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“Yeah,” I said, my heart speeding up at the prospect of gearing up again. I hadn’t touched a weapon since my discharge, and I wasn’t sure how it would feel to have a gun in my hands again. “Got a rescue needs doin’, so anything you have is appreciated.”

Hawthorn nodded. “This rescue got a location?”

“Not yet, but let me see what we have for progress.” With that, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and powered it back on.

Hack rang through immediately and I put him on speaker, noting that Stone had joined us as we gathered around the hood of the Jeep.

“Hedge,” he said, his tone urgent. “I got her.”

“Thank fuck,” came Stone’s grunting reply. “She alright?”

“So far, yes. She’s scared, but she’s doing fine.”

“You talked to her?” The thought made my stomach clench, knowing Hack had been able to speak to her, comfort her, when it should have been me.

It always should have been me.

“I did, yes. She was in the trunk of a car, driving to a location that I’m still trying to track. She mentioned two guys, both wearing masks and hoodies, so that’s all she could tell me. They are traveling in an older model car, moving north into Balsam Lake Mountain Wild Forest, but, Hedge.” Hack took a deep breath, and I steeled myself against whatever news he was about to deliver, knowing it would be bad. “Man, I gotta tell you, that place is fuckin’ huge. I can’t get a real read on where she is, but I’ll keep working. As soon as I know something, you’ll have it.”

“Thanks, brother,” I replied, ending the call.

Turning back to Hawthorn, I nodded at the bag he had beside him. “You got what I need for a wilderness rescue?”

“Silas?” Stone cut in, but I ignored him.

“Sure do,” Hawthorne answered. Hefting the pack, he began to list off the contents. “You got a full go-bag with all you need. Rope, e-tool, fire kit. The works.” He flipped the front pouch open, reaching in and pulling out a fist full of foil pouches. “I got you enough rations for two, but only for about two days, so go easy. There’re iodine tablets, as well, but I got you a Camelback, too.” I nodded, grateful for the amount of thought the guy had put into this. “Now, I also got you some weapons, but I wasn’t sure what you’d need.” He opened the main pouch of the pack, pulling out two .45 caliber pistols. I could see the high-capacity magazines still in the bag, as well as other supplies like a med kit and warming blankets.

“That all looks great, man,” I said, reaching for the bag.

“Silas!” I sighed, turning to look at Stone.


“What the fuck are you doing?”

“I’m going to get Daphne, Stone.”

“Alone? Silas, we need to talk to the police. We should at least wait for Gideon’s FBI contact.”

“I’m not waiting for anything.” I squared my shoulders, looking my best friend in the eye. “Stone, go to your wife. Make sure she’s okay.” Reaching out, I placed my hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “I’ll bring Daphne home. I promise.”

I watched as he ground his teeth, torn between being with Penelope and helping me bring back his sister. For a moment, I thought he was gonna argue again, but eventually, he shook his head and blew out a breath.

“Thank you, Silas.” Stone turned, heading to the car where Frederick was still waiting, before turning to me one more time. “And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

I could only nod, not trusting myself to speak. Because if I did, I might tell him how I thought this whole thing was his fault. How if he hadn’t demanded I stay away from his sister, she would have still been in Nevada, with me, and not here in New York.


I kept my mouth shut until the car was out of sight. Then I turned back to where Hawthorn was waiting for me.

“You need anything else?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said, squaring my shoulders. “I could use a ride.”
