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Everyone was there when we arrived at Ethan’s house, including my sister. They all stared in horror when Carter came in, covered in blood and purple bruises with gashes on his arm and chest. Seth and one of his men came inside while the others stayed in the driveway to keep watch. Seth didn’t know if Nikolai would make a move, but he wanted to be prepared. That thought didn’t settle well with me. The last thing I wanted was to look out my window every time I left the house or worry if someone was following me. Carter was my main concern. Nikolai wanted him dead, and I had a feeling he’d do whatever he could to make that happen.

The man who came in with Seth was named Benny; he was considered a soldier in mafia terms. Benny looked in his mid-thirties with a perfectly bald head and dark brown eyes. While Carter took a shower, Seth gave me a quick rundown of the Michelson family hierarchy. He was the oldest son and the one who would step up to take his father’s place when that time came. Nikolai wanted to prove he could be the leader, which had sparked the rivalry between him and Seth. Our involvement only fueled the fire.

Once Carter was out of the shower, he sat down at the kitchen table while Benny worked on his wounds. Benny didn’t say a word the entire time; he was the strong, silent type as Seth put it. My brother and the others stayed in the living room while Seth explained to Carter the inner workings of his family. There was a lot I was sure he left out, but I was okay with that. It was probably best we didn’t know everything.

As soon as Benny was done with Carter’s arm, he wrapped it in gauze, and we joined the rest of the group in the living room. Reagan was on the couch with Brooks and Ripp while Ethan and Braden stood near the windows, taking their turns peering out. The infuriating part was that it wasn’t just Carter and me having to look over our shoulders; it was everyone else, including my sister. I dreaded that being our lives, always having to be on guard.

Crossing his arms over his broad chest, Ethan narrowed his gaze at Seth. “So, you’re Nikolai’s brother?”

Seth glanced over at me. “And a friend of your sister’s.” Then, he focused back on Ethan. “I can already tell you don’t trust me.”

Carter leaned against the wall, and I snuggled into his side. “Why should we?” Carter called out.

Sighing, Seth acknowledged everyone in the room. “I’m not saying you should, but I am here because I want to help.”

Braden stepped forward, his anger palpable. “Why? Why would you turn on your brother?”

Seth’s demeanor darkened, and the muscles in his jaw clenched. “Nikolai threatens everything my family built. He’s reckless and unpredictable. My father said Nikolai’s idea was to bring in Scar to lure you all in. My family made a lot of money when your parents fought for him.”

Braden snarled with disgust. “They were forced to fight, including my mother. Do you want to know what Scar made her do?”

Seth breathed out a long exhale and shook his head. “I can only imagine. The thought sickens me to my fucking core.” Then, gaze serious, he faced us all. “If I had my way, I’d release you from this. But unfortunately, it’s going to take some time. My brother’s started something that I have to finish.”

Carter squeezed my waist, pulling me in closer to his body. “Where do we go from here?” he asked, his gaze pinned on Seth. “Nikolai’s not the type of guy to back down.”

Seth nodded. “You’re right, he’s not. I don’t know what he’s going to do, but as always, expect the worst. I’m going to stay in California for a while, so you’ll have my protection. My guys are going to watch him. If he tries anything, I’ll intervene for my family’s sake. I can’t have him fucking everything up. So, from now on, you’ll be my fighters, not Nikolai’s.”

“What does that even mean, Seth?” I asked him. “These guys are my family.” I waved a hand at my brother and the others. “Will they have to fight to the death like Carter did tonight?”

They all stared at Seth, wondering the same thing. Luckily, Seth shook his head, giving me a semblance of relief. “I would never force anyone into a fight like Carter endured tonight. I will leave that up to the individual fighter.”

It wasn’t what I wanted to hear; there was a lot of gray area in his response. Before I could ask more questions, my phone rang and I looked up at Carter, my stomach dropping with dread when I saw Nikolai’s name on my screen. Reagan jumped up from the couch, concern etched on her face. “Sis, who is it?”

“It’s Nikolai,” I said, looking over at Seth.

Seth hurried over and Carter wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. “Answer it, Emma,” Carter said. Seth agreed with a nod.

After gulping down a steadying breath, I exhaled it fast. “What do you want, Nikolai?”

“I know you’re all there,” he growled. “Put me on speaker.”

I pressed the speaker button and held the phone out so everyone could hear. “You’re on.”

“Good,” Nikolai said, his voice deep and menacing. “That means I only have to say this once. I’m coming for each one of you, including you, brother. The game has just started.”

Seth stopped in front of me, his dark and dangerous glare on my phone. “I look forward to it.”

Nikolai hung up and my chest constricted around my heart. His threat was serious, which meant everyone I loved was in the crossfire. When will it ever end?

Carter leaned in and kissed the side of my neck. “I beat him at his game tonight, Emma. So whatever he throws at us, we’ll win.

Ethan pounded his fists together. “That’s the fucking truth. I say let him come.”

Braden rested an arm on Ethan’s shoulder. “I agree.”

Ripp and Brooks nodded to show their support while Reagan came over and hugged me. “Same goes for me. I’m ready for anything.”

I hugged her tight. “So am I.”

Carter moved to the middle of the group and peered around at all of us while Seth and Benny moved back. “One more thing,” he said, voice low, “We have to keep this to ourselves. No getting our parents involved. Are we all agreed?”

He acknowledged each person individually and they all nodded, sealing the deal. Then, when he came up to me, he held me in his arms, his lips warm as they pressed against mine.

“You’re the last one. Do you agree?”

“I do,” I whispered. “This will stay between us.”
