Page 24 of With Conditions

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Grabbing the coffee, he brought me from my desk, I noticed my face on the front page with the headline ‘Boss Babe CEO and her Charity Case.’ My hand automatically covered my mouth to cease that cry of shock which I felt. Drake moved to the windows pulling the blinds showing the large white reporting trucks.

I gasped, “This is backfiring horribly.”

Drake didn’t respond. He turned on the TV to show the local news channel. “You might want to watch this.”

Cole’s beautiful jawline and amazing accent filled the studio. “Yeah, we met boating. She is nothing short of kind and smart.”

I paced closer to the screen as Steve scurried inside.

“Did you tell him to do this?” I snapped at him. He held his hands up from his pockets in a submitting motion, shaking his head with a ‘no’.

Looking back at Cole on the TV I heard him saying, “She didn’t know that I worked at her facility at the time and currently working as a contractor. She was shocked, but I told her that I wanted to stay employed, and that’s when she found Miles the new CEO to avoid the conflict of interest as she was the acting CEO.”

“Oh! He is good,” Steve couldn’t help praising him while the anchorwoman was grinning and eating up his every word.

“Have you talked about plans for the future?” The anchor probed in deeper.

Cole didn’t miss a beat beaming at her. “Yes, we are actually leaving next week for Australia to meet my family. She is excited to step away from the office for a week and embrace some quality time together.”

My heart fluttered at the way he talked about us. Almost as if it were real. Finally, the interview ended, and he turned it into a true love story. Drake jumped as the doorbell chimed. Steve, went to scare off the news trucks with whatever legal rights we had. I picked up my phone and headed towards the bathroom to finish putting on my makeup. After about ten minutes, I strolled back to my kitchen to see roses everywhere. My heart warmed, and an ear-to-ear grin curved on my face.

“There has to be over 100 dozen,” Steve clearly looked annoyed.

The roses filled every inch of space in my office, my sitting room, and even the main entrance. Still smiling, I picked up my phone and texted Miles.

Sophie: The embarrassing display of roses, makes up for the empty bed this morning.

Feeling cheesy inside, I watched as bubbles surfaced, showing me when he was typing and then disappeared. Looking at my phone, with utter confusion, I saw them reappear.

Miles: Sorry, I didn’t want to be late this morning for my flight to Florida. I would never embarrass you with something that dies so fast, such as flowers.

I felt both shocked and confused by his reply. Who sent me the flowers, then?

Paul was my best friend, and it had been a few weeks since we met, so I called him up to meet me at our usual restaurant downtown. I was scrolling through my emails while waiting for Drake to send me flight information to Australia on Friday. Checking for details, I couldn’t help noticing 26 D on the ticket.

“Babe, it’s great to see you. I’m getting more updates about your life from the front page of the paper,” He rolled his eyes. Paul’s blue eyes and salt and pepper hair were not what I expected for Drake. He was a retired IT guru but loved Drake very much, which was all I cared about.

“I’m sorry, it’s been a crazy week.”

“You mean the new hot CEO or the sexy janitor?” Taking in his opinion of the situation made me blush.

I stammered, “Cole… Cole is just a fake friend, but Miles… he suits me.”

“Well, I think that depends on who you ask.” He flashed a look like he knew something I didn’t.

“What do you know?”

Paul called for the waiter in his typical diva style. “Oh, it’s not my job to tell you the story hun, you’re going to have to figure that out on your own.”

“Speaking of which, will you look at this text and tell me what it means.” Pulling up the text from Miles and passing the phone it to Paul, I noticed he didn’t take him long to put it together.

He piqued his eyebrow, “so, who is this third person?”


“If Miles didn’t send you the flowers, babe, who did?” The words hit me to the core.

Paul giggled. “It sounds to me like that’s not really his thing.”
