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I carefully set my drink down on the small table next to me. I’m too tempted to throw it in Jackson’s face. Before I have a chance to say anything, he rushes in with an explanation.

“Look, I know this has scandal written all over it according to you, but I’ve done my research. I’ve invested in many other clubs and bars of the non-sex variety”—he laughs at his little joke—“and I can tell you this will be just one of many under a larger corporation that my business partners and I have established. No one will look twice. We scrutinize all applications for membership and no one who has under eight figures in their bank account is granted access. The richer you are, the more you have to lose. Every member is very discreet about where we are and who is involved with the club. Nothing, and I mean nothing, non-consensual will ever happen here. This place is about letting go of inhibitions and enjoying the pleasures that come with that freedom.”

It’s almost as if he’s been practicing that speech for me. I take a look around the club from behind the heavy curtain. I have to admit, this is a beautiful club. No expense has been spared in the decor or the alcohol. There’s an intoxicating scent of expensive liquor and lust permeating the air. I see the people enjoying themselves with each other, or with a few people at one time. I don’t see out-and-out sex being had in the open, but there are a lot of hands wandering to a lot of places that are usually kept covered.

As I’m looking around, my eyes stop on a familiar head of dark brown wild hair that I was imagining wrapping in my fist just hours earlier. Kasey Albright. She’s on the dance floor laughing at something the blonde in front of her is saying. No one is touching her, but she is getting many appreciative stares from men and women alike. Eyes off. Mine. Whoa. Where did that come from? She’s dancing seductively to the music and I have never seen a woman so in tune with her body, yet so unaware of the people watching her. She’s just dancing for herself, letting everything else slip away. I’m instantly hard. Again.

“See something you like?” Jackson asks. I barely hear him, though, because all the blood in my head has suddenly rushed to my cock and the only thing I can see, feel, or hear is the blood rushing through my veins and the intense lust I feel for a certain reporter. Reporter. Shit.

“Jackson, if the price of admission is so high, then what the hell is Kasey Albright, reporter for the Philadelphia Sun, doing here?” Last I checked, reporters don’t make that kind of money.

“Relax, Donovan. One of my bartenders is friends with her sister. I allow certain employees who I know I can trust to not abuse the anonymity clause in their contract have a sort of friend’s pass. Their guests have to sign an NDA before coming in, though. It is very clear to anyone who signs it what the repercussions of breaking it are. Their grandchildren would still be paying off their debt for years to come if anyone breaks it. The sister is doing some piece on the sex club scene. She’s well aware that no names or locations are allowed from here. She can’t even use the real name of the club. I told him they can have access to the main bar area, but that’s it. No viewing rooms for them. She just wanted a general feel for a real sex club, I guess. We’re covered.”

I want to believe my brother. The sheer pleasure I see on Kasey’s face makes me want to believe that so badly. It goes against everything I’ve been taught growing up. If you don’t have any skeletons in the closet, there is nothing for people to find. The look of certainty on my brother’s face, though, tells me I should trust him. Jackson is a lot of things, but I have to believe he really understands the importance of keeping our reputation in the public eye pristine. Especially considering I’ve been drilling it in his head for the last decade or so.

The work he’s put into making this club stay a secret is impressive. The only reason I know anything about it is because I have Aiden. There isn’t a secret he can’t find out. I don’t even want to ask how he gets his information. The man has skills that are unparalleled. It’s how we’ve always been able to keep my brother out of the press. He can find anything, then bury that information so deep it’s as if it never existed.

My eyes return to Kasey, as if I now have permission to look and enjoy. She can’t see me in the shadows, so I just sit and watch her. Her movements and joy are intoxicating. I want to lick the sweat I see running down her ample cleavage. I would have never imagined she would be in a place like this. After seeing her today at the press conference and having such an intense reaction to her, it’s almost as if this is fate.

I can’t help but look on in wonder as she moves to the music. Her sister wants a story, but what does she want? From the look on her face, I can tell she’s having the time of her life. But I recognize something in her eyes that I see in my own. A need for freedom. To not have to be everything for everyone else all the time. Yeah, I know the feeling all too well. I’ve been living the same way since college, always being what Jackson or my parents needed, doing what everyone expected.

She’s letting go right now and finding pleasure in the act. I want to be the one to give her pleasure. I need to be. If I approach her now, I’m afraid I’ll break the spell she’s under. Tonight is for her and her alone. Tomorrow I’ll see about making her mine.
