Page 41 of Homeless Heart

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Chapter 26


The car ride wasn't long as Lizzie told me all about her day. I smiled as we pulled up at the marina with a bunch of expensive sailboats. My girl had no idea about my love of sailing, but she had gotten it right again. Lizzie pointed and said, "Come on, our transport is over here."

I reached for her hand and locked our fingers together as we walked toward one of the sailboats. She came to a stop in front of a large sailboat called The Lucky Heart.

"This is it. Sugar, I hope you like boats. Can you swim?"

"I love boats and being on the water." I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a long, warm kiss as she melted into me. My parents had always had boats growing up, so I knew my way around sailboats and yachts. Being on the water was one of the only places my father and I could be at peace. He never yelled or got angry with me when we sailed. Before I could take the kiss further, I heard the sound of a man clearing his throat from the deck of the boat.

"Hi, Julien." She gave a small wave to the man. Watching her blush rise on her cheeks made me smile.

"This is my good friend Julien, and he owes me a favor, so he will take us out for dinner on his boat."

She was bouncing on her toes, waiting to see my reaction. I loved that she thought of something fun and different for us to do that wouldn't cost loads of money or make me feel out of place. Somehow, she'd even found something that I'd loved to do in my past life. Elizabeth had known me a short time, but she knew me better than anyone. She was getting under my skin and working her way into my heart.

I helped her on board while Julien gave us the rundown on the safety of the boat. He'd set up a place for us to eat at the back of the boat with some blankets. Lizzie had a picnic basket with her that she'd picked up after work, and I had a bag with the wine and dessert in it. We snuggled under the blankets, cozy and warm, as we watched the last bit of the sunset as Julien sailed us between the towers of the Golden Gate Bridge. The sun beautiful golden orange with a shade of red that people would have paid millions for a picture of. Lizzie took photos of us with her phone while I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close as we enjoyed the beautiful night. Neither of us spoke for some time, and I was worried that something might be wrong. Lizzie wasn't usually this quiet. Maybe she thought I didn't love the surprise she'd planned. I kissed the top of her head. "I love sailing, and it's a great surprise. I didn't realize how much I missed being on the water. What's going on in that mind of yours?"

She snapped out of her silence and turned toward me, and I still couldn't tell what was going on in her pretty head.

"Nothing, I'm glad you like it. I wanted to take you out, but I didn't want to share you with anyone. I like having you to myself."

"Are you ashamed to be seen with me?" I pulled back and let go of the hold I had on her. She turned to look at me directly, and I could see what I had said wounded her.

"No, not at all, it's the exact opposite. I hate going out with you because every woman ogles you while we are out. You don't even see it, but women are always checking you out when I am standing right there." She held up her finger to my mouth, as I was about to set her straight. "You never acknowledge them, but still, it's sometimes hard on my ego."

I sat and looked at her hurt face, those beautiful blue eyes twinkling from tears under the stars. "Lizzie, I am sorry, I didn't realize you felt this way. You are the only woman I see when we are together. I don't care about anyone else but you. I've not had a relationship since high school, and even then, that was just a harmless fling. You are my first real girlfriend. I know you don't know a lot about my family and my childhood, but I'm truly happy for the first time in a long time. If you knew, you'd see the difference in me. I'll tell you soon about my past, but right now I'd rather we be happy and think about a future together. No one or nothing else matters right now." Right now wasn’t the time, but I wanted to tell her about Duke and how happy I’d been living with him. Lucky for the old man, my feelings for him are different than those I have for Lizzie.

A tear trickled down her cheek, and I immediately wiped it away. "Don't cry, dearest Lizzie. I am delighted to be here under the stars with you. Somehow, you knew sailing was one of my favorite things to do. One of the only things I did with my father that I enjoyed." I leaned down and kissed her, just gentle kisses to reassure her how I felt. Then she wrapped her hands up in my hair and held me closer. I moaned, and she kissed me, her tongue traced along my top lip. God, I loved kissing this woman. I sucked on her bottom lip, and my tongue dove into her mouth and stroked her until she moaned. I loved that sound, knowing how wet she was would be when I finally touched her. She broke away from the kiss, and both of us took a second to collect our heavy breathing.

"Phin, we should eat before we get carried away. I know Julien is cool, but I don't want to give him the full X-rated show." The sun had gone down now, and it was dark, all of a sudden the twinkle lights switched on and it felt magical. The food looked amazing, but not as delicious as Lizzie. I wanted to devour her, but we needed to eat. Letting her go for a moment, I opened the bottle of wine that I brought and poured us both a glass.

Holding up the glass, she took it.

"Cheers to calm seas and our future on the horizon."

Her smile was warm and confident when she kissed me. She didn't look scared when I mentioned the future, and I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

After a leisurely cruise around the bay, it got cold, so we headed back to shore. I would give Lizzie the necklace when we were alone back at the house. Giving it to her on board would have been romantic but torturing her was a little more fun. Lizzie was practically vibrating to get home for her surprise. She was like a kid at Christmas who was told she'd have to wait to open gifts.

"Lizzie, you're bouncing off the seat. Maybe next time I'll get you half the size piece of tiramisu?"

She laughed at me. "Phin, I loved it. Having more energy only means I will be able to stay up longer tonight." She was cute as shit right now.

"I love the way you think. I believe you are more excited about your gift than having sex with me."

We were sitting at a stoplight when she flew across the console and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "I think you might be right. I love gifts more than chocolate or caffeine. Unless they are chocolate and caffeine." The car behind us honked as she zipped down her street.

"Lizzie, what if the present is me?"

Her face lit up. "If I get to unwrap your dick-in-a-box then it's the perfect gift." She winked at me, and I couldn't help but wink back.

We pulled quickly into her parking space, then we both ran up to the house like our pants were on fire. The minute we walked in the door, Lizzie pushed me against the door and her hands immediately went to my pants.

I pried her hands off my belt. “I think we need to slow things down. Will you get us something to drink?” Letting her go was a difficult choice, but I wanted a romantic night, not a fuck in the hallway. I wouldn’t let her turn on the lights; instead I lit some of the candles she already had stationed around the room.

“Phin, I don’t want slow,” she whined with a fake pout on her face and stomped into the kitchen, grabbed another bottle of wine out of the cabinet and swiftly opened it up. "I think I need some wine to go with my caffeine buzz from the Tiramisu." She poured us both a glass and leaned against the kitchen island as I approached her.

Needing to annihilate that pout, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close. "You a little tipsy?"

"Maybe a little." Her smile was back, and so was the blush.

"I like it when you are a little tipsy. You are even sexier."

"You like me, tipsy? In that case, I'd better have a little more wine." Lizzie took a long sip from her glass.

I motioned her toward the sofa. "Come on, tipsy, let's sit down."

Taking her hand, we went into the living room and sat down on the sofa. I put my arm around her, drawing her close as we both settled into each other. "So, are you ready for your present?" She turned toward me with pure excitement and happiness on her face as she saw the beautifully wrapped package in my lap.

She marveled at the bag. "I love small packages! The box is gorgeous, Phineas, I am afraid to open it."

I snagged it back. "Well, I thought you liked big packages too."

She hit me in the stomach. "Give it to me."

"Oh, I plan to, but here's your present first."
