Page 35 of Jessica's Protector

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Jessica sits up and I resist the urge to caress her. Mainly due to how harshly she’s glaring at me. “We wasted time having sex when both of us could have been brainstorming a solution? Seriously?” She slides off the bed, pulling on clothes.

Putting a hand to my chest as if she’s mortally wounded my heart, I say, “I don’t think our lovemaking was a waste of time at all. We might never get another chance to be together again. The emperor could cut my use of nanotechnology at any moment, or worse, come here and arrest me.” Yes, I feel a little melodramatic, but I don’t know how much interference Noni can run between me and a vengeful emperor.

Jessica pauses in searching for her shirt to stare at me with her hands on her hips. “And that’s not enough for you to forestall the sex in favor of, I don’t know, finding a solution?” Shaking her head, she scoops up her shirt, muttering, “Everywhere in the universe, men can be counted on to think with their dicks instead of their brains.”

I look her up and down. Even in the old-style clothes, she’s beautiful and irresistible. She pauses in slipping on her shoes. “No, stop looking at me like that. Don’t use the sappy, “I love you,” eyes at me.” She sits on the edge of the bed, facing me. “I don’t have tech so I can’t understand why being cut off would be bad. Tell me why you’re sounding fatalistic this morning.”

“My lack of access wouldn’t be bad for only me. My nanos help translate your language so we’d be back to not understanding each other. I couldn’t work the replicator anymore, so we’d have to live off the land and there’s not much to eat anywhere on the surface.”

She chews on her lip before saying, “That’s pretty bad.”

“It is,” I agree. “Worse is how I couldn’t send messages to Aard or drop credits into his account.” I wave a hand at our surroundings. “All this is thanks to my ability to contact him and buy why we need. When I lose that, I lose everything but what’s here.”

Jessica stands, slipping on her shoes. “I understand because then you’ll be where I am, trapped with no way to communicate home, vulnerable and mentally isolated.” She reaches out to give my shoulder a squeeze like I’m any other man and not her mate. “We need to find a way to let you keep your nanos.”

“We do,” I manage to agree, stunned. I’ve skirted around the empire, lurking out of sight to keep what little tech I had and fearful of losing it. Meanwhile, I’ve kept her here, forcing her to live a life I’m terrified of. “I’m sorry you’ve felt vulnerable and isolated. I promise to always protect you and keep you safe.”

“I appreciate that,” she says, giving me a kiss on the forehead. “You won’t have to do much. I’m used to being on my own and taking care of everyone else. I’m more worried about you, since you’re the one used to having the universe in your head. If anything, you’ll need my protection far more than I’ll need yours.”

I stand. Looking down at her, Jessica is so sweet, beautiful, and small, I can’t help but laugh at how she’s going to protect me. “I appreciate the sentiment, truly.”

Only, she’s not joining in with my amusement. “Thanks, but do you work out? Exercise?” she asks and I shake my head. “So, it’s your nanos keeping you built, huh?”

“And?” I prod as if the solution to staying strong isn’t easy. “I’ll just add in training to my daily routine. I have plenty of time.”

“Good. Problem solved.” She gently pokes my chest. “Only, you can’t use the replicator unless one of the others are around. What happens if you eat something that’s off and you get food poisoning? No nanos mean no medical help. What if—”

“Stop.” I hold up a hand to stop the constant torrent of catastrophes from continuing. “I’ve learned a few things about survival in my time here. Plus, the others will help me. I’ll do well with no problems and still be the strong mate you deserve.”

Jessica groans, then shakes her head, both of which irritate the pless out of me as she says, “I don’t need a strong mate. I need a way to get home.”

I don’t say anything, just glare at her until she leaves the room. I don’t follow her out at first, more than a little injured at how she doesn’t seem to have faith in my abilities. I’m not helpless and haven’t only relied on my bionans the entire time I’ve lived on X-113.

I’m beginning to think my system is wrong in insisting she’s my mate. I search for my shoes, finding them kicked under the bed, and put them on. Yes, our lovemaking is everything I’d ever wanted, but she doesn’t seem to agree with me on anything unless we’re actually in bed together. Fully dressed, she’s like an angry slarka and those beasts are never happy.

Her attitude affects mine, making me as prickly as her. I leave the quiet of the bedroom for the bustle of the main living area. She’s already seated, eating a breakfast one of the others created for her. Fine. If she wants independence more than my love or help, so be it. I go to the replicator for my own meal, making a point of not asking her if she’d like anything else. I don’t care if she’s happy or not.

Breakfast sandwich in hand, I stroll over to the table in a way I hope projects I have far better things on my mind than Jessica’s happiness. I eat without greeting anyone or looking at her. I halfway listen in as S’Tou and Nilt chat about if scavenging the Kostan wreck is possible or if the Gharians are still investigating. Jessica’s listening, too, but not adding anything.

Quin is already out of our quarters. No surprise since he’s an early riser. Watching the sun come up over the mountains every day before exploring is his routine. We rely on his observations, missing them since the crash curtailed all of our usual activities.

I’m finished but before I get up, S’Tou’s taken our plates for recycling. Jessica still doesn’t look at me as she leaves the table. “I’m going to take a shower, if no one minds.”

“We don’t,” Nilt says. “At least I don’t. When you’re done, meet me at the cave entrance and we’ll go rock hunting.”

Before I can continue my pretend indifference, I interject, “Not going too far, of course.”

Jessica rolls her eyes as Nilt grimaces before saying, “Of course. None of us are looking to get caught by the empire.” He leaves the table, stopping to grab his rock bag. “See you out there,” he says to Jessica.

“Sure thing.”

She goes without a word to me. The door closes behind her and the room seems empty and sad now without her. Or maybe it’s just me who fits that description. I stand, needing the fresh air.

“Going outside?” S’Tou asks and I nod. “I’ll go with you.”

“Sure.” We both head down the tunnel.
