Page 29 of Jessica's Protector

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I’m frozen in place, unsure of what to do. The second message contains a small addition of a very familiar programmer id from Innovator SearShell Noni. My former protege is good, clearly competent enough to find my recent connection to the datalinks. Still, as expert as she is, I’m better.

But what now? I’m not sure. I create various scenarios to run on the various choices I have. Report in as ordered and be caught doing the exact thing the empire has forbidden me from doing? Or ignore it and hope they go away? Neither route sounds appealing, so I set up several simulations as a side routine in my system to gauge their outcomes. I sigh when receiving the instant results because the solutions are no solutions at all. I could do several things with low risk to me or the others. But the only answer returning with zero harmful consequences is for me to remove all tech from my system while ignoring the notification from SearShell.

The irony of using illegal tech to research getting away with accessing illegal tech is not lost on me. Doing as my system suggests, I comb through my system, wiping any trace of my last download in the obvious places. I move everything incriminating deeper into my memory. S’Tou has the stories he wanted, so I delete those and then eradicate any traces of them.

Now, on to the serious work. I find a seat on the smoothest boulder around here. I can’t delete, scrub, and call things done, just yet. Looking within, I need to think like the team she has working with her, not the solitary hacker I am. I search for the entrances I’d expect her to create if our situations were reversed. After making a new hidden entrance for my way back into the system in case I need one, I delete my old portal, then wash any traces of it from my mind.

A few residual memories remain in my head, but they’re staying. I glance over at Jessica as she laughs at something Nilt’s said. I’ll remove a lot of my access to remain hidden from SearShell but not my one sure way of communicating with Jessica. She turns to see me and gives a wave before resuming her talk with Nilt. Both seem animated over a rock she’s holding, comparing it to the stone he’s examining, too.

I’m torn because I want to go talk with her, soak up her affection, but the empire’s order has me rattled. She’ll pick up on my jitters when I join them, if she hasn’t already. I stand, giving them a wave and head off in the opposite direction from them for a walk. I need some time to clear my head, create a plan, and continue enjoying this one-sided bond with Jessica.

My cock is already semi hard when thinking of earlier today. How warm and wet she was, her little moans every time I pushed against the end of her cunt, her fingers intertwined in my hair. Painful, but in a good way. I never expected to find love again, never mind a true bondmate, but she’s here and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her.

I examine the overcast sky through the abundant purple leaves above me while I walk but soon ned to quit. Thick roots grow up from the soil, surfacing like water reptiles before plunging back into the ground. Our trails to the stream or Aard’s various drop off points weave around the roots as much as possible.

I crawl over one of the taller outcroppings. I’d had this perfect refuge created, built bit by bit, thanks to Aard. None of us live in luxury here, but the planet is mine and I don’t have to make rules here. My mind’s wandering, meandering like the route in front of me, and I need to focus on hiding from the empire’s long reach.

Who killed your charki? S’Tou asks.

I glance up from the path to see him approach, picking over the roots as carefully as I am. I’ve learned my data skills are slipping. The empire has pinged me a couple of times today.

Pless, he replies, stepping over a particularly twisty root. Bad timing on their part, considering your new bondmate.

I know. Just play ignorant if they ask questions. I’ve cleaned up what I can but feel as if I’m missing something.

S’Tou nudges my shoulder as he passes by. Will do. Should I warn your Earther we need to pack?

Not yet, I answer while walking on. I’ll tell her and the others when I get back. I just need some space to think.

We don’t have a lot of time if they know you’re here.

I hate how he’s right. Keeping my internal tone even, I respond with, I’m aware of the stakes. I’ll turn around at the stream and come back soon.

S’Tou doesn’t reply but I know he’s received my message. I go on, using the path’s unevenness to distract me from what happens ff I flag down Aard and have him take us across the galaxy to get away from the empire. The further, the better since we can’t risk being caught again.

Before the empire spotted my access point, I could have let Jessica send at least one message home to her mother. Now, she can’t create any covert messages relayed through S’Tou, Quin, or Nilt to Earth however the planet electronically communicates.

I’d wanted to tell Jessica myself about the chance to talk with her mother. Set up a time convenient for a conversation between the two. Plus, I wanted to tell her mother myself how I’ll protect Jessica from harm now and always. Give her mother my promise.

I hate this.

My failure to save one mate’s life has led to creating misery for my second mate. I’m trapped no matter where I run to, and I’m tired of living in shadows. Plus, I don’t want to leave the others here. I trust them. They’re not blood, but they’re more brothers to me than my own are.

Reached the stream, yet? S’Tou asks me.

I laugh, because it’s a few steps ahead of me. Yes, and I’m doubling back now.

Good. Jessica insists we wait for you to eat and we’re all hungry.

Fine, I’ll step it up, I reply and sign off.

A couple of seconds later, a priority message dominates my internal display. Innovator Cinq, you must respond to our query within the next few nanoseconds or face punishment.

It’s a trap. I know this because I wrote the procedure. Instead of answering, I continue on to the habitat well past the deadline.

Cinq, please answer or I’ll have no choice but to flag you for tech deletion and future disabling.
