Page 24 of Our Turn

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“Sure. I don’t mind. She’s in prison back in Oklahoma where we lived for the last six years. She drinks. That’s the biggest problem.”

I see Geo shake his head, then look at me with sadness in his eyes.

“That’s why I don’t drink. I’ll never drink. I watched it ruin her. Ruined our life, over and over. She sold drugs sometimes to pay the bills too. Hung around a lot of not so nice people. I’m not feeling sorry for myself though. I got out fairly unscathed. Nothing horrible happened to me. I just want a different life. I dropped out of high school when I was sixteen to go to work because I was tired of us losing our housing.”

“Wow. You’re wicked smart, baby.”

“Maybe.” I look out the windshield to see the first drops of rain hitting the glass. The sky is darkening, and there’s a dim flash of lightning in the distance.

“I’ve got you now. You’re safe.”

“Yeah. I just made it my purpose in life not to repeat her mistakes. I’ve never committed a crime, at least that I know of,” I giggle as the car speeds as we enter the freeway. “And I won’t hang around anyone that does. I mean, it’s okay.” I look over at Geo. “I know you’re speeding, but I can forgive you. Just watch it.” I jab a finger and narrow my eyes his way, and he cracks a half smile, raising his eyebrows.

“I’ll watch myself.” His words are flat, and the odd feeling he’s hiding something comes over me again. But I shake it off, realizing we still need to figure each other out. He could just be nervous or unsure how much to share with me.

Who knows, I mean, he’s clearly got money. Maybe he’s worried I’m a gold digger. I don’t want to pry, to make him think I’m trying to play him in some way, so I settle myself and put my other hand on top of his, telling myself just to let things happen at their own pace.

“Good.” I smile, feeling that tingling tension as I look over at him.

He’s magnificent, and I can see how people would be frightened of him. He’s not conventionally handsome, that’s for sure, and his size is awe-inspiring. But he radiates this masculine, don’t fuck with me kind of energy that I’m sure is off-putting to a lot of people, but I find so attractive I can barely contain the little orgasm that threatens to overtake me just from looking at him.

The rest of the way to his place, he asks me all sorts of questions. He’s so interested in everything about me I feel like a celebrity around him. Like I’m someone special.

Which I’m definitely not.

Or maybe I am. To him. And that sends a shiver of pleasure reverberating all the way up my spine.

When he slows in front of a driveway, pulling in and punching a code into the box on his side, I can’t help but be impressed. A second later, a massive iron gate swings open to let us in. The same iron fencing crosses the front of the property, and I wonder for a split second if he’s trying to keep something out or something in.

I sit up, and he finally lets my hand go after kissing the back. The property is heavily wooded in the front, and it takes a few seconds driving up the driveway before the main structure comes into view.

It’s still hard to believe that just this morning, I was laying in the hospital ready to meet my father for the first time. It feels like a lifetime ago.

When the house finally comes into full view, I think Geo must be the celebrity.

“Oh. My. Gawd. Is this an apartment building? Or a tourist attraction?”

“I got a good deal,” he says as he winds the Suburban into the circular drive. “Investment.”

“How long have you lived here?” I stare up at the three-story stone mansion. “How many people live here?”

“Ten years. And one. Unless you count the ghosts.” He turns the car off, turning to me with a smile. “Just kidding, no ghosts. An occasional mouse though.”

“Oh, I love mice. You don’t kill them, do you?” I give him a playful glare.

“Actually.” He bobs his eyebrows. “I don’t. I use live traps if I need to and then take them to the back of the property and let them go.”

“You are perfect. You know that?” There’s a lilt in my voice that I can’t hold back. I’m done playing it cool.

“Back atcha, baby.” He reaches over to run a thumb down my nose. “Now, I want to show you around. Then, we’re going to finish what we started at the restaurant.”

As fire flames behind his eyes, my heart leaps in my chest.



I DON’T THINK I HONESTLY ever considered getting out of my line of work before today.

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