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Like what he was doing with Aussie Essential— Now Ultimate Journey. Kate blew out an incredulous breath. ‘He never let on.’

‘He has his own Internet business now. In Phoenix.’ Jenny laid the final shot on Kate’s lap. ‘He’s a very talented man.’

‘I can see that. Why Phoenix? Why not here in Australia?’

‘Because he’s also a troubled man. All this—’ she waved a hand over the photos ‘—is him trying to compensate for something he doesn’t know he wants.’ Perceptive eyes met Kate’s. ‘I think you might be the one to help him.’

‘Me?’ Her heart did a funny little flip. ‘Why? What did he say?’

‘It’s what he didn’t say.’

‘No.’ Kate shook her head. She was way out of his league. They were lovers, that was all. If she’d gone and fallen for him, that was her problem, not his. He didn’t want anything more than casual from her. ‘I can’t help him.’

‘But you want to. You want to understand him.’

‘Yes.’ Even if their relationship could never be long term, she wanted to know him better. Wanted to know the man she’d fallen for, even when he’d gone. Jenny had shown her a side of him she’d never known; perhaps she could discover more in time.

Jenny smiled. ‘I think I can help.’

Damon didn’t make it back till dark. As he approached his house and saw the lights twinkling from within he felt an unfamiliar sensation in his chest. A sense of homecoming. People expecting him. Jenny had phoned and told him she was holding dinner till he arrived.

Kate was there.

Kate. Was she waiting for him, as eager to see him as he was to see her? He struggled not to let the build-up of anticipation get a hold on him as he pulled into the driveway. Yes, he wanted to see her. He couldn’t wait to fall into bed beside her and feel her flesh sliding against his, to taste her all over and fall asleep sated and satisfied—beneath the covers with her this time.

That was it. Had to be it, he told himself as he locked the car, headed up the little path to the front door. He’d had a scare at the hospital yesterday and overreacted. It had hurt like hell, reminding him of past times. He wouldn’t allow it to happen again. That didn’t mean he couldn’t try and persuade Kate to let their very personal and physical relationship continue a while longer.

He opened the door and the scent of vanilla and burning eucalyptus invaded his nostrils. The living-room lights were switched off, a fire blazed in the open fireplace in the centre of the room, its copper flue reflected the dozen or so candles set strategically around the room—the source of the perfume.

And Kate. His indrawn breath stalled mid-chest. She sat on an old picnic rug in front of the fire with a long-stemmed glass of sparkling wine in each hand.

She wore something white and clingy that dipped low between her breasts—a sexy nightgown, perhaps? He hadn’t been privy to what she wore when she’d slept in Bali. Bare feet peeked from beneath its hem.

He’d never seen anything more beautiful, more alluring. Her hair caught the fire’s glow, its rich black reflecting gold. Her skin, as flawless as porcelain, shone. All he could hear was the crackle of smoky eucalyptus branches. And the beat of his own heart.

‘Hi. Welcome home.’ She patted the space beside her. ‘We’re having a picnic.’

‘A picnic?’ To his amazement, since his gut was tied up in painfully tight knots, he laughed. Still grinning, he left his laptop and briefcase by the door and crossed the room.

‘Yep. Just the two of us.’

He tugged off his boots, set them aside. ‘Doesn’t look like any picnic I’ve ever been on.’

‘How many picnics have you been on, Damon?’ He felt his grin slip and she nodded, held out a glass. ‘You’re hardly an expert, then.’

‘I guess not.’ Keeping his eyes on hers, he took the glass, making sure his thumb grazed her fingers as he did so, then raised it. ‘To homecomings and picnics.’

She followed suit. ‘Homecomings and picnics.’

They sipped the obligatory first mouthful. Kate’s lips glistened with the liquor as she lowered her glass. He leaned close, traced his tongue over the moisture. Sweet and tart and delicately flavoured. He was tempted to set their glasses aside and make love to her right then and there, but she’d obviously put a lot of thought into the evening. He could wait. Barely.

He pulled back. ‘What’s in the goodie basket?’

‘Goodies. All sorts of enticing goodies.’

He lay back on one of the cushions scattered on the rug. ‘Entice me.’
