Page 62 of Bad News Babe

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I’m not blind to howmy family views my lovestruck behavior. I probably shouldn’t have been so vocal five years ago about the redheaded babe being my dream girl. They assumed I was suffering a fit of horniness. After such a short encounter, my certainty made me look nuts. Now, they believe I’m doubling down on bullshit.

However, with Alexis finally mine, I’m more than willing to deal with my family’s pushback.

Despite my ma’s drama addiction, Val might actually be the real problem tonight. He figures I’ll be his president one day, so he needs to micromanage my choices now.

“Court’s wife had the right vibe, you know?” he told me this morning while we worked out.

“You’re just saying that because she’s our aunt.”

“No, Justice seemed respectable. She snitched out Becca when the bitch attacked her. She has a normal job. She offers the club a sense of respectability.”

Hitting the punching bag, I growled, “This is just you shitting on the Toomey family.”

“Man, we both did that.”

“Yeah, but Alexis isn’t a Toomey. She’s mine. I can’t have people talking shit about her.”

“Why?” Val asked like a clueless shithead who hasn’t met his dream girl yet.

“Do you think Pa chose Ma as a strategic move? No fricking way. He saw her, wanted her, waited for her, claimed her, and put three babes in her. That’s all instinct. Just like how I feel for Alexis. I don’t care if it makes sense. Alexis is mine.”

Val hadn’t understood. Terribly shallow with women, he can’t imagine them as anything except family to be adored or bodies to be enjoyed. He has no women friends outside the homestead. He doesn’t know how to engage with chicks in a way that isn’t flirting.

Am I much better? Probably not. Val and I grew up as the hottest men in a stud desert. Women treated us like gods. We’ve never had to work for anything. It made us assholes, for sure.

I’ll need to sacrifice more to win Alexis’s trust. I’m very aware she didn’t reply in kind when I said I loved her. She probably thought my sex declaration wasn’t real. Alexis doesn’t like making an issue of things.

So, I won’t push the subject. Instead, I’ll let her settle into the pressures I’ve added to her narrow shoulders over the last few days. Showing patience is a sign of growth for me. I’m putting my needs second, something I don’t do for anyone who isn’t my family or the club.

Maybe one day, under the right circumstances, Val will become a better man for his dream girl. For now, he just doesn’t get it. That’s why he wants to piss on my parade.

“You’re getting so red,” Val tells a flushed Alexis.

Moving quickly toward the house, I startle Ma-Poppy. She flinches as I slide open the glass door and gesture for us to get out of the heat.

“I should have brought my hat,” Alexis says as her pale skin burns bright pink.

“This is on me.”

“I love how you control the weather,” she teases and bats her eyes as I follow her inside. “Oh, my, God, this air-conditioning is like the hotel’s.”

“I’m getting yours fixed at the duplex.”

“You’re doing what now?” Val asks, shoving up next to me and elbowing my rib cage. “Let Tripp’s grandma do that shit.”

“If she won’t fix it in Tripp’s place, why would she do it in the renters’ half?”

I’m ready to shove Val when I see Alexis’s face light up at the sight of one of our cats.

“That’s Shirley MacLaine,” I say when she stares transfixed by the orange cat.

Ma-Poppy shoots me a dirty look. Before asking what’s up her butt, I remember how I guilted her into behaving by comparing Alexis to a stray cat looking for a home. I flash my most impressive smile at my ma. Her scowl softens since she’s a sucker for her handsome fellas.

“You can pet her,” I tell Alexis. “Most of our cats are friendly.”

Val grabs himself a Monster lemonade and adds, “Stay away from the black-and-white one. Warren Beatty’s a biter.”
