Page 40 of Homeless Heart

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"Well, he's the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar, our donors as we knew. He left home when he was seventeen, just before graduation, and they never saw him again. I looked online, he has no Facebook or any social media accounts. I tried to find out about his life before he left, but without any social media, it was hard to find friends or people who knew him. Most of the file is just information about his parents' missing persons' campaign. The only reason I could think of someone leaving that sort of life is there was something very unsavory going on with his parents." She stopped talking and gave me a concerned look.

"He's not told me yet, but he promised he would soon. I must confess I assumed something similar. You didn't contact his family, did you?"

"Oh no, I just wanted to make sure you knew who you were getting involved with."

"Thank you, for your concern. The one thing Phin begged me not to do was contact them. I need you to swear you won't do the same."

"I promise."

"Seriously, Hope, you can't talk to others in the office about this. It needs to be locked in your secret vault."

"Yes, Elizabeth, of course." She used an imaginary key and locked her lips. The look on her face told me she was sincere in her promise. Her discovery wasn't harmless office gossip, and she knew the stakes. I had trusted her with other secrets, so I knew she would never breathe a word to anyone.

"Thanks, Hope. Can I keep this?"

"Yes, I made it for you."

"Okay, I need to make a few more calls, so we can try to go home.”

Trying to get the rest of my work done and get out of there, I put the folder in my laptop bag. Thinking I would show it to Phin this weekend as a way to get him to tell me about his family and his situation.

My time in the office was longer than I anticipated, the emergency at one of the shelters had finally been handled, and I was going home. My boss cornered me to discuss some additional donations that had come in after the event. He was quite excited, and it reminded me that all the hard work was worth it.

For our date, I'd called in a favor from a friend who had a sailboat and he offered to take us out on the bay while we had dinner. Coming home from work and finding Phin sitting on the sofa all dressed up and ready for our date took my breath away. He looked so sexy sitting in the black button-down shirt and gray trousers I bought him. I'd gotten his measurements precisely right, and they fit him like a glove. I'd had my hands all over his body this week, so I had a general idea of what sizes to purchase. He'd rolled up the sleeves and the sight of his tanned, muscled arms made my mouth dry and body tingle. His smile was breathtaking; he had his arm resting on the back of the sofa with such casual confidence. Phin looked like he belonged on that sofa, like he was meant to be there. I wanted to come home to this every day.

I was still standing in the doorway admiring Phin when he spoke and broke me out of my head. "Lizzie, come here."

I sauntered over to him, dragging out both of our need to touch each other. His sexy grin and that dimple made me wet at just the sight of him. When I finally got to him, he took all the stuff out of my hands, then drew me down on his lap into a long, slow passionate kiss.

When he pulled away, he looked somber. "I missed you today."

I tried to catch my breath after that kiss. "I missed you too, I wish I hadn't had to go in today, but it was nice to know you were here waiting for me." Even after just five days, it felt like our home, not just mine. I stood up and spotted my favorite flowers and wineglasses sitting on the coffee table. There was also a beautifully wrapped gift sitting next to them, which made my heart melt.

"What’s that?” I pointed to the gift on the table.

“A surprise because you deserve something special.”

“You are spoiling me rotten. I don't know what I've done to deserve it."

He stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Lizzie, you are all I want."

I looked into those green eyes and leaned in to kiss him, this time with the same passion with which he'd greeted me. When he pulled away, I knew that I wasn't finished with the kiss.

"Naughty girl, we can't start anything now. You need to get ready for our date, then I can give you the present."

"I have to wait for my present. I can't believe you will make me wait. You need to know I don't like to wait when it comes to presents."

"Well, that's good to know, I get to look forward to pissing you off at Christmas now."

Looking forward to Christmas gave me hope that he believed in a potential future for us.

"Wait a minute. How is a twenty-year-old turning down a quickie?" I decided it was best to change the subject.

"My darling, this twenty-year-old knows what I have planned for later, which doesn't involve anything quick. Now get moving, I promise to take care of you. LATER!"

Leaning into his hard body, I shivered at that thought, but now I was all worked up. He pulled me close, and his hard-on wasn't to be denied.

"Fine, but I will hold you to it."

"Yes, you can. I told you I will make you wait until later for it. All you need to know is I got your favorite dessert for after dinner." He tickled my side.

I wiggled away from his tickling fingers. "Fine, make me wait, but I will get even with you.”

"You aren't going to tell me where we are going?" He cocked his eyebrow in surprise that I wouldn’t spill the beans.

I turned around and gave him a wicked laugh. "Nope, karma's a wicked bitch, you'll have to wait."

"Lizzie, shift that sexy ass and get ready."

"Yes, sir bossy pants, don’t forget my gift."

Phin followed me into the bedroom where he stopped in the doorway with his arms crossed, highlighting his nicely cut arms as he watched me strip out of my casual clothes.

"Lizzie, you went commando to the office!" I was testing his will power if I dragged this out much longer.

"I was on vacation. They were lucky to get me to come in, let alone put on a bra and panties."

I heard him let out a sigh. He looked down and scrubbed his face. I could tell he was trying to keep from coming over and taking me in the closet. Surprisingly, we hadn't had sex in here yet. Pulling out my favorite dark green lace and satin lingerie set, I held it up and admired it. Running past him to the bathroom, I shrieked as I hit the door, barely beating him inside and quickly locking the door. I knew I better get a move on before Phin knocked down the door.

He banged on the door. "Lizzie, come on, I can help you get ready."

I had to laugh; my face hurt from smiling all week. "Nice try. Phin, I need to get dressed. We both know that won't happen if you come in here. We'll have time later." The thought of how he looked and what I had planned for tonight made me get ready faster than I ever had in my life. The file that sat in my bag was long forgotten.

I decided since we were going on a boat I'd wear nice jeans and an oversized dark green sweater to keep me warm and to complement the lingerie for later. I put my hair up because I knew there'd be wind out on the bay at night. I applied a small amount of makeup, not too much, but just enough to make a difference. Phin was probably a little overdressed for the boat, but he looked sexy. When I came out of the bedroom, I think he approved. He gave me his best wolf whistle, and the dimple was in attendance. Phin sat at the breakfast bar looking so sexy, I was reconsidering my plans for tonight. I wasn't sure I wanted to share him with the world.

"Come on, Prince Charming, your pumpkin awaits." I gave him a chaste kiss on the lips, grabbed his hand, and led him quickly out of the house before I peeled him out of those sexy new trousers.
