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“Why are you doing this? I’m nothing to you,” I countered.

Seth’s hardened stare met mine. “You’re right, but this has nothing to do with you.” He jerked his focus over to Emma. “Call your brother. I want to talk to him and the others.”

Emma nodded. “They’re all at Ethan’s house waiting to hear from me.”

Seth motioned for his men to follow him. “Good. We’ll follow you there.”

Reaching into my bag, I pulled out my car keys and Emma took them. We hurried to my car and the tires squealed as Emma sped out of the driveway with Seth and his men behind us. Blood still oozed out of the gashes on my arm as I rummaged through my bag for a clean T-shirt. I wrapped it tightly around my wounds to stanch the flow.

“Do I want to know everything that happened tonight?” I asked. I could only imagine it’d make me want to kill Nikolai even more than I already did.

Emma kept her eyes on the road. “Probably not. Let’s just say that Seth came to my rescue.”

An exasperated scoff escaped my lips. “Of course, he did. And let me guess, he wants you back now too?” It seemed to be a growing trend. First, the hockey-playing douche, then that cunt Nikolai, and now his motherfucking brother.

Shaking her head, Emma glanced over at me, and I could see the truth in her eyes. “Seth doesn’t want me like that.” Her focus went back to the road. “When he heard about Nikolai’s plan to wrangle in my brother, he came to check on me, especially when he heard that you were fighting. He knows about our past and figured I’d be involved somehow.”

The blood started to soak through my T-shirt. “You shouldn’t have come tonight. What were you thinking?”

Emma’s lip trembled, but she held her head high. “I didn’t want you alone.”

I didn’t want to think about what would’ve happened to her if I had lost. Reaching over, I took one of her hands off the steering wheel and brought it to my lips. “I’m sorry you had to see me like that.”

Blinking back her tears, Emma turned to me. “I watched you fight for your life and do it with honor. All you did was defend yourself. You did what you had to do.”

I averted my gaze and looked over at the side-view mirror to see Seth close on our tail in his dark gray Bugatti Chiron. “And what is this other Michelson going to have us do?”

Emma released a stifled breath. “I don’t know but being on his side is a much better choice than the other.”

We’ll see about that.
