Page 33 of Homeless Heart

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This time he startled himself awake. He jerked and twitched a little away from me until he realized where he was. He was still dazed when he finally spoke. "What?"

He took his hand off my waist to rub his face and try to wake up. Poor guy was unsettled, maybe he wasn't a morning person either. Could he be that perfect?

"Morning, sunshine. Sorry, I wanted to wake you up to a different way, but if I blew you, I'd probably get lockjaw." I did my best to lighten the mood after what seemed like a distressing dream.

Laughing, he pulled me in and gave me a long hot kiss. "I promise we won't have sex again today."

I was disappointed, but maybe a little relieved because my body wasn't used to all this pleasure. "My vagina has had more of a workout in the last eight hours than it had in its lifetime. I am thrilled I got the AppleCare on it." We both laughed as he pulled me closer.

"Good investment, Elizabeth. Would you like me to get one of those blue shirts and pretend to be a genius?"

We laughed again, and I knew that sex would never be boring with Phin. "No way. Plus, I don't need a shirt to tell me you're a genius down there."

He kissed the top of my head. "Thank God, Elizabeth, because I've got a cramp in my leg that you might have to work the kinks out of later. I have to confess I haven't had that much sex ever."

I had a hard time believing that, but I wouldn't question it for now. Now was the time to return the care Phin gave me last night. "Roll over." I laughed as I tried to sound demanding.

"Oh, now is not the time. I told you my cock is young, but you might have sprained it last night. I think it will need a twenty-four-hour recovery break."

I kissed his chest right over his heart. "Truce on our private parts for at least twenty-four hours. I was going to rub your back. Payback for last night."

"Not now, I'll let you do it later. Rain check?"

I was a little disappointed he wouldn't let me take care of him. He saw it in my face, my pout wasn't easy to miss, but his smile just destroyed me.

"This is nice. I don't want to move. What do you have to do today?" Phin stretched out under me.

"Nothing today, go home, have a hot bath, food, and sleep in that order." I lay on his chest and ran my fingers up and down his defined abs then I dragged lightly up across his nipples. He was laughing when he took my hand and pulled it away. "You will get me started again."

I pretended to be innocent. "What me! This old lady is too tired to go again."

Phin's face changed as his eyes darkened and his brow furrowed. "You aren't an old lady. You are a little older than me, but I don't care about our age difference, and I don't think you do either. If you are worried about what everyone else will say about it, I say fuck them; we aren't hurting anyone by being together."

"Lizzie, I'll be honest with you now, as I lie here naked, that I am only twenty years old."

Fuck!I was trying to find the words to speak. I knew he was young, but he couldn't even buy a drink.

"Say something," he implored me. I was shocked to see his eyes filled with desperation after his confession.

"Phin, I can't say I am not shocked but lying here in your arms doesn't feel wrong. At the ripe old age of thirty-one, my head should know better, but I can't say my heart would agree."

Phin leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"If I were a thirty-one-year-old guy and you were a twenty-year-old girl, no one would bat an eye. They'd be patting me on the back."

He didn't even let me respond with my insecurities. He pulled me in for a hug, I conceded and murmured into his chest, "Fine, bossy pants." The age difference was something I knew would always be an issue, but right now, I couldn't care to argue. My heart was such a slut.

He smiled at me quickly, but there was concern in his eyes. "There will be more things that get in the way of this, and I don't think age should be one of them."

I put my chin on his chest and looked at him. "What do you mean?"

He looked wistfully at me and pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. "We all have secrets, and there's damage in all of us. We have to wait and figure out what each of ours is and if we can live with it." I looked into his dark green eyes a long time, while he rolled the strands of my hair between his fingers.

"Phin, was that you in the video." I couldn't avoid the topic any longer, so I quickly kissed him, and then settled back to where I was resting my head on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat was a comfort. I wasn't sure I wanted to talk about either of our secrets just yet, but he opened the door for me to bring it up. Right now, he was naked and open, so it might be the only chance I get.

His body tensed under me, and I could feel the atmosphere change as dread immediately filled the room.

"Yes." It was almost a whisper.

I waited a few more seconds before looking at him; I needed to make sure my face was showing compassion, not pity. Sitting up so I could look him in the eye, I crossed my legs and touched the side of his face. "You don't have to talk about it, but I am here if you ever want to tell me. No judgment, just acceptance."

He sat up and pulled me over, so I had to straddle his lap and he hugged me. "Please leave it, Lizzie. There are reasons that I can't tell you now because I don't want to ruin this perfect night. Things are never as they seem, and I promise to tell you soon." He let go of me, and I sat back to look at him. He looked desperate, almost pleading with me to drop it. "Promise me you won't contact them."

"Of course, I would never do that to you."

Phin pulled me back into a hug as my hands went up into his hair. We sat there holding each other in a warm embrace. I was stroking his hair as he whispered, "Thank you."

Phin's story was more than just an angry teenager leaving home, and I trusted he'd tell me when he was ready. Until then, I'd wait and get to know the handsome and mysterious man holding me.


As much as I wanted to believe it, I knew she wouldn't leave it alone. I couldn't see her again; this would have to be it. If she started nosing around in my past, it would ruin everything although the thought of not seeing Elizabeth again left a gaping hole in my chest. Worse than the day I left Duke. Fuck it! I'd have to trust her. Duke taught me I could trust people again. I couldn't even entertain not seeing her again. Not sure where I was sleeping tonight, but I didn't care. I smacked her backside and said, "Let's get up and get going. As much as we'd like to, we can't stay here forever. I am not even sure where my clothes ended up last night." I avoided turning on the light, I didn't want her to see my back, so I got up quickly and started rummaging around the room. Elizabeth stayed in bed, lying naked on her stomach, watching me search the room for my clothes.

I moved over and bit her butt. "Come on, sweet cheeks, you've got to get up its eleven thirty now." Lizzie was so sexy; her hair was a fiery mass of sunshine as it fanned over her back. I couldn't look at her too long, or I would have gotten back into that bed.

"You need to understand this about me. I am not a morning person."

I shook my head and smiled. "So, you've said, but, Lizzie, it's almost lunchtime. Don't forget; I've seen you before you've had your morning espresso."

She groaned while she tried to fix her hair. "Sorry, I am not very pretty."
