Page 85 of Jessica's Protector

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“S’Tou told me the story. I agree with why on both sides. Cinq had a good reason but people just can’t break into someone else’s mind and body to control them no matter what.” She stands, holding out her hand for my empty glass. “It’s why I’m not taking nanos for a while. I don’t want to be controlled by evil.”

She has a good point, especially after the recent attacks. “You know I have Kostan nanos, don’t you?”

“I do.” She pauses at the replicator. “Do you want more?”

“No, I’m good.” I wait until she’s seated again. “I won’t lie. I was worried when the virus hit Nilt and even more concerned about everyone else with Gharian nanos. Then, when Cinq applied the fix, I was afraid his repair might affect me.”

Stacie nods. “Yeah, when the Kostans unleashed the virus, the empire thought Cinq was the hacker at first. Since he fixed everything, I can’t imagine he’d let anything harm you, though. He gives you the same lovey dovey eyes S’Tou gives me.”

I smile because she’s right. I’ve caught both men looking at us like we’re the best ever. “And speaking of our men, let’s go smooch on them and make plans to resume our talk tomorrow over breakfast.”

“Sounds perfect.” She hugs me after we stand. “I’m so glad you’re here and hope wherever they put us, it’s near enough for us to visit.”

I give her an extra squeeze before letting go. Instead of saying I hope Cinq’s prison is near where she plans to settle, I just reply, “So do I.”
