Page 9 of Tempting a Wolf

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Feeling like this guy might not be all there, Tameca considered scooting sideways to the exit. Strong, thick fingers tore the cobwebs away before she could move. She stared in horror at Marcus’s angry face.

“Get lost!” he snarled at Laramie

. The man didn’t ask questions. He bolted, and at the intense look Marcus displayed, she wished she could have joined him. Marcus encircled her waist and hauled her out. All eyes, including the woman who had been on his arm earlier and who was now pouting, were on them as they moved across the room.

Once outside the room, she jerked out of his hold. “You didn’t have to rip in there like I was your girlfriend cheating on you, Marcus! And why did Laramie start acting crazy like that?”

He didn’t answer. His eyes were so dark they looked black. He lifted a hand to her neck and pushed her as if in slow motion toward the wall. Pinned there, she gasped when he lined her body with his. “You still deny me, Tami? We’re here on Halloween. I have little patience and a lot of . . . ”

“A lot of what?”

He kissed her. He moved his mouth greedily over hers, sucked at her lips, dipped his tongue inside, and uttered angry growls. By the time he drew back, her lips were numb and there was a small cut in the corner. She didn’t remember biting down and wouldn’t have during a kiss.

Marcus took another step back and released her neck. He examined her outfit and chuckled. “A cat, of all things.” His fingernail, sharp and long, cut through the strips of cloth that covered the V. The swell of her breasts was more pronounced. “That’s better.”

He guided her down the hall and into an office. Sniffing the air, Tameca hoped he hadn’t just come from doing the blonde girl in here. He looked at her with a curious gaze then moved over to a counter where drinks were set up. As he dropped ice in two glasses, he kept his back to her. She took in the long, black cape and the black boots and remembered the all-black clothing he wore. It matched his natural coloring, but he wasn’t vampirish-looking. The man had a bronze quality to his skin, maybe spent a good amount of time in the sun getting his color just right. She wondered what it would be like licking every part of that skin.

“Despite the noise, Laramie could hear me when I told him that you belong to me, that he would surely be killed by my own hands if he laid one finger on you,” he explained.

Planting a hand on her hip, she struck a pose. “So, what are you all? Vampires or something?”

When he turned to face her with a raised eyebrow, he was holding drinks. He hadn’t asked her if she drank alcohol or, if so, what she was in the mood for. “Or something.”

While she lifted the glass to her lips, she considered whether to throw a fit at his high-handed way. He seemed close to talking, so she let it go. The liquid burned going down and reminded her of why she didn’t drink often. “Care to explain?”

“We are one race, one family.”

“Impossible. I saw black guys out there. Unless they were just friends? Do you mean only some of you are brothers or what?”

“We’re all brothers and sisters, in a manner of speaking. We sometimes seek a mate outside our family.” He cast an accusatory look in her direction. “That has caused trouble more times than I can count. Outsiders who don’t understand our ways. But we must go as our fate leads. If it has chosen an outsider, we have no choice but to obey.”

She moved to a brown leather sofa, then sat down and put her drink on the table in front of it. “Funny, I had the distinct impression that you were the leader of your group, that you made the rules. I know all the others killed themselves to be sure they didn’t offend you.” She crossed her arms. “I thought this would be fun, Marcus, but Renee was right. This isn’t the place for me. Maybe I’m too . . . I don’t know, ordinary, I guess, for this type of thing. Can you have someone take me home?”

He sighed, threw off his cape, and then swiped away the fake blood from around his mouth, which was already smeared from their earlier kissing. She thought he would take out the sharp teeth, but he made no move to do it. A shiver ran over her body.

“Tami, I told you tonight, especially, I don’t have a lot of patience.” He glanced out the window at the moon and then back at her. “Tonight, I will have you.”

“Kiss my ass, Marcus.” She stood, not at all intimated by him. Her patience had also run its course, and she walked toward the door.

With her hand on the doorknob and ready to walk out, she felt him press up behind her. “If that’s what you like. Actually, it’s what I like as well.” He ripped her tail off and tossed it away. She gasped.

With a palm flattened on the door at either side of her head, he gave her only a few inches of space. “Turn around, Tami, and take off your clothes.”

A million thoughts rampaged through her mind, none of which included ignoring his bold command.

Tempting a Wolf

Chapter Six

“I should be kinder, more patient with you,” he muttered against her neck as he trailed kisses along it. “Everything is heightened tonight, and I find your scent alone is driving me out of my head. Tami, let me fill you.”

She moaned. He pulled away the last shred of ruined fabric from her body, and she wondered just what she’d wear home later.

His hands shook as they moved along her form. “Kindness later. Your body now!”

He flipped her around to face him. She bit down hard on her lip and turned her head so she wouldn’t see him seeing her naked. She wanted to cross her arms over herself, but she clenched her hands at her sides instead.

“How can I stare at your body and taste it at the same time,” he said, seeming to wonder aloud. He ran his hands down the outsides of her thighs until he was on his knees. Without warning, he dipped his tongue between her legs to taste her juices. Long and broad, his tongue pushed a short way inside her, and she cried out. He drew back.
