Page 42 of Homeless Heart

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I handed the box back to her and kissed her nose. Lizzie snapped it out of my hands, and before I could say anything, she was tearing into the box like the Tasmanian Devil. Finally getting the actual gift out of the bag, she pulled it out and held it up for me to see. Her blue eyes sparkled from the candlelight, and I could see the start of tears welling up.

She hadn't said anything in what seemed like forever, and she just sat marveling at it dangling from her finger.

"Do you like it?"

"Phineas, it's gorgeous, and it has my initial on it." I knew she liked it when she called me by my full name. She took a closer look and opened it up to inspect the inside of the locket.

"I didn't have time to put photos in it."

She straddled my lap, which surprised me in how quickly she had landed on me. I had to laugh at her enthusiasm; she gave me a big, long hug. Finally letting go of me, she shifted back to look me in the eye. "I love it. We'll take photos to put in it. I won't ever take it off."

"You better not."

"Help me put it on." She moved her hair over her shoulder, exposing her freckles, and that soft spot I loved to kiss. I took it from her and adjusted the chain around her neck. I couldn't help but notice how her breathing had increased as I admired the necklace sitting right above her breasts. When I looked up, she was staring at me with a look of love and lust. At that moment, she latched onto my mouth and sucked the life out of me. Her tongue swept and met mine with a feral intensity. I growled through the unexpected kiss and wanted to take it further, but I needed to stop. When I tried to focus, I realized she was smiling up at me.

"Guess you liked it? I wanted you to have a reminder of me."

"Phin, are you going somewhere?" At that moment, I didn't want to believe I was going anywhere, but I'd learned there were no guarantees. I knew Lizzie also had trust issues since her ex had left her. We both needed to work on trust.

"No, I just wanted to do something special for you for a change." She moved in and rubbed her nose against mine. The intimate gesture only made my cock harder. The intoxicating smell of chocolate and coffee still on her lips was the final straw. I moved my hands up her backside and drew her into me, my erection beginning to strain against my zipper. I kneaded her ass while she nuzzled my neck and ear. Our breathing escalated, and I needed to be inside her now.

"Phineas, you don't need to buy me things. You are the best present ever. Can we go to bed now? I am tired." She sat back and gave me a wicked grin.

"Oh, Lizzie, you don't look too tired to me."

She faked a yawn, and it made me laugh. "I am exhausted; come on." She dragged me toward the bedroom, and I let her.

She pushed me up against the door. I loved it when she initiated sex. This was the second time tonight she'd had me against a door. She was on fire tonight, and I wouldn’t put it out. I stifled my laughter as she was delighting me with her hands.

When she heard me laugh, she looked back with a scowl. "What? I'm using my best moves. Are you laughing at me?"

All I could do was smile down at her. "No, I am not laughing at you. Your hands are about two seconds away from touching my cock, and I really need you to slow down. I will say I love the effect the presents and tiramisu have on you. I must remember it for the future. Don't let me stop you if this is what tired look likes. Keep going. I like your moves." I kissed her lightly on her nose.

"Phineas Dunbar, you ain't seen nothing yet!"

She dropped to her knees and kissed the outline of my hard cock straining through my trousers. I was so close to coming and she hadn't even put me in her mouth yet.

I groaned as my knees buckled. "Lizzie, baby, you are killing me. Please, just put your mouth on me."

She didn't say anything; instead, she never took her eyes off mine while unzipping my pants and pushing them down. She then lowered my briefs and took my hard cock in hand, still looking up at me. I stopped breathing as I gazed down at her. She finally broke from my gaze as she turned her attention to my throbbing cock. Over the last week, Lizzie hadn't given me many blow jobs, but when she did, man, it was fucking unbelievable. She ran her tongue up my cock and sucked the tip hard, taking me into the back of her throat. At that point, I grabbed the doorframe to keep from collapsing on my knees as I almost blacked out.

"Lizzie, baby, seriously, fuck!" Words weren't easy to find.

She grinned back up at me and took me all in until I hit the back of her throat again.

At this point, I couldn't keep still, I locked my hands in her hair and rocked into her mouth. I tried to keep my focus on her while pumping in and out of her luscious lips.

"Lizzie, this feels so good," was all I could say. She quickly picked up the pace. I knew I was only a few more pumps away from coming down her throat. Shit! Fuck! Damn!

"Going to come," was all the warning I could give her. My girl didn't move. She became more aggressive, taking me in harder and faster. Her hands moved as she dug into the back of my thighs and she swallowed all I had to give her. I fell over the edge, my body went slack, and I used the door to prop me up. She licked me clean, savoring it all as I came down from my orgasm that rendered me speechless.

She rose from her knees, smiled, and kissed me right on the mouth. "Thank you for my necklace."

"Lizzie, I think I should be thanking you. I am having trouble finding my words right now, except for maybe mind-blowing or fucking awesome."

"Well, I wanted to do that for you after you gave me such a thoughtful gift. One good turn deserves another."

One day I would marry this woman. Shit, I can't think that far in the future.

"I think I will have to return the favor." I picked her up, feeling a little unsteady on my feet after just coming, but she instinctively wrapped her legs around me, and I slowly carried her over to the bed. "Give me a few minutes and I’ll give you a few more of those gifts I had planned." I tossed her on the bed and savored peeling off her clothes, slowly driving her crazy. When I finally had her naked and stretched out, I went down on her giving her the best orgasm she'd ever had, she screamed my name loud enough to wake up the dead. I lay in bed, feeling fucking amazing despite the new bald patch on the back of my head where she'd practically yanked my hair out.

Best date ever!
