Page 32 of Homeless Heart

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Chapter 21


That was the best sex I'd ever had in my life. Elizabeth just blew my mind, and I couldn't try to explain my feelings for her. I usually didn't sleep that well, especially sleeping in a real bed with someone, but after hearing her fall asleep, I soon followed.

I could feel the morning sun coming through the cracks in the blackout curtains of the expensive hotel room. My eyes opened, and I inspected the expensive suite that I hadn't even noticed last night. As I rolled over to my side, I felt a precious Elizabeth curled up into me. The look on her face was one of blissful sleep, no tension in her face or worry in her eyes that I'd witnessed over the last few days. Her hair was fanned out on her pillow, and it looked like fire. I had to move down to smell it. Strawberries, I knew it! Running my nose up her neck and then her ear and then up into her temple. I would never eat a strawberry again without thinking of Elizabeth and her peacefully lying in this bed. Lying next to her, I did my best to commit to memory all her beauty, in case this didn't work out, I wanted to treasure our only time together.

Her eyes sleepily opened as I moved in until I was just a breath away from her mouth. Her tired eyes were looking right at me, and I couldn't help but confess how I was feeling. "Elizabeth, I like you." I moved my hand up and down her chest, and she responded with a little sigh. "I know we've known each other a short time, but I've never felt this way with anyone. Do you understand?"

A tear fell down her cheek, and I saw everything in her eyes. Like she knew about my secrets and didn't care about them. "Yes, Phineas, I understand."

"Don't cry, Elizabeth, I am so happy right now." I was still moving my fingers over her breasts.

"These are happy tears, not sad ones." Her smile warmed me like a winter fire, and I kissed her cheek, trying to rid her of her tears.

"Good, I hope I never make you cry again, but I can't make you any promises."

Her whole face glowed, her eyes sparkling with what was left of her tears. "Phin, I can't explain it, but I care about you too, and I want to get to know you. First thing you should know, I am not a morning person. Let's go back to sleep, then we'll continue with getting to know each other."

She settled back in my arms and fell asleep content, which helped me to do the same. When we woke up a little later, I said, "Let's go take a shower. The room smells like sex. Not that I am complaining, but you are wearing me all over you."

"I like having you all over me." She giggled.

I dragged her out of bed and into the bathroom, loving the sound of her giggle bouncing off the tiles. She was sweetly unaware of what was happening as she was still half asleep. I liked sleepy, submissive Elizabeth letting me take care of her. I was beginning to realize she wasn't joking about not being a morning person. I got the shower ready as she rested her head on my shoulder. I helped her into the shower as the hot water hit her in the face, and I couldn't help but laugh at her as she sprang to life when it made contact. I hadn't laughed this hard in a very long time. She finally stopped fighting it, letting the water sink in as I washed her body. She grimaced a little when I rubbed between her legs, but she objected when I took my hand away from her.

"Don't stop, Phin. I like it."

"Sorry, Elizabeth, I probably was too rough on you. You’ll be sore tomorrow."

"Good sore," she sleepily replied.

She flinched when I touched her down there again. I kissed the side of her head and then her neck. My hands moved up now, soaping her breasts, and she leaned back into me.

Elizabeth turned around and was admiring me through hooded eyes. I leaned in and hugged her tight. She said into my chest, "Phin, I could get used to this, but I am exhausted."

I kissed her again. "Sorry, Elizabeth."

"No, I am not complaining, but can we lie down a little longer before we have to check out."

I should have realized how tired she was from all the work she'd done and then our all-night fuck-a-thon.

"Sure, come on." I dried her off, escorted her out, and guided her back to the bed. I put her in and covered her up, and then I slid in next to her. I couldn't believe I'd managed to avoid having her see my back. "Elizabeth, get some rest." I kissed her ear, neck, and shoulder. She held onto my arms that were wrapped around her.

She whispered to me before she fell asleep again, "Phin, who are you?" I tried not to panic at her sleepy question. Instead, I tucked into her warm body and joined her in slumber.


When we woke up again, I looked at the clock, and it was just after ten in the morning. We still had some time before checkout at noon. Unfortunately, I knew we needed to get moving soon, so I lay still, admiring Phin peacefully sleeping next to me. He was the object of male beauty, perfect on the inside and the outside. His body was ripped but soft in all the right places. I wanted to touch those magical sculpted hips that all women cherished in a man. He looked so tranquil, and more like the boy in the video than the man who consumed me last night. Phin was that boy, and that was a story I was hoping he'd trust me enough to tell me soon. He'd trusted me with his body last night. Perhaps he'd soon trust me with his story, maybe someday his heart. He was beginning to work his way into mine.

He was lying on his back with one arm under my neck; the other had me pulled around my middle. I am not sure how long I lay watching him, his eyes fluttering like he was dreaming, and he was making noises. I think he must have been having a nightmare because his face was strained and taut. I reached up and touched his face. "Phin, wake up. You are having a nightmare." I held him closer, trying to hold him still. "Phin, wake up, wake up." I was pushing the hair off his face as my hand caressed his cheek. He was still muttering and moving around.

"Phin!" I shouted this time.
