Page 92 of Jessica's Protector

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The four of us walk down the long hallway to the front entrance, light shimmering from every surface. Now that I’m not terrified over losing Cinq, I can appreciate the beauty. “Is all of Ghar so gorgeous?”

“Most of it is, yes,” Cinq replies. “Everything seems better with you here, though. The sun’s brighter, the sky bluer, the emperor friendlier.”

S’Tou snorts and I chuckle. “That’s good, right?” I ask as S’Tou and Stacie get into a self-driving vehicle, leaving us alone and waving goodbye while waiting for Noni. “I mean, you’re here and not on some third-rate rock of a planet, pining for a bondmate.”

He smooths hair from my face, gazing down into my eyes with an amused expression. “You’re right. I’m here, on the best planet in the galaxy with my bondmate, who I love more than I ever thought possible.”

I tiptoe to kiss him. “What a very good observation, Innovator VilKrell. I’m glad I have such a wonderful bondmate to protect from the evil emperor.”

“You know he has eyes and ears everywhere, don’t you?” Cinq whispers.

Slapping a hand over my mouth, I shake my head and he laughs. “Don’t worry, I’m sure he’d agree he can be disagreeable at times, and besides. I can’t hate him since he’s let me be free with you.”

Noni’s vehicle pulls up in the space next to us and the gull wing door opens. “Get in,” she says. “I’ve set up your healer appointment already.”

“One second,” Cinq says and ignores her impatient huff. Taking me by the shoulders, he stares into my eyes. “Are you sure you want to stay with me? Once we both have nanos, our systems will want to match.”

Laughing at his hesitation, I shake my head. “Don’t you know the answer to this already?”

A dark flush brightens his face. “I do, maybe.”

I smile, determined to reassure my mate of how I feel. “Yes, Cinq. Receiving nanos who want me to match to you will only confirm what’s already in my heart. You’re mine and I’m yours, I promise.” I kiss him, only breaking away to say, “Now let’s go before we miss our appointment. I want our nano-matching sexy times to start today.”
