Page 27 of Homeless Heart

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Chapter 19


When I looked over at the television, I saw what looked like a teenage version of Phin on the screen. My face went slack; when Phin came back over to me, I knew it was him by the look on his face. I'd seen this young man's face previously doing this event, and I hadn't even put it together.

"Phin, is that you?" I whispered.

I saw the recognition and the fear on his face. "No, that's not me. I guess it's just a coincidence in the name. I grew up in Berkeley; my parents weren't rich or nice people. Please drop it. I don't like talking about them." He was lying.

The imploring look in his eyes said it all. I let it go because the fear in his eyes was about to break me.

My phone went off, and I felt terrible about leaving him because I had more questions, but my job was a priority right now. Phin would have to wait. "Sorry, I've got to get this."

He gave me a weak smile. "No problem, go do your thing. I'll see you later. I might even make you another drink." He wasn't smiling, the dimple was gone, and the twinkle in his eyes was missing this time. I tried to convince myself that there must be an explanation and hopefully he’d tell me his story.

I went out to the lobby where there was an issue with the hotel and the valet getting people's cars. One of the stuffed shirt donors thought the valet had scratched his expensive sports car and he was raising a stink. I talked to them, and they felt they were being heard. We offered to have the car detailed, and he left feeling better. I waved and gave them my best polite smile as they pulled off in their hundred-thousand-dollar car. I sent them on their way to their million-dollar home with a big check in my hand. The hypocrisy killed me, but the ass-kissing had to be done. Their money would help those kids sleeping in doorways, so it was worth enduring their temper tantrums and ridiculous demands.

I went to the bathroom to check my makeup and hair as I tried to push Phin out of my mind, but I wasn't having much luck.

Hope came storming through the door looking for me. "Did you see it?"

I was doing my best to pretend I had no idea what she was saying. "What?"

Her hand went to her hip, and she tapped her foot. "The video, dumbass! Is that bartender the Dunbar's son? He is, isn’t he?"

Shit, I should have known that Hope would catch on. You can't get anything past that girl.

"He said it was just a coincidence."

"Yeah right, because that's such a common name. He looks just like him, but hotter."

I was shaking my head. "I know, I know, but he looked scared when he thought I knew. There must be more to why he ran away. You've met the Dunbar’s; they could scare the devil himself." Hope acknowledged my comment. Her finger was pushing on her lips, and she looked deep in thought, which always meant trouble.

"Well, there's a story there, and I think we have to get to the bottom of it before you let him see you naked."

Trying to look horrified at her suggestion. "Of course, I had no plans of letting Phin see me naked any time soon."

"Yeah right, sell that to someone who is buying it. I can see how much extra time you put into your makeup and hair tonight."

I had to giggle because she was right. "I hate you sometimes."

She gave me that smile that eased my mind. "Come on, we'll Sherlock the shit out of this later, but right now we have five hundred people here, and we need their money."

"Do you think anyone else noticed?"

"Don't worry, I turned off the video, and I think everyone was grateful. The music in that video was annoying." Hope was trying to get me to laugh, to lighten the mood.

She was right, we needed the money, but the more I discovered about Phin, the more I wanted to solve the mystery. We'd figure the shit out of the situation when it was over, and I'd do my best to help him. If nothing else, we could be friends, and he seemed to need a friend right now.
