Page 97 of Homeless Heart

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Chapter 52


As we walked out onto the patio smiling, our guests welcomed us with applauds and congratulations. Lizzie's family and friends were so loving and accepting of me. I had no relatives in attendance other than my parents, and they smiled from the corner of the patio. I had one glass of champagne during the toasts but otherwise tried to keep my wits about me. I wanted to stay sober for tonight and all I had planned for my new wife.

We managed to speak to everyone before we sat down for a late lunch at round tables on the other side of the pool, where my parent's garden stretched out from the house. From this vantage point, we all had a fantastic view of the Bay. Duke was sitting to my right and Lizzie, her mom, dad, and Hope sat to the left at a long table. Duke being a man of few words, had declined to give the best man's speech. I didn't mind; I knew how he felt about me.

Dan stood up to give a speech, and for someone quiet, he seemed happy and composed as he pulled out a little card with some writing on it. He clinked his fork against his champagne glass to get everyone's attention. I was holding Lizzie's hand and kissed her cheek as we watched her father commence speaking to their loving group of friends.

"I'd like to thank everyone for coming to witness Phin and Elizabeth's union. For those of you who know me, you know that I am a quiet man letting my wife do all the talking for the family." Laughter rang through the air along with the sound of the tinkling of chimes that had been placed around the patio.

"Public speaking isn't my thing, but I had to pay tribute to my wonderful daughter and the man she's chosen to spend her life with." A few sniffs permeated the air.

"To my beautiful daughter who is no longer daddy's little girl. I love you."

Lizzie looked at me with tears in her eyes and then looked back at her father, smiling with love and admiration. The kind of love only a father and daughter have for each other. I could only hope that someday Lizzie and I would have a daughter who would feel that way about me.

"I have given her to a great man, and he's assured me I don't have to worry, that he'll take care of her and my future grandbabies. For those of you who haven't met Phin, he's an extraordinary young man and his story isn't your typical one, but it's made him the only person who is good enough for my Lizzie. I have never been so sure of something in my life. Of course, other than the day I married my lovely wife. She made me say that part." Eve swatted at him, and everyone laughed again.

"Phin, you are not the best man for Lizzie; you are the only man for her. I am proud to call you son. We can't wait for grandbabies to spoil. Cheers, to the bride and groom."

Laughter and cheers spread throughout the crowd as they held up their glasses and drank to the toast. Dan leaned down and hugged us both and whispered, "Congratulations, I love you both."

It was now my turn to speak, so I picked up my glass and held Lizzie's hand in the other one. Trying to follow my father-in-law, who had included both funny and sentimental stories in his speech, was a tall order. Looking down at her happy face made me confident, and I knew the words would flow.

"Well, who knew my quiet father-in-law was such a natural comedian. His speech is going to be a tough act to follow. I think we'll have to get a couple of drinks in him more often."

He winked at me and held up his glass.

"Dan and Eve, thanks so much for all your help with the wedding planning and your unconditional love and support. As for the grand babies, we'll do our best to get started on making it happen. Just remember, when Lizzie and I ask you to babysit, you're available. You are all witnesses to their offering to help."

Everyone laughed and nodded their heads.

"Some of you know my background, and others don't. I will say that a short time ago I couldn't have imagined being here and for that I am grateful to Lizzie, Duke, and her parents.

"I have to say something about this big guy here. This is Duke, he came into my life when I needed someone, and he became the father I never knew I needed and the man I wanted to be like. I know he hates mushy shit, but I have to tell him in front of all of you that I love him, and I owe him my life." I looked down and saw Lizzie who was dabbing her eyes but smiling through the tears. When I looked down at Duke, he wouldn't look up at me. I knew why, he was tearing up too. "He's the best man I know. My parents and I haven't had the best relationship, but we are working hard now to try and repair our past. They are here today, and they've allowed us to have our special day in their home, and I am truly grateful for their generosity. Lizzie is solely responsible for that change in my life, and I will be forever grateful to her."

I took a deep breath and looked for my parents, who were sitting at a back table. My father looked tired and teary, but he gave me a weary smile. Mother’s warm smile was unfamiliar but sincere, so I returned it, trying to show my attempt at mending all the hurt.

I looked back down at Lizzie, and that almost did me in, seeing those ice-blue eyes and tears running down her cheeks. She took a well-used tissue out of her cleavage and dabbed her eyes. I leaned down and gave her a light kiss on the lips to comfort her.

"Lizzie, I love you and can't wait for our future because it will be a wild roller-coaster ride and one I only want to take with you. I'll even hold your hair back when you throw up." Lizzie and the rest of the audience laughed again.

"Thank you all for coming today. Please, a toast to my beautiful bride and our future life together."

She looked at me and worked hard to compose herself. I looked at my mother and father again, then held up my glass in a silent toast.

Everyone held up their glasses and spoke in unison, "To the happy couple."
