Page 59 of Their Chosen Mate

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I looked into my friend’s eyes and watched as she realized what had happened. “Your?”

“Yep.” I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face.

“Amelia, do you want me to text you your next appointment?” Betty asked.

I waved at her. “Yes, I don’t care what time. Niko and Miguel will work around whatever I get.” I squeezed Kymber once more. “I gotta go!”

She dropped her arms. “Hurry before they show up looking for the cause of your distress.” Kymber nodded at the door. “Call me when things are settled so we can start planning the shower.”

“Oh, I didn’t even think about that.” I stopped and began thinking of ALL the things that were going to happen.

“Oh no, you don’t. Don’t you start thinking? Just run home, tell your mates, and have amazing sex once again. We have plenty of time for everything else.” Kymber pushed me out the door. “I love you, friend, and tell your boys the same. If they fuck this up, I’ll kill them myself!”

I laughed, joy bubbling out of me as I ran back home. The door banged against the wall as I burst through the door and yelled for my mates. “Niko, Miguel!”

They both came running, Niko from upstairs and Miguel from the kitchen. We met in the dining room.

“What’s wrong?” Niko searched behind me for an unseen threat.

“Love, calm down. What’s wrong?” Miguel wrapped me in his arms. I was too excited to stay still. I bounced away from him and turned so I could see them both.

I giggled, unable to contain myself any longer. “Nothing’s wrong. I just have some exciting news to share.” I clapped my hands like a child.

“Let me close the door.” Niko closed and locked the door in record time. “Now, pet, tell us what you are so excited about.”

“I’m pregnant!”

“Oh my god! We are going to be dads!” Miguel rushed to me, grabbing me and lifting me in the air as he twirled me around.

Niko’s silence stopped our celebration. We both turned to him. His face was white as a sheet as he stared straight at my belly. “Pregnant?”

I walked over to him, Miguel at my side. I placed Niko’s hand on my belly. “Yes, pregnant. You’re going to be a dad.”

Miguel placed his hand on ours. “Niko, this is a good thing. Something we all wanted.”

Niko raised his gaze to mine, and that’s when I saw it. His eyes were brimming with unshed tears. “Me, a dad?”

I stood on tiptoe and kissed his lips. “Yes, you. You’re going to be a great dad.” Miguel wrapped his arms around both of us as Niko drug us to the floor with him as his legs gave out.

“I don’t know how to be a dad.” Niko looked at Miguel. “What do I do?”

Our big strong dom was asking for help. I never thought there would be a day I would see anything take him to his knees.

“You love him with everything you have, teach him everything you know, and then love him some more.” I laid my head on his shoulder. “I can’t wait to see the perfect combination of his dads that he is going to be.”

“He?” they asked together.

I shrugged my shoulder. “It’s just a feeling. we won’t know for sure for a little while.”

“He, she, I don’t care as long as it’s a healthy baby.” Miguel leaned down to kiss my belly as Niko pulled me between his legs, my back against his chest.

“She will be perfect,” Niko whispered as both his hands bracketed my still flat belly.

I turned to look over my shoulder, cocking my brow.

“What? I just have a feeling.” Niko grinned.

We all laughed, my mates and I, as we sat there basking in the glow of our growing family. “I love you.” I wove my fingers through my mates’ hands as they rested on my belly. “I love all of you.”

Niko kissed that sweet spot on my neck as Miguel leaned forward and took my lips with his.

“We love you too, pet,” Niko growled.

“Why don’t we show her how much?” Miguel waggled his eyebrows.

“That’s a wonderful idea,” Niko replied as he scooped me into his arms and stood up.

My laugh echoed in the staircase as both of my mates took them two at a time, rushing to our bedroom.

I sent up a silent thank you to the fates who blessed me with these two wonderful, patient, and passionate men as the door shut to my past and light through the bedroom window shone on my future.
