Page 16 of Jessica's Protector

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I don’t think they understood me, but then, I didn’t think they knew how much I wanted a shower. Yet here I am. A stream of humid air flows over me. It’s not real water, no, but I’m not complaining. My skin and hair seem damp but the liquid melts like liquid nitrogen without the freezing.

Since there don’t seem to be razors around here, I wonder how the four men stay so clean shaven. Cinq’s skin appeared metallic but felt like satin wherever I touched him. And his lips? I shiver despite the warmth.

I don’t know why I kissed him. Something in his eyes, maybe? His expression held relief and affection at the same time. He felt amazing and tasted good. His arms held me closer than I’d planned, as if he didn’t want to let me go. I scrub my face with the vapor. Really tough to resist a hunky guy who likes and wants to touch me.

I turn to let my front get the spray, twisting my hair to wring out the non-water. Nothing drips, which is so weird. There’s no soap or shampoo, so I hope this cleanliness lasts a while because I don’t know how to ask for deodorant.

Which is a speck of a much larger problem. How can I ask them for anything I need? What are the words for take me home? Or, how do I ask them to direct me back to Earth and my mom? Tears fill my eyes, making me angry. Again with this? I wipe them, with this time the water acting like it’s supposed to. I’ve cried so much and in front of the aliens. It’s humiliating. I managed to live several days with Stacie and the others without breaking down. But get me in front of four strong aliens and I turn to mush.

I must need this chance to get it out of my system, so I don’t hold back. I cry for my mom, my job at the university, and my boyfriend who I was getting ready to leave anyway. Tom hadn’t kissed me back like Cinq did. Not for a long time, anyway. I let me cry for a little longer and struggle to keep it quiet. I don’t want one of the men to knock on the door and ask what’s wrong.

Or, I think they would knock first. A little worried now, I double check the shower door’s lock. Still good. Out of habit, I wring my hair one more time. There’s a thin towel hanging from a hook almost too high for me to reach. I manage to bring down the blanket-sized towel and pretend to dry off this almost water stuff.

Feeling a little better from my cry, I steel myself. The men learned how I landed here. Now I need to show them how I want to leave. Peeking out, no one’s around. At least, I’m alone in the bedroom. Even better, there are clothes stacked on the bed they gave me. There are only four beds, so I’ll need to find another place to sleep. I tiptoe over, wary one of them will barge in.

With the towel double wrapped around me, I tiptoe to the door and look into the main room. No one is there. I listen for footsteps. Nothing, so I don’t waste a second dressing. The clothes are too big, but I expected that. The shirt is a tunic, almost a dress. I roll up the pant legs to shorten them. The belt is odd and I can’t figure out how to work it until I press a button. It’s like a measuring tape with magnets at both ends. Cool and confusing, but I make it work.

Fully clothed, I can relax. Sort of. I slip on my shoes and go out into the main room. If I’d known they’d give me something clean to wear, I would have washed my old stuff. Several days of funky smells are in them.

Later. Right now, I’m opening the usually propped open metal door to the tunnel out. They wouldn’t have abandoned me, would they? The darkness is creepy and I’m glad for the slight lighting. I ease my way down the path, still not used to being in a lava tube.

I stop when hearing voices. Closing my eyes I listen, picking out Cinq and Quin. No S’Tou or Nilt and I’m kind of glad. S’Tou is all right but Nilt still bothers me. It’s the scales. A shudder sweeps through me. I know I’ll get used to his reptilian appearance but not today. The men’s tones seem relaxed, conversational, so I continue on. I’ve been down this way by myself so I’m not scared. Just cautious.

I peek out from around the tunnel’s entrance. Cinq and Quin are sitting to the left, opposite from the toilet area. Don’t blame them a bit. “Hello,” I begin, and because even aliens love their names, I add, “Cinq, Quin.”

Cinq stands and says something to Quin before coming over to me. Giving me this shit eating grin, he adds, “Hello, Jessica. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“How?” I manage to say after several seconds of pure shock.

He’s smug as he comes up to me. “I accessed Earther English based on your words. Gives me instant fluency.”

I’m not sure if I’m angry or happy. “You’ve just now done this?” I ask and he nods. Yes, furious is the word for this emotion. I try to grin instead of scowl while asking, “Why the wait? Because hearing how you mean me no harm would have been nice to hear when we first met. Or maybe today with don’t eat the poison because it’s going to kill you.”

His smile fades as I talk until he looks as unhappy as I feel. Grim now, he says, “It’s a very long story.”

I shrug. “All right. I guess I’d better skip getting any explanation from you because I’m going back to Earth in a few minutes, right?”

“Not exactly.”

Damn it. I didn’t want him to confirm my staying here, but okay. First things first. “In that case, we can talk. You can tell me why you waited to tell me your food is toxic and answer any questions I have about where I am and who I’m with.”

He glances at Quin before addressing me again. “I will. We can settle in and I’ll answer any question I know the answer to.”

My hands relax, making me realize how much I’d expected him to refuse my request. I smile, grateful he’s agreeable. I glance at the trees outside of the cave. “Can we go exploring? Maybe grab some non-lethal food first? I’d really like a drink of nothing but H2O.”

He shakes his head with a grim expression. “No exploring. It’s too dangerous right now. Also, all of our food is non-lethal to Earthers. I’m sorry your first experience with our cuisine was painful.” He puts a hand on my shoulder, caressing to the middle of my upper arm before letting go. “We’ll have to find you something without a certain peppery spice called tikk.” His cheeks flush a little darker. “I also hate to confess I’m not sure what H2O refers to.”

Yikes. How smart can he be without knowing basic chemistry? “You are unaware of what two hydrogens and one oxygen are?”

“Oh, water. Of course. My translator is still unpacking your scientific vocabulary.” He turns a couple of shade darker. “And yes, we have plenty of that. Come on and I’ll get you as much as you’d like to drink.” He heads toward the tunnel. As I follow, he glances back, saying, “You look far more comfortable and cleaner now.”

“I am, thank you.” So he doesn’t think I’m being facetious, I add, “Really, the clothes are great and the shower was wonderful. I really appreciate the gift.”

“You’re welcome. Cleaning you up might have been a gift for us, too.”

My mouth drops before I start laughing. Putting both of my hands on his broad back, I want to pretend to push him down the tunnel but he’s strong and immobile. A bit stunned over his compressed power, I squeak, “I’ll bet. The cargo hold we were in was rank.”
