Page 29 of Homeless Heart

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Chapter 20


The hotel was relatively quiet this time of night, so we walked quickly through the lobby trying to avoid attention. I wasn't sure what I'd agreed to, all of a sudden nothing mattered but him and him kissing me. Maybe I was tired, drunk, or just too horny to care. All my misgivings were gone, or at least muted. He held my hand as we waited for the ding of the elevator. As the doors slowly opened, Phin yanked me into the elevator, and we fell against the wall. He leaned over and pulled me up against him as he smelled my neck and whispered in my ear, "You smell so good, I've wanted to kiss these freckles all night long."

I hadn't stopped thinking about the dream I'd had last night. Maybe it was more of a premonition than a dream. He leaned in and kissed my neck and nipped at my ear. I shuddered and let out a little moan at the feel of him up against me. The door to the elevator opened up, and I realized we hadn't hit the button for us to move. We both chuckled at our mistake. The doors didn't close quickly enough, and a drunken couple joined us as I impatiently hit the close button.

We both smiled as we watched the drunken couple, unable to keep their hands off each other. Phin took my hand and started running his thumb up and down my palm. His light touches shot straight to my very core, and I closed my eyes, savoring it. I leaned my head on his shoulder while I tried not to attack him as we watched our own porn movie. No fluffers needed here.

I locked away all my thoughts and fears. If Phin wanted me, he was going to get me. Even if it was one night only, I could worry about everything else tomorrow. The elevator door dinged, and this time I jerked Phin out of there, almost tearing his arm out of the socket.

As I struggled with the room key, Phin stood pressed into my back, kissing that place on my neck again. I was having trouble doing this simple task when the door finally beeped. My practical brain was warring with the orgasm part of my brain. Right now, the orgasm side was beating the shit out of the practical side.

"God, I hope I have enough time to kiss ever freckle because it might take me forever, Elizabeth." I'd always hated those freckles, but now not so much.

As soon as the door closed behind us, I didn't have to respond to his confession, Phin pushed me against the door and kissed me hard on the mouth. My lips would be bruised, but the mark that they would leave would be worth the pain. His tongue pushed into my mouth, he tasted of chocolate and mint, and his growl moved through my body. His hands urgently pulled my hips closer to his, and I felt just how much he wanted me at that moment. He was hard and hungry for me. Sleeping with a younger guy would have its advantages. Somehow, we danced our way to the bed, our hands exploring as we tried to get closer to each other. The room began to spin; I was dizzy either from the kiss or the lack of oxygen. We pulled apart, both trying to catch our breath. We could only stare at one another. Looking into those green eyes there was no question, I couldn't do casual, and one night with Phin wasn't wouldn’t be enough, but I'd worry about that in the morning.

"Wow," was all I could say, and then he smiled at me like he knew what I was thinking and began to undress me without another word.


I didn't waste time looking around the room, but I knew it had been a long time since I'd slept anywhere this nice. I should have suggested a shower because we'd both be dirty from working, but I didn't care. We were standing with barely a breath between us, my forehead rested on hers, and my entire body shivered from being so close to Lizzie.

"Elizabeth, I want to do more than kiss you right now, but if you want to sleep here with me, I'd be fine with that too. I have to warn you if I start kissing you again; I am not sure I will be able to stop, so speak now."

She leaned up on her tiptoes and gave me the sweetest kiss. I don't think I would ever forget her taste; it was sweet like cotton candy and chocolate. Her kisses became more ferocious, opening her mouth and welcoming me in. Her hands went up around my neck and slid into my hair, pulling me closer. I growled at her, taking over control of the kiss. I fucking loved her hands in my hair.

She pulled away for a second, and I thought I'd lost my chance. "Can we lie down? My feet are killing me, and you are so tall, my neck hurts."

"Fine, but I need to get you out of that dress." My voice was a little above a whisper and cracked like a teenage boy's. She had a smile on her devilish face. I looked into those ice-blue eyes, and they consumed me.

"You trust me, Elizabeth?"

She didn't answer, as she pulled her hair to the side so I could unzip her dress. I leaned in and kissed her shoulder again, admiring the sea of freckles. Her body trembled as I ran my hand down her arm. I moved behind her and slowly unzipped her dress and watched it fall to her feet.

Admiring her now in her sexy black lace bra and matching panties made me want to fall on my knees and worship her body. I'd only imagined what was under her dress all night, but this was far more than I could have dreamed. I doubt I would have gotten any work done if I would have known. My expression changed from playful to one of lust as I moved toward her as she crawled on to the bed, giving me a view of her lovely backside. My erection was painful, but I was determined to take it slow.

Her black panties didn't cover much of her generous backside, and all I could do was lick my lips at the thought of burying my face in it. I needed to bite it, lick it, and spank it.

"Don't stare at my butt," she protested playfully.

"Your ass is amazing. I am just thinking of everything I want to do to it."

She quickly lay down on the bed and crooked her finger toward me. "Phin, come here. You have too many clothes on," she said, holding out her hand to move me closer. I wanted to strip off my clothes, but I didn't want to chance her seeing my back. I had a routine that I did with girls to keep them occupied and unable to touch my back. Right now, I was having trouble even thinking about anything as I stood and admired her. She finally broke my concentration with her request.

"Phin, I need you." She spread her legs open for me. I couldn't remember the last time someone had trusted me with so much.

"Patience, sweet Lizzie."

"Fine, but if you don't hurry up, I can't promise I won't just fall asleep."

I couldn't hold back my laugh because Lizzie was nowhere near falling asleep.

"Sorry, Lizzie, I was just making a list of what I would do to you."

"Phin, I am the list maker. Now is so not the time for lists!"
