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“I don’t know what you mean.” She lowered her butt onto his shaft and ground into him. He groaned. The next instant, she thumped onto her back, and he lay above her. He claimed her lips, his tongue stabbing savagely into her mouth. She kissed him with as much hunger and raised her hips. Eiji slashed a leg over hers, pinning her to the mattress. She broke the kiss. “No fair using your strength against me.”

At his look of triumph, she gave him a wicked grin. The moment he paused to wonder what she was up to, his hold on her hands loosened, and she broke free to reach between them. Stroking his cock and teasing the head with her thumb, she took control of the man two times her size. Shae flipped him off of her and grabbed hold of his cock again. She licked the head, tasting the salty come. A shudder passed over Eiji while he stared down at her. She took him deeper between her lips and moaned against his shaft. He drew in a sharp breath.

“Mm, I know you like that, baby, don’t you?” She ran her tongue along the thick length and curled it around the tip. He said something in his language she didn’t understand, but she could guess.

“Your mouth,” he murmured between clenched teeth, and he reached out to stroke her cheek. He let her pump him with her hand and work him with her mouth for a long while, but when she ran a thumb over his balls and noted they began to tighten toward his release, he pushed her roughly away.

Shae sat up to protest, but Eiji was off the bed in a heartbeat. He hauled her into his arms and wrapped her legs around his hips. She scarcely had a chance to draw in a breath before he plunged his dick deep inside her pussy. A hand knotted in her hair behind her head, and an arm like a steel band encircled her waist. Eiji thrust hard and fast and began pounding in and out of her at lightning speed. She screamed, but he drove her head down and claimed her mouth. The invasion with his hot tongue robbed her of speech. He took her with a violence that demanded submission. Her core muscles spasmed, ripples of an orgasm shattering her ability to do anything other than feel. How had she thought she could get the best of him? She couldn’t. Not in a million years.

He stood on legs set apart, strong and steady. He didn’t waver even a little as he drove his big cock into her wet pussy. She whimpered and held on, digging her nails into his shoulders. He thrust and thrust again, and then he slammed in and held still.

“Chikusho!” He jerked out of her, but held her close to his chest. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. It was good.” She climbed down from his arms to go to the bathroom to find something to clean them both up. They’d been too eager, and she knew better. She kept condoms in her purse for situations like this. He’d pulled out, but not before he’d come a little. When she returned to the bedroom, she found him pacing, running hands through his hair. His brows slashed low over his eyes, and his set jaw told her he was pissed at himself. In the short time she’d known him, she hadn’t seen him so worked up.

At her step, he spun around to face her, and she gaped at the stiffness between his legs. The man wanted more after all that. Not that she was complaining. She walked over to the dresser and searched her purse for a condom. He moved behind her and rested hands on her shoulders. For a minute, she thought she saw something odd in his eyes, but his lids lowered over them. He dropped his hands to her breasts and kneaded them, rolling her nipples between a forefinger and a thumb. She moaned, pushing her ass into his thigh. He explored farther, running a palm down her belly and between her legs. A gentle squeeze had her keening for more. Her juices had already begun to flow again.


ve it to me,” he commanded, and she handed over the condom.

Eiji tore into it, and she enjoyed the show of watching him roll the protection down his thick member. She licked her lips, both anticipating being full of him and a little nervous. When he was done, he turned her to face him, the mirror at her back. He raised her with ease and thumped her ass on the dresser. Her pulse raced as the fire he’d exhibited before rose yet again. He thrust her knees up until she hooked her heels on the edge of the dresser.

“I can have it again. Yes?” His words might have been a question, but they sounded more like a demand, and the force of his dominance sent chills racing each other over her skin.

“Yes. Please take me, Eiji.”

Her use of his name seemed to set him off the same way his use of hers did for her. He spread her legs wider and fitted his big body between them. With an expert movement, he parted her pussy lips and drove deep into her channel. She cried out in ecstasy. Again and again, he drove inside, stretching her walls and filling her up. She worked her fingers in his hair and sought out his lips. They kissed, moaning into each other’s mouths. Shae’s nipples ached as they scraped against his bare chest, so stiff with her rising desire. Ripples of pleasure rolled through her body, and she gyrated her hips in time with his thrusts.

For long minutes, they fucked, and she clung to him, loving every time he pounded into her pussy. He was so rough, like he held little restraint over his lust. Before he came, he pulled out, and she would have complained, but he raised her into his arms again. With a set stance, he ground into her snatch and took all of her weight, but even that wasn’t enough for the two of them. Eiji set her on her feet and pushed against her back. She spread her legs and leaned over, holding herself up with her hands flat on the floor. Eiji stepped behind her and bent his knees to give himself easier access to her ass, and then he lunged deep again. His fingers dug into her hips, and the slap of their bodies together resounded in the room. Shae echoed it with her cries of ecstasy. Eiji’s hold firm, he pushed fast and hard into her. His low growls sent chills up and down her spine. Her breasts jiggled with each impact, and she reached between her legs to stroke her clit. A hiss escaped Eiji, and he rested a hand on her back, but didn’t slow down for an instant. When her orgasm began to build, she tweaked her clit faster, keeping the steady rhythm.

“I-I’m going to come,” she panted.

“Hai.” He spoke some other words in his native tongue, which made her wonder if he’d forgotten how to speak English in his excitement. Shae let the words tumble over her and gave herself to the pleasure of her climax. Seconds after she came, Eiji made a small sound at the back of his throat and found his release as well.

He straightened, then pulled free from her. She struggled over to the bed, gasping for breath. The slap of the condom coming off his cock preceded the ripping noise of another packet being opened. Shae had scarcely raised a knee to climb onto the bed before Eiji was there behind her, an arm around her waist. He hoisted her to the top and laid her on her side. He moved in to spoon her from behind and crossed her arms over her chest. She didn’t think his cock was still hard, but the stiff member found its way to her treasure, ready to go. Her drenched nether lips gave him easy access to glide inside her. She whimpered. No man had taken her with such relentless abandon. From her experience, no man had such stamina or could stay hard so long.

Eiji went beyond every lover she’d ever had. He held her in a tight grip, making it impossible for her to move away. Still from behind, he took her nonstop. She could do nothing other than enjoy the feel of his possession of her body. She shut her eyes and laid her head on his shoulder. He nuzzled the side of her neck, and she thought she felt his teeth graze her skin. Even this turned her on, and she surrendered to her man.

“Eiji,” she whispered, “I don’t want you to stop. I can’t get enough.”

“Neither can I,” he assured her. “I won’t stop until day.”

He kept his word. Exhausted and sore, Shae saw the beginnings of daylight pouring into her window before Eiji pulled out of her for the last time, and she drifted off into a very satisfied and much-needed sleep.

Chapter Five

Shae stumbled to the bathroom holding her sore pussy with one palm as if it would fall off if she didn’t. After days of lying with Eiji in her bed, she’d sent him home. When he called the next day, she hadn’t answered. The endless sex was too much. She had to wonder when the man had last had it. Every muscle in her entire body hurt like hell, and before their marathon, she would have said she was in top form, the best physical condition anyone could be. Eiji’s sexual desire was both raw and wild. Sure, it felt out of this world, but for the first time, she thought she couldn’t handle a man. He was too much, way out of her league.

She stood in front of the bathroom mirror looking at herself. The dark circles around her eyes, the swollen lips, the tangled hair were not just the aftermath of a satisfied woman, but a woman who needed rest and nourishment. When was the last time she’d eaten? At the thought, her stomach stirred with hunger. She showered first and drew on clothes with sluggish movements before walking into the kitchen to find food. Coffee brewing and bacon frying in the pan, she remembered her cell phone and returned to the bedroom to grab it. The light blinking indicated she had messages, and she pressed the button to unlock the phone. A tingle of fear and excitement stirred to see Eiji had sent a text. She had a voice mail from Darryl, which drew curiosity, and her dad had returned her call. She hadn’t heard any of these messages come because she’d been out so deep.

Rather than check her dad’s message, she called him first and got his voice mail. She swore and backtracked to the message.

“Hello, Shae, sweetheart, I’m sorry we keep missing each other. I think I might have someone to bring our systems back online. Just not sure he can be trusted yet. Also, handling a potential shifter in New York. Your brother is off to London. I’ll share the details when I’m back on the West Coast. I love you. Rest and enjoy yourself. That’s an order. Good-bye.”

“Damn it!” She’d burned the bacon. After that disaster, she waited until she’d cooked everything and finished eating before she contemplated her next call. She could forget everybody and go shopping. She could hunt up something fun to do until the night scene came alive, which she loved more than anything.

“Or I can admit I’m avoiding Eiji,” she murmured into the empty room. Turned out vacation wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, at least not alone. She was used to going to exotic or domestic places that were nice, but she wasn’t alone. Her posse came along, especially her protector, who was a good friend, one she’d had a no-strings-attached sexual affair with a few years ago. They still slept together when her well went dry. Yet, right now, she both wanted Eiji, and he scared her. She didn’t allow things or people to scare her long. She decided she’d give her and Eiji a break. Getting too wrapped up in him could not be allowed to happen.
