Page 64 of Homeless Heart

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"Not necessarily. What are you thinking?"

"More and more guys are doing it. Staying home with the kids and letting their wives go to work. I am not saying I don't want to work, because I do. I think you love your career and I wouldn't want our baby to keep you from doing something you love. I don't want strangers raising our kidsYou already know I am good at keeping the house and cooking. Sweetheart, I love you, but I'd like our kids not to be messy." Finally taking a breath, he dipped down and gave me a long opened-mouth kiss, telegraphing with it how much he wanted all this for himself and us. When he finally released me, I couldn't think about anything at all. As I came up for air, I tried to collect my thoughts as the plan swam around in my head.

"Let's do it! The first thing to do on your list is to feed me, then loads of sex." I smiled up at him with nothing but love and admiration.

"I love the way you think, woman!" Phin rubbed both of his hands together like a villain in a comic book.

His expression changed; his green eyes twinkled with mischief. "Lizzie, I promise you we'll get married before I knock you up and I'll even ask your parents for permission."

"We don't have to get married; loads of people aren't these days."

His face looked determined now. "Oh no, we are getting married, and I am will ask you with all the romantic bells and whistles. Just leave it to me."

"Fine, but feed me first!" I demanded, wanting to change the subject. All this was happening too fast for me. I was the one who brought it up, but now I wasn't sure how I would handle my new future.

"Yes, ma'am! Now come on, I've made your favorite lasagna and green salad. No garlic bread because I plan on kissing you later."

I gave him my best fake pout. "If we both have garlic bread, it doesn't matter."

"Fine, you can have garlic bread." He got up and walked toward the refrigerator to start to make dinner for me while I ogled his glorious ass.

I liked the idea of waiting until after the gala before we started to try for a baby. During dinner, we discussed the timeline for our future. My work at the charity was always busy working on small fundraising events throughout the year; however, the ramp-up to the bug charity event always made my life crazy.

Phin and I discussed him going to therapy. He decided he would start next week and then he would consider a timeline for contacting his parents. I had to give it to him, when he decided to do something his determination was relentless. His planning put me to shame; he'd installed a year-long calendar on the wall in the kitchen and had marked all the important dates in our lives. He even put my periods on the calendar. If everything goes to plan, we might be pregnant this time next year. Of course, like any organizer, I should remember that life never goes to plan. I'd forgotten the organizer's motto: shit happens.
