Page 28 of Homeless Heart

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Everyone was finally starting to leave, and we began to clean up. The video had been shut off by Hope, which was a relief. I hadn't seen Elizabeth since I made her cocktail. I kept busy trying to distract myself from worrying about what she might do.

While I finished cleaning up, the image of Lizzie in that green dress with her hair resting on her naked skin had my mouth watering. Those damn freckles on her shoulders, I wanted to kiss every single one of them. I had fantasized throughout the evening about going up behind her, moving that braid aside, and putting my mouth on the warm nape of her neck. My mouth watered, my breathing was heavy, and my heart was beating like a Metallica song. I'd never had these sorts of feelings about a woman until I met Elizabeth. All those feelings outweighed the possibility of Lizzie telling my parents.

It was almost 2:00 a.m. when I'd finished my tasks, so I sat and played with my phone while I waited for her to wrap up her work.

I hadn't seen her approach, so I was surprised when she slumped on the barstool next to me. Turning toward her, I trapped her knees between mine so she couldn't turn away.

"Feet hurt?" I felt her shudder as I nudged both of her thighs with my knees. I realized I'd missed being this close to her, and I enjoyed her body's reaction to my proximity. My hands rested on the tops of her knees, looking for approval to keep touching her. Her eyes looked down at my hands and then back up to my face. Her face relaxed, then her lips moved into a smile, and that was all the permission I needed.

"Not too much, I've worn these shoes at so many events they are almost as comfortable as Chuck's."

She'd been running around all evening, and I knew her feet would probably hurt even if she were wearing Chuck's. I reached down, slipped off each of her shoes and put her feet on my lap. Elizabeth flinched as she tried to pull away when I first touched her feet, trying to get me to let go. A foot massage is an intimate gesture for some people, and others were too ticklish to let anyone near their feet. My hands were strong, and I wouldn’t let her get away from me. I started massaging the arches of her feet. Elizabeth closed her eyes, and I could tell she was stifling a moan. She wasn't ticklish.

"Too much pressure?"

"No, it feels amazing."

She was trying to speak, but it was more a breathy whisper, which was turning me on.

"Good," was all I could say without giving my attraction away.

"No, your hands are . . . no words."

I smiled and just kept rubbing her feet, trying not to get caught up in the sounds she was making because of the effect they were having on my crotch.

Her assistant, Hope, came over and interrupted our intimate moment.

"Boss lady, we are all done now. I've checked in with all the departments, and it's getting late. Are you staying here or going home?"

I didn't miss the wicked grin she gave Elizabeth.

"I haven't decided yet, but don't worry. I'll be fine. Go home."

"Will do."

Her eyes snapped open. "Oh, and, Hope, thanks for a great job. I couldn't do it without you! Have a good week off." She leaned in and hugged Hope, and I was never more jealous.

The girl looked like she might cry. "Thanks, you enjoy yourself too." She gave us both a knowing look and then winked at Elizabeth. "Be careful. Make sure to get plenty of rest. I hear the beds here are very comfortable. Good night, Phin." Saying goodbye to me seemed weird considering we hadn't met, so I assumed it meant they’d talked about me. My smile stretched farther across my face.

"Bye, Hope."

She waved at us both and grinned as she left with the last of the staff.

I hadn't stopped rubbing her feet even while Hope said goodbye. We were finally on our own. Her silence made me need to address any tension between the two of us. I was trying to avoid the giant elephant in the room; the video, so I kept it simple.

"You did it. All done for another year." I couldn't help but be proud of her after all she'd done tonight.

Her sleepy eyes shot open, and she looked at me and smiled. "Yes, I am so happy it worked out."

"Thank you so much for the job, I made some great tips tonight, plus a couple of ladies gave me their business cards. They said they needed bartenders for their next parties."

She raised her eyebrow at me. "I bet they do."

"Don't worry; I won't work for any of them."

"What, why? You need the money." I liked that she was jealous.

"We'll see." None of the women who approached me seemed to be after getting in my pants, but I would never do anything that would make Elizabeth uncomfortable.

"I'll bring your money to the café next week, does that work? I don't have any paperwork for you."

"Sure, no problem."

She sighed. "It's getting late; I probably should get going. Do you want a ride home?"

"No, I'll get a taxi. My place is out of the way." I had to lie.

"Phin, you've never told me where you live."

"Yes, that's right. I haven't told you where I live. Got to keep a little mystery." I wasn't sure if she would push it or not.

I stood up between her legs and looked into her ice-blue eyes. Neither of us spoke, I was running my hands lightly up the side of her hips. She was trembling at my touch, and I was watching her trying to keep her breathing under control. My body was having the same issue being this close to her.

She took a deep breath and said, "I have a room upstairs."

I didn't hesitate, this would be my only chance with Elizabeth, and I wasn't going to let it go to waste. "What are we waiting for?"

I took her hand, helped her off the barstool, picked up her shoes, and then she guided me toward the elevator. I didn't care about my future or my past. I knew that being with her one night was worth it all.
