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“Are you enjoying working at Lorne’s?” Brooke asked her. Ally had the feeling her friends were both skating around what they really wanted to ask, but it was all good with her.

“It’s okay,” she told them. “Different. Slower paced. Plus Lorne keeps everything in such a mess. If I try to tidy up after him he complains he can’t find anything. I don’t think it’s a long term option for me.”

“Did you put your resume in at the Silver Sands Resort?” Brooke asked, giving her a sympathetic smile.

“I loaded it up on the website yesterday, but I don’t think they’ll be recruiting for a while. They’ve barely started renovating the place.”

“Bulldozering it you mean?” Brooke said, wrinkling her nose. “Every time I drive past it’s like a sandstorm. I keep thinking of all the birds and animals that have made it their home. I hope they’re watching out for them.”

Ember and Ally exchanged an amused look. Brooke had always loved animals, ever since they were all in Kindergarten. It was typical of her to worry about them.

“So you’re in limbo?”

Ally pointed at her cast. “I don’t think I’m going to be doing the limbo any time soon.”

The waiter came to take their orders. Their conversation was silenced as he went from one person to the next, writing down their starters and entrees. Lucas ordered some champagne and the next few minutes were taken up with toasts to Ember. She blushed as Lucas kissed her, hugging her close as he wished her a happy birthday.

“They’re so damn cute, aren’t they?” Brooke whispered, following Ally’s gaze. “I keep wishing he had a brother or something. He’s such a good guy.”

Ally’s heart contracted. She missed being held the way Lucas was holding Ember. Missed being kissed, too. But more than anything she missed him.

She shook her head. Tonight was supposed to be happy. Not spent moping over lost loves.

Lucas turned to smile at Ally. “How’s the leg doing?” he asked.

“It’s okay. I’m due to go back to the orthopedist next week for another x-ray. I’m hoping for good news.”

“I bet you can’t wait to get back in your running shoes,” Ember said, sitting down with her two friends.

Couldn’t wait was an understatement. The events of the past few weeks had put her whole body on edge. Every time she thought about Nate all she wanted to do was fling herself at the sand and run until it stopped hurting. But instead she was trapped with her thoughts. And no matter how hard she tried, they wouldn’t be ignored.

“Yeah, but it may be a while before that happens.”

“More champagne?” Lucas asked, pouring the sparkling liquid into Ally’s glass when she nodded at him. He wandered around the table, filling glasses. His mom said something to him and he laughed, leaning down to join his parents’ conversation. To her right, Ember was talking to her principal from school, her face animated as she described what had happened at recess that morning. And Brooke was talking to Ember’s mom, the two of them laughing at something Ember had said.

She realized she was the

only one that wasn’t speaking with somebody. Even worse, she didn’t want to talk, because the one guy she wanted to talk with wasn’t here.

Remembering she’d lost him made her hurt all over again.

Taking a sip of her champagne, she closed her eyes for a moment, trying to center herself. She was strong. She’d be okay. She really would. One day she’d even be happy.

But right now that day seemed very far away.

* * *

Nate checked his watch. How could it only be seven-thirty? He’d cooked himself a dinner that he’d hardly been able to eat, and stared at that spreadsheet again until the numbers started to swim in front of his eyes. That’s when he found himself wandering around the house, looking for something to do other than think.

But everywhere he looked reminded him of her.

The dent in the sofa where she’d sat and played video games. The side of his bed where she’d curled up and held him tightly. The guest room that still smelled of her flowery scent, and the bed he still hadn’t let the maid strip and remake.

Even when he closed his eyes he could see her. That long, blonde hair and those deep eyes that seemed to see right through him. What would he give to touch her one last time?

By a quarter to eight he was practically bouncing off the walls. He thought about calling Kirsten just to shoot the breeze, but then remembered she was three hours ahead and was probably heading for bed. He switched the TV on to see if there was something worth watching, then flicked it off almost as soon as the screen flickered to life.

Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he found himself pressing the number of the last person he should be calling in that moment.
