Page 93 of Homeless Heart

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I sneakily snuck back to bed because the coffee hadn’t done the trick. Now the smell of bacon and pancakes finally levitated me out from under the covers. Mom made us eat a big breakfast despite my stomach being too nervous to get much food down. She made a point of telling me that this was all the food I'd have all day, so I choked it down to make sure I didn't pass out. Phin and Hope had let me know everything was coming together, so I was trying my best to relax and enjoy the morning with my family. My mother was running around the house trying to get herself and my father ready. Everything seemed to be going to plan, which always made me nervous as we headed to Phin's parent's house.

"Dad, drive faster! My future husband is waiting!"

"Lizzie, your father wants to make sure you arrive in one p—" My mother stopped talking and was speechless for the first time in her life as we arrived at the security gate. After my dad gave our names to the guard, he stayed quiet as we continued the drive through this upscale neighborhood.

"Mom, are you okay?" She was fiddling with her hair and necklace as we pulled up into the driveway of the massive colonial-style mansion where Phin grew up.

"Yes, I'm fine. Lizzie, I didn't realize Phin's parents were so well-off."

"Yes, Mom, they are old money Californians. But they're just like everyone else; they put their pants on one leg at a time."

Mom shook her head. "Yes, but they are putting on expensive pants."

We stood at the grand door to the mansion feeling like the servants; when one of the wedding helpers flung it open, and we discovered Phin's mother storming toward us. She met us with an unexpected smile and a clipboard, looking organized and at ease. Her cheerfulness was slightly out of character, but I didn't want to question her intentions. After showing us around, she'd told my father where he needed to be, and he kissed my mom and me so he could find Phin. Olivia showed us upstairs to the room where Hope would meet me to get ready.

The room was huge, decorated in cream French Rococo furniture with a huge canopy bed in the center. We felt a little overwhelmed by the opulence. Hope walked in and broke the silence as we stood gaping like fish on a hook. She was all smiles and light and gave me a hug, which put me immediately at ease.

"Well, this is nice."

"Yes, it's like something out of the Kardashians. Don't worry, Phin and Duke are all set. They are in a room with a large television with sports on, so they'll be fine. You need to get beautiful! Get in that shower so I can do your hair." Hope barked orders at me like a good drill sergeant.

As I got ready, I felt better realizing I was waxed, shaved, and plucked to within an inch of my life a few days ago at the spa. Knowing that Phin was in the house eased the rest of my anxiety out of me.

I slipped on the light blue silk bustier and panties I had bought myself. Hope gave me a secret potion to put on my hair that made it look beautiful and shiny. I sat for her, trying to stay calm as she styled my hair into long curls as they cascaded down my back. She kept my makeup light and natural. We’d wait until the dress was on to put on the lipstick and any finishing touches.

My mother came into the bathroom, and all three of us admired Hope’s handy work. I had to admit, I looked beautiful; I almost didn’t recognize myself. Mom handed me a glass of champagne to keep us all from crying.

“Let’s toast to the beautiful bride and the lucky groom. To a life together forever and to finding your true love.” A tear ran down Hope’s cheek before she finished the toast.

We all took a big drink and began crying. Hope looked more adorable today than usual. I had let her pick whatever she wanted to wear, trusting her sense of style. She was wearing a periwinkle maxi dress with silver flowers that complemented her own bright blue eyes and dark hair color. She was wearing a floral head wreath that made her look like a garden fairy. As we all stood, crying happy tears, my mother pulled multiple tissues out of her bra and handed one to me. Her bra was like a magic trick; I was waiting for a set of birds or a bunny to come out.

I gave her a smirk and then blew my nose. "Seriously, Mom, you are giving me one of your boob hankies."

"You can keep that one, honey. I've got an entire box in here." We all laughed, and my heart filled with joy.

"Well, I guess I have my something borrowed." Everyone laughed as they helped me put on my dress. The sight was comical as my mother held the train and Hope held the bodice open. My body was slightly contorted as I tried not to mess up my hair or get makeup on my dress. My dress settled around me, and we all looked in the mirror. I tried not to cry again; I did look amazing in this dress. My mother handed Hope another boob hankie, and they both blotted their eyes.

"Lizzie, you look so beautiful," whispered my mother.

"Stop, I don't want to ruin my makeup. I can't look like a raccoon for the pictures."

Shortly after I got dressed, the photographer came in to take photos of us. We smiled and posed for different photos. Phin's mother joined us, and we made sure we had pictures of everyone together.

The photographer had been taking pictures of Phin and the guys earlier, but he refused to show me any of them despite threatening not to use him at future events. Damn it!

"You look breathtaking, Elizabeth." My dad stepped in the room and looked me over. "You have never looked more beautiful than today. Phin is one lucky man."

I took my dad's arm. "How's Phin? Is he okay?"
