sparkle. He hadn’t seen it since Saturday night. ‘The boss won’t mind if you take a break.’
