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“Wherearewegoing, Kayla?”

“You’ll see.” Her arm is linked with mine as we strut down the street together after having dinner at some Italian bistro. At first, I was surprised she didn’t ask for Wendy’s, but I eagerly took her suggestion without argument.

Especially today of all days.

“How was your dad?” she asks.

I quickly glance down at her with the corner of my mouth moving up a little. The few times she’s seen my father have been in moments of urgency, when the doctor’s requested me to come because of his aggressive behavior and she happened to be with me. I assumed her happy attitude toward my dad was formed from politeness. Wanting to be nice to him to please me. But after I saw how much she helped my father at the charity ball, how much she took care of him, I know she genuinely likes him.

“Not good,” I reply, honestly. “He didn’t recognize me today, and when the nurse came to do his check-ups, he only replied with single words.” It’s devastating to see how my father is trapped in the shell of his body. I like to believe that the flash of recognition when I walk in is real, and not some kind of figment of my imagination. But part of me knows that it’s just something I’m desperate to believe. That he’s already slipping away, too far for me to reach him.

She squeezes my arm. “I’m sorry, babe.”

“It is what it is. I hope someday soon he’ll have a good day.”

We keep carrying our feet down the street with big strides, and I enjoy the feeling of her body next to mine. To have her close, walking beside me as if she belongs there.

“Are you saying goodbye?” Her blue eyes peer up at me. “Like, are you already preparing yourself for it?”

“I am. I know that one day, the good days will be over probably before his heart stops.” My voice sounds gruff, hating the fact that this is my reality when it comes to my father.

“I’ll be here for you.”

I place my hand over hers. “Thank you.”

She sucks a lungful of the brisk air of the night, before pushing it out with a content sigh.

“I can’t believe it’s the last day of March already. Time flies by so fast,” she mentions, and I hum in agreement. The months have certainly flown by, and if you asked me on New Year’s that I was going to spend today with Kayla Lockheart, I’d tell you to stop telling me bullshit. But now that she’s here, on my arm, I wouldn’t want to spend my day any differently.

“It’s here.” She halts us, and I look up at the front of the building.

“You want us to go to a bar?” I frown. “You’re not even allowed to drink.”

“I know.” She rolls her eyes. “But I thought we could just have fun. Have a few cocktails. Or mocktails, if you want to be a buzzkill about it. You know, do something different from watching a movie.”

I take her face in my hands, bringing my lips close to hers. “I like watching movies with you.”

“That’s because they result in sex.”

“Yeah, exactly.” I smile, then press my lips against hers.

“We can watch a movie tomorrow, okay? Let’s just go out tonight.”

“You’re just trying to cheat me into another date, aren’t you?”

Her brows raise in surprise, the light blue in her eyes dancing in the light of the moon. “So you agree they were dates?”

“No, I don’t,” I snort, trying to take back my words.

“You’re so full of shit, McKay.” With a genuine laugh, she pulls me into the bar. When we enter, the humid air hits me in the face. I follow her into the back while different kinds of spirits grace my nose. Quickly, a feeling of suspicion makes me narrow my eyes.

“Where are you going?”

She glances over her shoulder, shooting me a teasing wink without missing a single step. At the back of the bar, she exchanges a look with the bartender, and he hands her a key. I give her a tentative look, though I have an idea of where this is going, and she replies with a sneaky one.

“What are you up to?” I slowly saunter behind her as she opens a door next to the bar that’s hidden by a deep red curtain.

“I could ask you the same, McKay,” she taunts, with a scowl. “I thought that you and I established some kind of friendship.” She swings the door open. Behind it sits a spiral staircase, and at a slow pace, she starts to climb it. It’s dark, only a small light on top giving some view of the steps.

“We have.” I drag out the words, a little confused where we are going.

“See! You’d think that.” She reaches the top, then waits for me to join her. “But if that was the case, you would’ve told me that today is your birthday.”

I halt at her words, feeling busted as fuck, blinking at her smug grin.

“Happy birthday!” Lights flip on, and my heart jumps out of my chest at the sudden voices blasting around me. I snap my head toward the noise through the railing, looking into the room. My eyes instantly lock with Jensen’s before I let them roam to the other five people waiting for me with beaming smiles. I see Rae, Jensen’s girlfriend, Hunter Hansen and his wife, Charlotte, Jason Spencer, one of the boys Jensen and I used to hang out with when we were living in L.A., and a girl I don’t know.

“What the fuck?” I blurt, stunned. A big banner hangs above their heads that says Happy Birthday outback Jack, something I’m sure was Jensen’s idea, and the rest of the area is decorated with black and white balloons that say thirty on them. They break out in song, singing Happy Birthday while I make the rest of the steps up.

“You didn’t think you could hide your birthday from me, right?” Kayla’s hands are propped up on her sides.

“I’m sorry.” I bite my lip, my fingers wrapping around her neck, desperate to kiss her. “I didn’t want to make a big deal about it.”

“Too bad.” She smirks and I let out a chuckle.

“Thank you.” I press my lips to her forehead, then make my way to my friends.

“Happy birthday, fuckface!” Jensen greets me with open arms, and I give him a hug as he slaps my back.

“Thank you, I can’t believe you’re all here,” I gleam. I received birthday messages from everyone this morning. I even did a FaceTime session with Rae, but after I told everyone I didn’t really plan to do anything with my birthday, I thought that was it. I would grab some dinner with Kayla, watch a movie, and head to bed. But now that they are here, my heart fills to ridiculous proportions, feeling the love they have for me.

“You didn’t really think we weren’t going to do anything for your thirtieth birthday?” Rae scolds with a ghost of a smile. I wrap her in my arms, squeezing her body tight against mine.

“I guess not.” When I let go of her, her brown eyes stand out against her blonde hair, peering up at me with kindness. “Happy birthday, Bodi.”

My gaze meets Hunter’s, looking like the forever bad boy with his black snapback on backwards like always. His eyes are sparkling, no longer filled with the despair that glossed them when I first met him. He reaches out his hand, and I eagerly take it before he pulls me into a hug.
