Page 5 of Dangerous Dancer

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The small smile that was curved onto his face grew wider and he nodded his head, “Oh, you mean that Niki! Why didn’t you say so,” he replied, “follow me.”

As I followed like a lamb to the slaughter behind him, I couldn’t help but think his condescending laugh currently echoing around the hallway, was him mocking me for a reason I had no clue about.


I turned the faucet off and grabbed some paper towels with which to wipe my hands, today’s dance lesson had been tedious. Most of my students had been with me for months on end, learning the same routine twice weekly, sometimes more, but some

of them seemed still on that very first lesson.

“These classes used to be exciting,” I muttered aloud, and grabbing my water bottle, left the men’s room. My steps were slow and calculated to delay going back to the studio. My feet came to a standstill when I looked up and caught a woman peering into the studio window. I watched her side profile with interest for a while, her eyes flitted from left to right as though she was searching for someone. She was nervously biting down on her bottom lip hanging loosely from between her teeth, then she turned and started to scurry away just like a little mouse.

“Where are you scurrying off to Myshka?” I called after her automatically. I watched her turn around slowly in my direction, she looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights when her eyes slightly widened and I caught her gulp. My lips curved into a small smile as she stood statuesque staring at me like she had lost her voice.

“I’m looking for Niki?” She asked in a squeaky tone that continued her resemblance from earlier. I laughed to myself as she straightened her posture, maybe to show confidence, although she was coming across as timid and shy right now.

Unable to help myself, I slowly looked at her. She wore black pumps with black skinny jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt. Her face was heavily-set with foundation but no eye make-up, which I found odd. Her dark hair hung loosely in waves around her face and settled around the swell of her breasts, but her big brown eyes looked dull and lifeless as she continued to silently stare at me. “Well, you found him,” I finally replied.

She shook her head fiercely and her cheeks grew a deep shade of red, adding the only drop of color to her placid face. “Uhm, no… no..,” she began to stammer, “Niki, the lady. She runs this place.”

The lady? I can assure you I’m ALL man!

The rustling of her plastic bag was the only sound between us when she moved her hands behind her to wipe her palms over her jeans. Her eyebrows furrowed as she dropped her gaze from me to look at the floor before raising her eyes back in my direction. My smile grew wider when I noticed the confusion settled on her features and decided to have a little fun at her expense, as I nodded my head. “Oh, you mean that Niki! Why didn’t you say so,” I replied, “follow me?”

Turning, I reached for the door handle to the studio and the inner laugh I had been suppressing, finally flew from my mouth. I stepped inside to the loud chatter of my students, which didn’t cease as I turned and waited for the little mouse to follow me inside, but she didn’t. She stood the other side of the threshold grasping her plastic shopping bag like it held all her worldly possessions.

“Are you coming in, Myshka?” I asked.

Her eyes flitted rapidly around the room, then to me and she shook her head. “I can’t do this. Please tell Niki I’m sorry,” she mumbled apologetically.

For some unknown reason, I felt myself suddenly deflate at her words, and before I could think, leant forward and reached for her hand. I curled my fingers around her palm and I felt her go rigid with her eyes widening further. I caught the fear in them as she tried to pull her hand back. “I’ll let you into a little secret, Niki doesn’t bite, and I’m sure she will be pissed if you run out without properly introducing yourself,” I said with a smile.

She let out the deep breath she had been holding and I felt her fingers slowly close around mine as she reciprocated my smile with a silent nod. Before she had chance to bolt, I pulled her gently over the threshold and swung the door shut with a slam. I instantly regretted that, when I caught her jump out of her skin at the harsh bang that rippled around the room.

“What’s your name?” I asked, while I walked her towards the front of the class.

“Raine?” Came the deep voice of Jared, as he ambled over towards us. His face was bright with recognition and his customary wide smile was firmly in place, towards her.

I felt her relax next to me. She pulled her hand free, returning Jared’s smile as though she was seeing a long lost relative for the first time in years. “Jared?” She questioned, seemingly pleased she knew someone here.

I felt irked by their little reunion and wasn’t sure why.

“You two know each other?” I asked abruptly. I grabbed a towel from the table and rubbed it roughly over my face trying to hide my disdain at Jared, who was quite blatantly drooling over her.

“Yeah, we met earlier outside, I saved her from a panic attack,” he said with a cheesy grin and a shrug of his shoulders as if it was nothing out of the ordinary for him.

She grinned in my direction, the smile lighting up her face, and I saw something flash brightly in her eyes before it dulled again and she turned away from me.

“So, you dance?” I heard her ask him, as I tried to concentrate on sorting out the music for the next part of the lesson, but my one ear was finely tuned in on their conversation.

“Yeah, Latin and Ballroom. What about you, you dance too?” He asked in a sing-song voice that had me rolling my eyes.

“Oh no, I can’t dance to save my life. I’m here under orders to learn Ballroom …” She trailed off and stopped talking like she had been strangled, and my interest at her being here suddenly piqued. She’s here on orders?

Standing upright I clapped my hands loudly causing silence to filter across the room as my students quickly settled down and took their places. I watched Jared motion for her to follow him, which she did so willingly, still gripping her plastic bag.

“Right, we have a new student here today,” I announced as my hand flew out in her direction, “this is Raine. Please all remember how your first time here felt, and be sure to make her feel welcome.”

I winced as I watched her shrink under the intensity of all the heads turning in her direction to check out the new girl. She was timid, shy, had zero confidence and seemed to be here under duress. She was completely inappropriately dressed for Latin and stuck out like a sore thumb against the others in line. She looked fragile, like a glass ballerina and if spun too quickly, might just snap in two. She also looked lost, but she was certainly intriguing the hell out of me already.
