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“Already got offered a job,” he replied gruffly, as if the topic made him uncomfortable. “Don’t need much more than that.”

I knew that Stone and Silas had been talking to him about some work opportunities for a guy with his skills and qualifications, but I didn’t know if he’d accepted.

We talked for a few more minutes, but I could see that he was eager to leave. Stone had given Xander a room at the hotel while he recovered, and was arranging for someone to take him back to his campsite when he was ready. They would either to drop him off and let him stay, or they would help him gather his things and take him to his new job, but Xander hadn’t made up his mind yet which of those options it would be.

As he pushed the button to call the elevator back to take him to his room, I stepped up beside him, drawing his attention back to me again.

“I truly can’t thank you enough, Xander. What you did for me—what you risked for me—was... it was everything. Thank you.”

He didn’t speak, but after a second, he reached out, pulling me into a quick, rough hug. His big hand patted my back twice, hard, and then he released me. He entered the elevator and turned, giving me one last nod before the doors started to close.

“Take care, girl,” was all he said, and then he was gone.

I stood for a moment, staring at the closed doors of the elevator, wondering if I’d ever seen him again, the man who risked his life for a complete stranger, and I felt a pang of sadness at the thought that I might not.

I started at the feeling of a hand on my arm, looking to my right to see Penelope smiling softly.

“Come on, Daph,” she said, looping her arm through mine and towing me across the lobby toward the ballroom. “Let’s go celebrate you.”
