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“This makes me very unhappy, little girl,” he says.

“I know, Daddy. I want to be a better little girl. I shouldn’t have freaked out the way I did. I work to be the most girly, sweet and submissive little girl there is,” I say.

“Little girl,” he replies, “I never said you were doing anything wrong with any of those things.”

“But you said you’re not happy!” I snap. Then, I feel like an idiot for snapping.

“Don’t use that tone with me, little girl,” he says sternly. Dear God, the sound of his voice when he’s stern has to be the most absolutely sexy thing on Earth.

“Sorry Daddy,” I say. God, it’s a wonder I don’t moan when I say it.

“I’m saying this relationship isn’t working. I’m not happy that you have to pretend instead of being honest. I don’t want you to pretend. I want you to be honest.”

“You don’t think the relationship is working?” Of course! Of course. Fuck my life. I do everything a little girl is supposed to do, make myself sick over it, and it still doesn’t work. Of course, running out the door in the middle of the night after screaming at him was a bunch of bullshit, too, so is it any surprise, really? I’m just a fucking idiot.

“I need you to listen very carefully to me. You lied to me. You lied to me and I’ve been hurting you because of that lie. That is an example of a relationship not working.”

I can’t argue with that logic. “Yes, Daddy,” I say. I can feel tears threatening to form a flood. I can’t believe after the longest relationship I’ve been able to manage I’m actually going to lose a Daddy I not only want but really love. “I’ll… I’ll move out.”

He looks at me like I just said the stupidest possible thing.

“Do you think that’s the solution?” He asks. I’m not sure if he actually asks a question of if it’s rhetorical. I stare at him and fortunately he continues. “If there is a problem that needs to be addressed, the only answer is to abandon the relationship? Why in the world would that be the first thought instead of trying to address the problem.”

“I… I don’t know how to fix this!” I say. I say it a little stronger than I mean to. He shoots me a warning glance and, for the love of God, it feels almost like he just put a vibrator against my pussy.

“The very first thing we need to do is be honest,” he says, “and then the second thing we need to do is be honest. It’s the third thing, too.”

“That’s just…” I don’t know why I’m getting angry. I can’t help myself, though. “That’s just stupid!”

He looks at me and says, “Don’t take that tone, little girl.” Again, his stern tone of voice might as well be a vibrator.

“Sorry, Daddy,” I say, “but this doesn’t make any sense at all.”

“Imagine that,” he says. “you’re saying you literally can’t comprehend a relationship based on honesty. Were you lying when you told me you love me?”

I stare at him in horror. “No!”

“Were you lying when you told me you thought moving in together was a good idea?”

“No! Why are you asking all these things?”

“Because you weren’t honest about something as simple as tickling,” he replies. “How am I supposed to believe you with something important if I can’t trust you with something so minor?”

I stare at him in shock and suddenly, I realize just what I’ve done. Lamely, I say, “You won’t ever trust me again now.”

He shakes his head. “I didn’t say that. We don’t have to make every aspect of every part of our relationship and all or none thing. But we have to start from a good foundation.”

“But you don’t trust me now,” I say. I say it with a pouty voice and I hate myself for it.

“All right, little girl,” he says. His eyes narrow and if there is anything in his expression that suggests he’s willing to bend on this issue, I can’t see it. “This isn’t going to happen. You are going to face this situation and deal with it. You’re not going to make sweeping and melodramatic comments on the state of our relationship.”

I gulp. I don’t have the slightest idea what to say.

“This is about you being dishonest and allowing yourself to be hurt because of your dishonesty. It’s not about whether you’re capable of being a good little girl. It’s not about whether you’ve ruined things. It’s about you being dishonest and you need to focus on that and only on that right now. Everything else you’re talking about is just keeping yourself from having to face the behavior!”
