Page 48 of Jessica's Protector

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“Doesn’t matter,” Cinq says. “Run and glide if you must, but get her to safety.”

S’Tou adds, “Remember, twisty route.”

“Got it.” Quin pulls me to the side as the other two men draw weapons as we step through the tear in the wall.

I look up, not seeing anything around us but the crashed ship. Before I can ask, a couple of gray people step around the corner, pointing cylinders at us. Cinq and S’Tou block me from seeing any more as S’Tou begins speaking what I assume is their language.

Quin pulls me on and around the corner before I know what’s going on. Out of sight from the other two wakes me up and I struggle. “What, no, we have to go back and help them.”

“My orders are clear, Jessica.” He turns me to face away from him. “This is going to seem a little kinky, but we need to go.”

Quin wraps his arms around me. When we’re off the ground, I yelp and he wraps his legs around me. “Like I said, a little kinky, but it’s the only way to get us both out of here.”

“Quin, no,” I sputter as we’re up in the air. “We have to help them somehow.”

He’s panting a little in my ear with each downbeat of his wings. “This is helping them, I promise. Just hang on. I need to take a difficult route for them to follow.”

I’m hanging onto his arms, wondering if I should be facing him instead and wrapping all of my limbs around him. Considering he’s lean, yet strong, maybe he should be able to focus his energy on flying. The ground under us moves fast, making me a little dizzy. I close my eyes to keep from getting airsick.

He’s breathing harder now. “I always thought carrying off a beautiful Earther would be easier than this. More romantic, too.”

I laugh but keep my eyes closed. “You’re telling me you’re desperate and out of shape?”

“A little.”

I can’t resist the urge and open my eyes, instantly regretting doing so when I see how far below us the ground is. “Can I help?”

“Not directly. Let me hold you and think light thoughts.”

“Got it.” We go on for a while, the cold air starting to affect me. Shivering might upset his flight but I’m beginning to feel my skin freeze. “Quin?”

“I’m cold, too. We’ll have to land on the other side of our habitat. There’s a hidden entrance and it’s warmer than the rest of the cavern.”

I hope it’s not far because his arms are sweaty. A little gross, yes, but more concerning because he’s not having an easy time of hauling me around. “We could land now and walk or run there. I’m in decent shape and have these air filters in my nose.”

“I’ll take you up on that offer, thank you.”

Opening my eyes again terrifies me because the treetops are way too close. Quin pauses in mid-air and lowers us slowly until our feet are on solid ground. “There. Ready to run?”

“Yes. Lead the way.”

Quin takes off ahead and I grin. Racing’s my thing. Even though I’m not wearing my running shoes, they’re good enough for now. I follow him, enjoying how I can hurtle over some of the taller roots in our path. I’m still a little stiff from healing up from the crash, but the movement feels good. Soon, we leave the forest and begin climbing the hill. We’re weaving among the sharp igneous rock before he slows down.

I don’t have a chance to ask what’s going on before he pulls away a grayish black tarp aside. There’s a hole in the rock and he steps inside. “Pull the cover closed once you’re in,” he says and disappears into the inky darkness.

Shit. I do NOT want to do this. But, with aliens probably on our tail and the other men defending us, I don’t have the privilege of being a wuss. I follow Quin, pulling the tarp closed as he’d said. There are lights here, too, like in the cavern’s tunnel. He’s waiting up ahead for me, or rather, down below. The steps are crude, but the rock porous enough to keep me steady as I climb my way to him.

Quin pauses and I see him wait for me in the dim light as he says, “It’s a bit of a hike to the cave but the good thing is there are no animals on this planet.”

Good and bad, so I say, “Sucks for hunting, huh?”

He laughs, continuing on when I catch up to him. “Very much. I hate depending on Aard and the replicator for food, but there’s no other choice but leaving.”

Which leads me to wonder about why he’s here. “Can you leave the planet or are you imprisoned here like Cinq is?”

He glances back at me, reaching out a hand to help me down a slippery step. “None of us are restrained, really. We could go at any time.”

Fuck. “Well, I’m trapped, so there’s that.” Yes, my tone is less than kind but Cinq’s keeping me here isn’t great, either. Now I’m angry all over again at him.
