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Where he belonged.

The rightness, each sweet intimacy a connection. Every breath she took filling her lungs with the smell of his skin, the scent of their lovemaking. He moved slowly, gently, aware of her wounds, until tenderness turned urgent, the passion crested and they rode the wave together.

‘I could stay here like this all day,’ she murmured, tucking her head beneath his chin when they finally lay back together again.

‘Hmm.’ He ran a finger over her cheek. ‘You can stay here as long as you like, but I have to go in to work.’

She frowned. ‘It’s Saturday.’

‘We’ve been away a while, I want to check on things, see how they’ve been managing without us.’

The sound of footsteps outside the door reminded Kate they weren’t alone. ‘You haven’t told me who Jenny and Leigh are and why we’re here.’

‘They were Gran’s neighbours. And we’re here because I don’t want you to be alone today.’ Hauling himself out of bed, he grabbed his track pants, stepped into them. ‘I’m going to take a shower.’

Kate hadn’t realised she’d been dozing until Damon nibbled her neck, smelling of fresh soap, coffee and toothpaste some time later. ‘I’ll see you at dinner.’

‘You’re leaving now?’ Obviously he’d already had breakfast. She sat up, swung her legs over the side of the bed. She could hardly stay in bed all day in someone else’s house. ‘I want to get up.’

‘Okay, here you go.’ He reached for the terry robe on the end of the bed that Kate had seen in his luggage, wrapped it around her. ‘There’s a comfortable room you can relax in. Plenty there to keep you occupied while I’m gone.’ He swung her up into his arms. ‘No unnecessary walking.’

As he carried her towards the tempting aroma of coffee and kitchen sounds she looked about her. The house made the most of the surrounding view. Huge expanses of glass brought the outdoors inside. Kate admired the wood and stone work, the Native American rugs covering the walls and floor.

They found Jenny in the kitchen—a stainless steel and black masterpiece that looked like something out of a House and Garden magazine.

Already dressed for the day in trousers and a dark jumper, she was buttering toast. ‘Ah, good morning, Kate.’ She pulled out a chair for Damon to set Kate down. ‘Coffee? Or would you prefer tea?’

Kate glanced at Damon, caught the twinkle in his eye. ‘Coffee’s fine, thank you.’

‘I’m off, then,’ Damon said, kissing Kate’s cheek.

She wanted to fling her arms around his neck, pull him closer for one more moment. But needy wasn’t what he wanted from her. Not now, not ever. Nor was it what she wanted from herself. So she blew him an air kiss. ‘See you later.’

‘I don’t want you waiting on me, Jenny,’ Kate said as Damon’s footsteps faded down the passage. ‘We’re imposing enough on your hospitality as it is.’

‘Ah, well, now, there’s a story there,’ she said slowly. ‘I’ll just get your breakfast…’ She bustled to the oven, then back to the table with a breakfast that almost obliterated the plate. ‘Tuck into that,’ she said and sat down opposite her.

‘Whoa.’ Kate eyed the plate dubiously. She wasn’t used to such bountifulness first thing in the morning. ‘I hope I can do it justice.’

‘Sure you can.’

‘You have a beautiful home, here,’ Kate said a few moments later as she spooned up egg. One kitchen wall was composed entirely of folding glass doors, which could be opened and led to a narrow rectangular garden pool. A wooden walkway over the water linked the kitchen with another room—an outdoor entertainment area or cosy sunroom in winter.

Jenny shook her head. ‘That’s where you’re wrong, dear. This home isn’t ours; it belongs to Damon.’

Kate’s knife skidded across the china. ‘Damon’s?’

‘He didn’t tell you.’ She shook her head again.

‘No. He didn’t. So…’ Kate asked slowly, unsure how to proceed.

‘Why are we living here?’ Jenny folded her arms on the chrome and smoky glass-topped table, her summertime eyes soft as she looked at Kate. ‘Damon bought the house eight years ago—as an investment, he said—but I know he hadn’t intended investing his money in a home; he was at a very bad point in his life. Leigh had just lost his job and we were about to be evicted from our house. He put us here as caretakers. Wouldn’t take one cent in rent; said it was enough that he had people he could trust looking after it while he was overseas.
