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The challenge had scarcely left the dude’s lips. Eiji did some kind of move on him too fast

for Shae to track, and he had the guy over his shoulder, wading to the shore.

Damn. I so need to get with this man!

Shae followed. “Eiji, you shouldn’t be interfering with other people. You know they crazy out here.” Her halfhearted advice fell on deaf ears.

A lifeguard hurried up as Eiji dumped his burden into the sand. “I think he’s drunk.”

The lifeguard nodded and thanked him. Eiji took Shae’s hand and led her back down the beach toward their stuff. She shook her head at him as they walked. “Always on the job or what?”

He eyed her. “Would it be better to wait until he hurt one of the children?”

“Touché.” She bit her lip and ran a hand up and down his arm. “Wanna call it a day and go back to my place?”

Eiji’s gaze dropped to her cleavage. “Hai.”

* * * *

Shae had had her share of lovers, so she wasn’t new to sex by any means, and yet, she hadn’t been with an Asian man before. Not that she thought it made any difference. Eiji was hot as hell with his thick black hair and his eyes almost as dark. His solid build, delicious hard muscle, and his tall frame worked together to light a flame of burning desire, more than she remembered experiencing before. Of course it could just be that—lust—and nothing more. His accent helped, too, and the way he had looked into her eyes earlier that night and taken her hand in his. Five foot seven was not tall, but she’d always felt big because of her personality and confidence. Eiji made her feel brand new and small. Damn, how she liked that, the flutter in her belly, the fast pace of her breath.

By the time they arrived back at the house, they were both dry from the hot California sun. Shae’s need hadn’t lessened in the least, and from the way Eiji followed swiftly on her heels into the house, neither had his. They dropped their things in the living room, and she continued on through to her bedroom.

She stopped at the entrance and faced him. “We’re doing this, right?”

“We are.” He reached up and touched a lock of her hair, pushing it back from her forehead. She captured his hand and held it, then walked backward into her room until she reached the bed. All the while, she kept her eyes on him. He followed, his gaze never wavering from her as if he were a predator.

Still looking at him, she kicked off a flip-flop, and the other followed. An animal, that’s what she’d been thinking of. Eiji sometimes put her in mind of those shifters. Sure, she agreed that they should always be put down for the danger they posed, but she had never denied how hot they all were. Mm, yeah. Eiji is like that, but better.

He didn’t have the cocky self-assurance like all the shape-shifters she’d met. Not that Eiji was shy. She knew better than that. He wasn’t clumsy or less coordinated than the rest. Tilting her head to the side a little, she considered him. He breathed in deep, that big chest expanding and making her mouth water. When he walked, the steps he took made no sound at all. Yes, that’s it. He’s like a sexy ninja who doesn’t need to show off about it. She almost laughed out loud at her thoughts.

She undid the buttons on her sundress and pulled it over her head. Eiji’s eyes almost glowed at seeing her bikini again. Shae worked hard on her body, so she knew it looked pretty good. She waited for the inevitable compliment, but it never came. In fact, his facial expression never changed from its usual calm indifference.


His fingertips skimmed over her bare arms and across her belly. A thumb brushed her thigh and then stopped just short of her mound. “Anata ha eroppoi.”


“You are sexy.”

Then she saw it, the way he blew out breaths through his nostrils, the rapid rise and fall of his chest, the intensity in his eyes, and the tension in his shoulders. Eiji liked what he saw, all right, and it took all the self-control he could muster not to jump her, but he didn’t have to resist.

She tugged at the button on his pants. “Come on, baby. Let me see what you have for me.” A tremor passed through her. Although she felt she could work with any man to bring them both to mutual pleasure, she was like many women. She liked big cocks. The bulge in Eiji’s pants drew her hands, and she stroked him through the material. A shudder of need weakened her knees, and she sagged against his chest. Nice!

He undid the button on his own and dragged his zipper down. Next went his swimming shorts, and her mouth watered at the revelation of his lean hips and the smattering of dark hair that came into view. Eiji’s cock had to be eight inches, if not an inch more, and the girth let her know she’d have to stretch wide to get her lips around it. Precome beaded the tip, and she sank to her knees to lick it. Eiji gasped and pulled her away. At first she thought she’d insulted him, but when he lifted her up and placed her on the bed, she knew Eiji wanted to pleasure her first. He shed her of her bikini within seconds, along with the rest of his clothing.

While she lay on her back, he rested a knee on the bed below her and parted her thighs. He stroked the sensitive skin at the back of her legs, and the inner flesh. “I do not have as much control as I would like.”

His voice rumbled deeper than it had been previously, and the timbre raised goose bumps on her arms. Eiji bent to kiss the back of her knee. When he stuck his tongue out to sample the skin, she moaned.

“It would be better that I walk away,” he whispered and kissed her clit. She shook from head to toe. He pushed back the folds of her softness. “But you are so wet, and you smell so good.”


He licked her cream, and she scratched at the sheets. Damn, he went straight for the kill and made her so weak, she wanted to give him everything. She raised her legs higher and held them up with a hand behind each knee. Eiji licked her from the base of her pussy to the top, and then he clamped down on her bud to suck hard. A wave of pleasure rocked her body, making her scream his name again. An orgasm built inside her, but she wasn’t the type to just lie still and let a man do all the work. She wriggled away from him and crawled up the bed. Eiji let out a growl that sounded like a real animal and followed. Just before he pounced, she feinted to one side and jumped on him. A move she’d learned in training had him on his back and her on top of him. She pushed his hands out to the sides of his head and straddled his hips.

Eiji’s eyes blazed. “You are sneaky.” His cock twitched beneath her ass.
