Page 63 of Homeless Heart

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Chapter 37


We woke up the next day and everything was business as usual, which was a relief. Once I got up and showered, I realized Phin seemed happy and more energetic than usual. His only unattractive quality was he was a morning person. He was bouncing around the kitchen getting my coffee, singing under his breath, and making me a full breakfast with eggs and bacon.

I went off to work like any other day, leaving Phin at home because he was only working part-time at the shelter and today was his day off. The day went by without any drama, and I was home to see my man before I knew it. As I walked into the house, Phin wasn’t waiting to greet me with a kiss. Was the honeymoon over already? I found Phin staring at the laptop screen, and he didn’t even look up when I came in the door. There were books and paperwork strewn all over the breakfast bar, which was unlike Phin to have the place unorganized. I quietly walked up behind him, wrapped my arms around him, and rested my face in the crook of his neck. I snuggled in, smelling his scent of laundry soap and Phin's signature cinnamon smell.

"Lizzie, you're home already?"

"Phin, it's almost six. You were very engrossed in that laptop. Are you downloading Internet porn?"

He laughed at me and pulled me around to sit on his lap. "Sweetheart, I don't need Internet porn with you around. You keep me more than busy."

I bit his ear. "Good answer. What are you looking at?"

"I've been thinking about our talk about the future and what my plans are, so I've been online looking up information all day on classes. I emailed people today at the shelter and talked to them about qualifications and what schools I could attend. I am excited. You aren't the only planner in the family." He wiggled his eyebrows, and that elusive dimple came out.

Damn, he's hot when he's in planning mode.

"Lizzie, I've also been thinking about a baby."

Shit, just when I thought everything was okay.

"I definitely want a big family and I don’t want to wait two years to start. I think we should start earlier. I've been looking into the education and training to be a therapist or a social worker. What if I waited to get my training? I will have a big inheritance soon, and I can start a charity to help with runaways and the homeless. I talked to the shelter people, I could help out a lot more without my degree and give them a hefty grant. Once we have kids and they are in school maybe I could get my education, I'll still be young enough. I know this might sound weird, but I want to be able to raise our family. I want to be a stay-at-home dad."

I look up at him, startled because I didn't see this coming; I thought I had two years to get used to the idea. Now I was the one shocked by Phin's declaration of wanting to have loads of kids and stay home and take care of them. Shit, was that something I wanted?

"Phin, I don't want you to miss out on the school experience. We don't have to rush it."

He grinned at me, and I knew I was in trouble because that dimple can get me to do anything. My panties were toast.

"I know, I want us to travel and be together too, but we'll have money, and it will be easier. Why don't we do this? Why don't we start trying next year after the charity benefit? Your schedule will slow down, and it will be our first anniversary."

"Well, that doesn't sound like now."

"Let's just say we can start practicing today. If you get pregnant sooner, then I don't see it being a problem."

"Wow, you've thought this through, but I love this plan." I wouldn't confess to Phin that I was relieved that this gave me time to adapt to the new timeline.

"I've been thinking about everything you said, and I think you are right about me talking to someone about my parents." My eyes opened wide in surprise at this revelation; I thought he would fight harder on this one.

I tightened my hold on him. "Wow, you've been very busy today."

He softly kissed my cheek. "Lizzie, I don't want to waste any more time."

"Well, I am so proud of you. Do you need help to find someone?"

"No, I'll do it."

"Good. I think you'll feel better."

We sat quietly for a few minutes as Phin looked over some other paperwork while I watched him, trying my best not to get turned on. Serious Phin was pretty hot.

"Phin, what if I can't give you kids?" My infertility has been weighing on my mind since our discussion.

"Lizzie, let's see if that's even an issue before you put a kink in my plan." He winked at me. "You make the appointment, and I'll go with you to the doctor."

He kissed me hard, my lips tingled from the impact and the enthusiasm with which he devoured me. “Are you okay with me staying home with the kids? You don't think that I am less of a man?"

Now my jaw was indeed on the ground. He looked at me for a few minutes, and then he reached up and closed my mouth before continuing, "Wait, did you want to stay at home with the kids?"

"No, I love your idea. I'd never really wanted to have to give up my job; I enjoy what I do for a living. The idea of coming home to a house smelling of cupcakes and cleaning products, with the music of our children's laughter sounds like magic." The thought of Phin shirtless, covered in flour chasing the kids around the house made me dizzy with happiness.

"Wow, I thought I would have to give you the hard sell."

I pulled a small piece of his hair. "Why? I am a modern woman."

"I know, I just thought you might want to quit your job."
