Page 58 of Perfect Strangers

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“You’re not getting away from me that easily.” He replied and flashed her a grin that told her he meant every word he had just spoken.

She started to mess with the cutlery on the table, anything to occupy her mind away from the dirty thoughts she was having of Kai right now. He started to talk, but she found herself zoning out, even the sound of his voice was causing a mass pool to form between her legs. She was struggling to comprehend this overwhelming desire she had to climb onto his lap and take him right here in front of the entire restaurant. I wonder how Avery and the shop are? I must check the Franco dress arrived safely. Then she was jolted back to the here and now when she felt his teeth graze against her earlobe and he whispered “I want you.”

Pushing her chair away from the table, she dropped her purse on to the floor. “Excuse me,” she whispered and headed towards the ladies’. Once inside she went straight to the hand dryer and pushed the button, relishing the harsh cold air that now forced its way over her body, as she sat on the floor underneath it. What is he doing to me? Her heart was erratic, she was hot and all she could feel down there was the dull pulsing of her clit, it throbbed like hell in desperate need of some attention. Chill out, Myla.

Forcing herself to her feet, she ran her hands under the cold water and sighed, slowly she regained some composure over her disobedient body. Checking herself in the mirror, she smiled wickedly when a sudden thought crept into her mind. Let’s see how long Kai lasts now.

Returning to the table, she spotted the food had arrived, and Kai looked panicked. “Where have you been? I thought you had done a runner and left me.” He said, relief washed over him and his stricken look gave way to a happier one.

“I’m sorry, I needed to cool off. It’s a bit hot in here.”

“It’s all this sexual tension between us and this form of foreplay we seem to be immersed in,” he replied. He parted his lips and moistened them with his tongue before he brought his wine glass to his mouth.

Jesus, I can’t take much more, this man is driving me insane. “This is for you, and it’s wet,” she suddenly blurted out holding up her red lacy G String and dangling it in his face, in full view of the entire restaurant. He coughed and sprayed his mouthful of wine over the table in shock. Glee took over her body and she stifled a laugh behind her tightly clamped lips. Snatching it sharply from her hand, he turned and looked at her, his face was heated, his eyes were dark and his bottom lip quivered as he fought with everything he had inside of him to keep his composure.

Standing up like greased lightning, he chucked some bills on the table and grabbed her wrist, yanking her to her feet. “Kai, what are you doing? What about the food?” She gasped grabbing her purse.

“I can’t wait a second longer. You’re fucking killing me. You’ll be my starter, my main and my dessert.” He growled before he dragged her quickly from the restaurant and headed towards their room.

Hell yes! Thank you, god!


He could feel the wild animalistic urge inside of him bubbling to the surface like a pressure cooker, just one wrong look or word from her and he wasn’t going to be able to contain himself.

She had wound him up since they had left the house, and her wet panties dangled in his face had been the ultimate test that had finally broke him. She knew what she was doing, he could see the challenge in her eyes when he turned to look at her.

Now as he had her pinned to the wall, her hands in his trousers, stroking and squeezing him to the point where everything in his vision was blurred, he couldn’t help but think that somehow the other day, he had unlocked a wild nymph from its cage. What do you expect, it’s been eight years for crying out loud.

“Hurry up, Kai,” she breathed against his skin, continuing to gently nip at his neck and flick her tongue against his ear.

Fuck, that feels nice. “I’m …trying, the …key. Fuck!” He panted through uneven breath and closed his eyes in frustration.

Yanking her hand from his trousers, she placed her hands on his chest and pushed him back. Taking the key, she wiped the sensor down her hip, winked at him then held it over the automatic door lock. Clicking, she pushed it open with her behind and smirked, “That is how you do it,” she said as she stood against the door waiting for him to pass. Can you walk in into the room a bit quicker, I’m gagging here, Kai!

Wordlessly, he ambled passed her, dragging her with him by the waist as he sloppily kissed down her neck. “You’re driving me to my breaking point,” he whispered against her ear.

So are you, buster! “Ditto,” she replied huskily. Hurriedly, she began undoing his shirt buttons and licking her lips like a sexual predator.

“What’s the rush, Myla? We have all night,” he asked quietly closing his hands over hers.

“Maybe, but for me it’s been eight years, and you …are making me …you …my …down there …is …throbbing,” she stuttered looking away.

For the first time, Kai noticed the vulnerability in Myla. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment, her chest unsteadily pushed up and down and then she did the one thing that seemed to have Kai weak at the knees, she dragged the tip of her tongue across her lips. A growl broke free from his mouth, and when she raised her eyes to meet his, Kai felt the air leave his lungs.

“Kai, …I …” She whispered.

Drawing her close to him, he cupped her heated cheek. Myla’s eyes glowed with lust, her chest constricted and her breath hitched in her throat when he whispered her name. Silently, he trailed his hand up the outside of her thigh and pushed her dress up over her the contours of her bum. She gasped when the cool air hit her heated center and her eyes bowed shut. “Myla,” he said, his thumb continuing to caress her cheek. She opened her eyes and stared into his.

“I’m going to give you the release your body is craving, but you keep your eyes on me. This time I want to see you when you reach that high.”

Swallowing hard, her body began to tremble as his hand moved to the front of her, she moved her thighs apart slightly and waited. He smiled and gave a satisfied sigh when he trailed the tips of his fingers, teasingly, over her delicate folds. She groaned when he pressed his thumb pad to her swollen nub, and gently, he began to move it in a circular motion, slowly and torturously. He felt her push down against his thumb, his fingers now poised at the entrance of her, begging them to enter. Slowly he pushed two in, and she bucked her hips. Throwing her head back slightly, she allowed her eyes to close shut when he slowly pulled his fingers out and then quickly pushed them back in again, repeatedly.

“Eyes, Myla. Keep them open,” he rasped when he felt the walls inside of her greedily begin to clench around his fingers. She snapped her eyes open and silently begged him to finish her off. She had such a heated need that only he could sate. He knew she was ready when he felt her body begin to tremor. Slowly pulling his fingers back out, he dragged them hard across her nub and then, taking it between his forefinger and thumb, he gently pinched.

That was all it took to make her crumble.

Her mouth hung wide and a high-pitched moan escaped, her body started to convulse as the waves of her orgasm rolled over her. He watched in awe as she battled hard to keep her focus on him. Then her eyes began to glaze over and her lips formed a grateful smile as her release died down.

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